The fiefdom increases by 1 soldier in 1 second, and the empress kneels down and begs not to rebel

Chapter 1: Great achievements shock the master, and he kills the donkey.

"The son of General Xuan Huwei, Qin Ze went to the palace. He was granted permission to enter the court without any hesitation. He went to the palace with swords and shoes."

In the eighth year of Zhengde in the Daqian Dynasty, outside the Jinluan Palace, the eunuch in front of the emperor shouted.

As soon as he finished speaking, a tall figure walked towards him. This was a young man with a stern face, eyes like stars, and a handsome figure.

Wearing a gorgeous dress with gold and jade threads, it is indescribably expensive, and with a gold sword in his eyes, he looks even more majestic.

Before entering the palace, Qin Ze could already feel the chilling atmosphere, and his face became colder and colder.

The past came to mind. This was already the eighteenth year of his time travel.

The place where he was born is called Daqian, which is a country that does not belong to any dynasty in history.

Daqian's territory covers tens of millions of square kilometers. It is a country with strong national power, and he is the son of Qin Haotian, the most famous general of the Daqian Dynasty.

His father, Qin Haotian, was brave and capable of commanding the army. His Red Flame Army was powerful and famous in all directions.

At that time, Daqian's national power was weak, and its territory was not as vast as it is now. It was often invaded by foreign tribes, and the people suffered terribly.

But after Qin Haotian's successive battles, he finally won the great power of Daqian!

As the son of Qin Haotian, Qin Ze practiced martial arts and the art of war since he was a child. At the age of fifteen, he began to fight with his father in the north and south, and also gained a great reputation.

But all that changed a year ago.

In a battle to conquer Fusang, the Qin family encountered huge changes.

This battle was particularly brutal. Qin Haotian was attacked by Fusang and was killed on the water. Hundreds of thousands of soldiers of the Red Flame Army were also killed in that battle.

Qin Ze was not involved in that battle. After learning the bad news, he was extremely sad and vowed to kill Fusang and make everyone pay for their lives.


After that battle, Jin Fengluan, the current empress of the Daqian Dynasty, signed an agreement with Fusang. Fusang surrendered to Daqian, became her vassal, and paid tribute every year.

After learning the news, Qin Ze hurried back to the capital, only to find that the empress had issued an imperial edict to take away the military symbols, and the soldiers under his father were scattered among other armies.

At that moment Qin Ze understood.

Daqian's position is now stable, foreign countries have surrendered, and the world has been settled. There is no need for such a powerful general with great achievements.

After that, as he expected, the female emperor no longer gave the Qin family any military power after relying on the Qin family to solve foreign troubles.

The Qin family was under strict surveillance during this year and could be said to be under house arrest in the capital.

In the early morning, Qin Ze received a secret letter from his father's old department.

The Red Flame Army was dispersed and mixed into other armies. Some of the generals were grateful for the kindness of the Qin family, so they paid a huge price this time to pass this secret letter into the Qin Mansion.

The secret letter said that today the empress will grant the Qin family a fiefdom. No matter where the fiefdom is, they must not show any dissatisfaction, otherwise the Qin family will surely face disaster.

Qin Ze knew clearly in his heart that the Qin family had made so many great contributions, and everyone in the world saw it. Now that the status of the cadres was stable, if the empress was to kill the donkey and kill the heroes openly, it would also chill the whole world.

Therefore, she would choose to grant a fiefdom as a reason to silence the world!

At this moment, Qin Ze had arrived in front of the main hall. He looked up and saw the civil and military officials standing on both sides of the hall. Sitting above the main hall was the empress Jin Fengluan.

Qin Ze lowered his eyes, stepped into the Jinluan Palace, and bowed to salute.

"The last general, Qin Ze, pays homage to His Majesty."

In the dragon chair, the golden phoenix Luan wears a crown of phoenix clouds and nine dragon robes, sitting upright in the chair.

The face is extremely delicate, like a piece of finely carved jade. The face is fair and delicate, moist and shiny, with bright eyes and white teeth, and the majesty of Fengyi Jiutian is revealed between the eyebrows.


