I don’t know how long it had been, maybe a few seconds, maybe a few days, but in the vast universe, along some unpredictable channel, I finally got a familiar response.

In a hidden corner around the chaotic star field, in a transparent space, a white light quickly rose up, bringing up the starlight all over the sky, and rushed straight along the tunnel that spanned the void.


Along with the beam of light that passed through the depths of the universe and directly crossed the void, a force suddenly descended.

The brilliant power of the sun covered the seemingly dead egg, and suddenly, the dim white light on the surface was quickly ignited.

Suddenly, there was movement in the dead silence.

The descendants of the Sun God who died inside began to recover, and a powerful and pure energy will entered into it.

This is Michael, the most powerful angel of light after Gabriel, the king of angels of light.

Under the ceremony presided over by Zheng Yi, his soul and body were directly extracted.

Unlike other creatures, angels are energy bodies. When their souls are extracted, their bodies are directly transferred into this dead egg.

Unknowingly, with Zheng Yi's assistance, the existence of this last dead egg of the Sun God's bloodline circulating in the world has undergone earth-shaking changes, as if it had been completely replaced by stealing the sky and replacing the day.

Fortunately, the Sun God Clan was completely destroyed, otherwise if they were discovered by the Sun God Clan, it would have been an unimaginable disaster.

But this is also a last resort. If the Sun lineage wants to re-condense the blood of the gods, this is the only way. Otherwise, it will just disappear with the passage of time.


A surging breath vibrated directly from the surroundings of the giant egg.

The giant egg, which had been motionless, began to vibrate.

The sound of the heartbeat quickly increased from weak to strong, and almost in the blink of an eye, it reached a frequency and continued to spread outward.

For Zheng Yi, this is also a gamble.

It is not so easy to accomplish.

The pure energy body of the angel of light Michael took over the magpie's nest, which was equivalent to the reincarnation of an angel. He directly replaced the dead egg of the sun god clan, nurtured it with the power of light, and resurrected it.

Powerful life waves spread out in all directions, and the impact they brought made countless believers feel an irrepressible throbbing that continued to surge deep in their hearts.

For them, this powerful pressure not only brought the suppression of realm, but also the suppression of blood from deep in their hearts.

The life that was undoubtedly transforming was actually an extremely powerful and terrifying existence that was closely connected to them and even shared the same beliefs as them.

The terrifying existence that they need to believe in is the god in their ego consciousness.

Just from the fluctuation of blood and the beating of heart, they understood that the great Sun God had returned to their world.

For a moment, believers across the entire planet became extremely excited.

The already devout faith was greatly strengthened to an unimaginable degree.

Many believers directly became more fanatical believers.

As the sound of this heartbeat spread to the entire planet, many fanatical believers emerged among this group of devout believers.

The surging power of faith becomes more solid and powerful.

The surging force constantly impacted the surroundings, and the power it brought gave everyone unimaginable power.

It emerged out of thin air, turned into burning flames, and condensed around the giant egg, bringing it huge nutrients and urging it to grow rapidly.

This process is a grand sacrifice.

Moreover, the treasures prepared around that contained the most yang and strong power melted quickly, and the power that poured out continued to echo in the space, surrounding the giant egg and providing a huge supply of energy.

The giant egg condensed in the center of the temple. Thick energy enveloped the surroundings, almost turning into mist, covering everything.

Only the surging power of faith continued to flow into this space.

As the giant egg hatched, the most devout voice of faith rang out across the entire planet.

The reverberating sound spread to every corner of the space, bringing with it a spreading echo, and condensed into the temple.


Ten years later!

The temple has been surrounded by thick fog.

Within a radius of dozens of kilometers, countless believers pray to this temple.

If the high priest had not ordered the Knights of the Divine Religion to block the surrounding areas, I am afraid that more believers would have entered here.

Every believer looked at the temple with fanaticism on their faces, chanting word for word the most devout faith in their hearts.

For them, a ray of golden light surged from them.

The power of faith that was constantly chanting condensed in mid-air, entwined and condensed together to form a golden divine light that completely wrapped the giant egg.

In the temple, Zheng Yi was watching the changes of the giant egg.

"It took ten years to hatch, swallowed a large amount of the sun's essence, and digested a large amount of precious materials in the warehouse of the Sun God Clan."

"With the blessing of the endless power of faith, it has finally reached the point where it is about to hatch!"

"The first sixteen-winged Seraphim was finally born in this world—Michael!"

The burning golden flames wrapped around the surface of the giant egg layer by layer, seeming to cover the entire temple.

Suddenly, a beam of light rose directly from the giant egg and fell into the space of the Sun God Clan.


After Zheng Yi transformed the inheritance land of the Sun God Clan, the evil left by the previous Dharma Ancestor Wutan completely disappeared.

All the previous evil abnormalities disappeared with Zheng Yi's change.

All that remains is an empty land of inheritance.

"Solar Space!"

Suddenly, above the highest level of space, a beam of light appeared at the highest point.

Suddenly, bright light shone in all directions, nourishing the entire place of inheritance.

The dazzling sun light covered the entire space.

The traces left by other energies were directly wiped out by the power of the sun god, and eventually turned into ashes and slowly disappeared.

In the entire land of inheritance, there is only one source of power left, and that is the power of the sun god.

As the power of the sun god expanded, it gradually covered more and more distant areas.

The divine light surged in the space, and the power of the sun spread out in all directions like a tide.

It seems that all that is left in the world is a bright place.


He was surprised to find that the originally incomplete version of the "Sun Mother Sutra" actually appeared in its entirety and flooded into his mind.

In the place of inheritance, Zheng Yi obtained the remaining version of "The Sun Mother Sutra", thus opening up the true meaning of the sun.

It was thought that the real "Mother Sun Sutra" had completely disappeared with the disappearance of the Sun God Clan, but no one expected that the dead egg actually contained the memory of the "Mother Sun Sutra". It became the trophy of the Seraphim Michael and entered Zheng Yi's mind.

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