There was a sound of breaking wind, and the gun came out like a dragon. Huo Qubing stabbed from top to bottom, and went straight to Tu Biyan's chest!

Cold sweat broke out on Tu Biyan's back. He hurriedly picked up the long knife and moved the tip of the gun. Although the position of the muzzle was shifted, the sharp tip of the gun scratched Tu Biyan's right hand, causing pain. Next, Tu Biyan gritted his teeth and jumped back hastily.

But as soon as he jumped away, he heard a cold snort.

But it was Qin Ze who came on horseback. Although after more than an hour of fighting, Qin Ze was already feeling tired, but at this moment when facing Tu Biyan, his blood was rising, and his whole body seemed to have endless strength.

Qin Ze's eyes were like lightning, he looked exactly where Tu Biyan would jump to, he gripped the formation-breaking halberd and slashed away!

Seeing this fierce halberd, Tu Biyan's heart skipped a beat. Although he thought he was good at martial arts, what he was best at was fighting on the fly. At this moment, he had lost his horse and faced two people at the same time. It has made him lose his sense of proportion.

Immediately, as soon as he landed, he could only hold the long blade across his chest.


The next moment, the formation-breaking halberd slashed hard at Tu Biyan's chest, and a sound of gold and iron clashing came.

At the same time, Tu Biyan fell back violently, groaning in his mouth, and then spat out a large mouthful of blood with a "wow" sound.

It turned out that Qin Ze's formation-breaking halberd was extremely sharp. Although Tu Biyan had already held a knife to his chest, the horizontal blade of the formation-breaking halberd penetrated directly into his chest along the armor!

Coupled with the powerful and heavy chopping force, this halberd seriously injured Tu Biyan!

Although there was not much blood flowing out of Tu Biyan's chest at the moment, Qin Ze knew that his halberd had pierced the internal organs in his abdominal cavity!

Qin Ze raised his eyes to look at Tu Biyan who was barely getting up from the ground, his eyes were extremely cold.

Huo Qubing on the side was already walking towards Tu Biyan with a spear in hand.

Tu Biyan's body was swaying, and his face was already pale. He put one hand on his chest and gasped for breath, but soon he started laughing miserably.

"Qin Ze, I underestimated you, but even if you kill me, it won't help!"

"You shouldn't have killed Khan! If you kill him, there will be violent revenge! Hahaha!"

Having said this, Tu Biyan vomited out blood, and then panted:

"In today's battle, you don't have many soldiers left. When my Beihu army comes, you just wait to die!"

Tu Biyan raised his head with all his strength, his eyes were beginning to become cloudy, and he looked at Hurong Pass in the distance, and then continued:

"Don't say that this Hurong Pass is Daqian, that's the same..."

Before he finished speaking, a plum-blossom spear was placed on his neck, and then Huo Qubing said coldly:

"Let me tell you something, your leader Tu Yuchun is not dead yet."

As soon as he finished speaking these words, Tu Biyan's eyes suddenly widened and he looked at Huo Qubing with an expression of disbelief. He pointed at Huo Qubing and said in a trembling voice:

"Are you, you are cheating! What on earth are you..."

Before he could finish his words, Huo Qubing snorted coldly, raised his hand and fired a shot, directly piercing Tu Biyan's head!

Blood spurts out!

Tu Biyan slowly fell down in shock!

"Lord, I will inform you about the situation in the Beihu military camp later. Let's deal with these remaining soldiers first!" Huo Qubing turned to look at Qin Zedao.

"Yeah! Get rid of these people!"

As soon as the words fell, Qin Ze and Huo Qubing rode away on horseback to kill the remaining Hu Ma soldiers!

The death of Tu Biyan undoubtedly caused the Hu Ma soldiers to lose their last support. Facing the extremely powerful Tiger and Leopard Cavalry and Qin Rui Shi, they would no longer be able to resist!

The next battle went very smoothly.

The battle has become one-sided. The Hu Ma soldiers who were killed were turned upside down and had no time to escape!

In fact, when the battle has reached this point, the Hu Ma soldiers have very little physical strength left, but Qin Ze's troops are still capable of fighting.

At dusk, with the death of the last Beihu soldier, the battle finally came to an end.

The sun has set in the west, and the breeze is blowing. The air is filled with a strong smell of blood. The corpses of tens of thousands of people lie on the grassland, stretching for several miles!

Qin Ze was breathing heavily, and the hair in front of his forehead was stuck with blood. The broken formation halberd in his hand felt quite heavy when he picked it up. The war horse had already been stabbed multiple times by Beihu soldiers and fell to the ground.

Looking up, countless corpses were piled on the ground, and only about 4,000 people were still able to stand up.

In the previous battles to exterminate bandits, there were basically no big battle losses, but this time when facing the Hu Ma soldiers, more than 10,000 people were lost. Qin Ze knew in his heart that these Hu Ma soldiers were not weak at all. .

But in the end, almost all the Huma soldiers were wiped out this time, and only a few dozen Huma remnants took advantage of the chaotic fighting to escape back to the grassland.

At this moment, Huo Qubing came on horseback.

Seeing Qin Ze's appearance, Huo Qubing hurriedly jumped off his horse, walked quickly to Qin Ze and supported him.

"Lord, how are you, are you okay?" Huo Qubing asked with concern.

Qin Ze waved his hand, "It's okay, some skin injuries, how are you?"

Qin Ze saw that Huo Qubing was covered in blood, his beard and hair were messy, and his handsome face showed fatigue.

He understood that Huo Qubing must have done a lot behind the scenes since he led his troops the night before.

Huo Qubing smiled and shook his head, "I'm fine. I just had a stomachache after eating some raw horse meat."

Qin Ze chuckled and patted his shoulder.

"As long as it's okay, what's going on at Beihu Military Camp, and what's going on with the head you brought?"

As soon as he said this, Huo Qubing's face tightened, he cupped his fists towards Qin Ze and said:

"My lord, the last general failed to take down Tu Yuchun's head, so he could only use a feint to make these Beihu soldiers confused."

"The last general was monitoring outside the Beihu military camp and saw the appearance of their leader, so he cut off the head of a Beihu soldier who looked similar to him, then disfigured the face and brought it over as the head of Tu Yuchun."

"There are still less than 20,000 Beihu soldiers and horses in the Beihu military camp!"

"In the past few days since I left, I have been..."

Huo Qubing detailed his actions over the past few days. After listening, Qin Ze nodded slightly and cast an appreciative look.

"well done!"

"If you hadn't brought this fake human head, these Hu Ma soldiers would have fled back to the grassland."

"To win a big victory today, there can be no mistakes in any aspect."

Huo Qubing nodded and said:

"There is still a large group of soldiers and horses in the Beihu military camp. After this battle, I am afraid that if they become cautious, they will flee back to the grassland. Alas, it is a pity that they could not all be wiped out!"

As soon as he said this, Qin Ze's eyes turned cold and he said in a deep voice:

"Don't worry, they can't escape."

"In the war of annihilation, they must all be annihilated!"

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