Just two simple words, but they carry an unquestionable majesty, and you can hear the coldness in them.

Jin Fengluan opened her lips lightly and said:

"General Huwei has made great contributions to the imperial court throughout his life, conquering the south and the north. Now that the world has been established, you should be rewarded according to the law. Qin Ze, when I recruit you into the palace this time, you will be rewarded based on your merits."

Jin Fengluan turned his head slightly, glanced at the ministers, then landed on Qin Ze, and continued:

"Your father has worked hard all his life and made great achievements. If he were alive, I would have made him the only king with a different surname in my Dagang, but it's a pity..."

"That's all, Youdao is like a tiger father but no dog son. You can also see the shadow of your father in you, Qin Ze.

Having said this, Jin Fengling looked at the ministers and continued:

"My dear friends, Beiliang is a vast land, tens of thousands of miles away. What do you think of granting this land to Qin Ze?"

Upon hearing this, Qin Ze sneered in his heart.

Beiliang is the poorest place in the territory of Daqian, with a vast territory and sparsely populated areas. In the past year, there were even rumors that Hu Ma was rebelling again and gave Beiliang as a fief for himself. This is not forcing his family to die in There!

What a vicious heart!

The ministers looked at each other with different expressions, some lamented, some grinned coldly, and some had a sinister smile on their lips.

"But it doesn't matter!" Jin Fengluan said coldly.

After the words fell, Zhang Li, the official minister, bowed and said:

"Your Majesty, please be honest, this is inappropriate."

“General Qin fought against the Huma in the north, the Southern Barbarians in the south, Fusang in the east, and the Xirong in the west. After ten years of campaigning, our Dagang was as prosperous as it is today, with guests from all over the world serving it.

It's a pity that General Qin died in the last naval battle. How could his only descendant be enshrined in such a bitter and cold place? The minister suggested that the title of Binhai King should be changed and Suzhou and Hangzhou should be granted as their fiefdoms, which would also be regarded as comforting General Qin's spirit in heaven. "

As soon as he finished speaking, Wang Yong, the Secretary of the Ministry of Revenue, walked out of the team with his fat body, bowed and said:

"Tianguan's words are wrong. General Qin's military life has always been a taboo for pleasure. His son Qin Ze also became famous at a young age and has the same style as his father. Doesn't your arrangement like this insult General Qin's reputation?"

Another person said: "What Wang Shangshu said is absolutely true. The vast territory of Beiliang is not the place where General Qin can show off his talents?"

"In the past two years, it has been said in the army that the young general has extraordinary martial arts skills and is a down-to-earth man. I think Beiliang is a good place for him. The young general can lead troops to fight, and he can lead the people to reclaim wasteland. After a few years of experience, wouldn’t it be wonderful? Hahaha.”

Qin Ze glanced at the person who spoke. He was Huang Long, the general in charge of the Panlong Army. This man had always been at odds with his father. He didn't have much ability to lead troops in war, but he loved to take credit.

After the Red Flame Army was disbanded, Daqian is now the most powerful with his Panlong Army.

At this moment, a majestic voice fell.

"Okay, everyone who loves me has their own reasons, but I think it's not bad to confer Beiliang to Qin Ze. Qin Ze, are you willing to go to Beiliang?"

Jin Fengluan's cold gaze was like a sharp blade, shining directly on Qin Ze.

Qin Ze naturally knew that if he said half a word "no" at this time, the Qin family would definitely encounter something unexpected. Just as he was about to speak, a strange voice suddenly came into his ears.

【Ding! The Supreme Lord system is loading....]

[Loading completed. 】

[Supreme Lord System: Get 1 point every 1 second, and 1 point can be exchanged for 1 population! Note: The exchange population is young adults. 】

[Accumulate a certain amount of points and go to the system mall to redeem armaments and generals! 】

A large amount of information came into Qin Ze's mind. His eyes narrowed and his heartbeat suddenly accelerated.

Zongzi, you are finally here! ! !

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