The prince is now imprisoned in the East Palace. This group of ministers are all thrown into the East Palace, which is a disguised form of house arrest. When he comes out again in the future, the world outside will look like no one knows. In this way, they are finished in this life.

Everyone looked at Li Fei and wanted to rush over to twitch her tendons and drink her blood. If Li Fei hadn't encouraged her with all her strength, they wouldn't have done such a thing.

Li Fei curled up into a ball, not daring to raise her head to look at the crowd. Her heart was high and full of fear.

After the ministers were dragged away, the queen whispered to the emperor: "These adults are all in important positions. Isn't it a bit..."

"There are countless talented people in the court. Let Lao Jiu arrange a few to fill the vacancies."

"Your Majesty, no, you cannot leave such an important matter to him. When appointing officials, your Majesty must personally select the right person."

The emperor looked at the queen, was silent for a moment, and then said: "Let me hold the ink flute while I think about it."

The queen said nothing more, and both of them looked at the curled-up Concubine Li at the same time.

Concubine Li's heart trembled when they saw her, and she immediately crawled to the emperor's feet.

"Your Majesty, I really have no disobedience. Everything I did was because I was worried about Your Majesty!"

"I grew up by His Majesty's side, and have been serving His Majesty since I was young. I have no background or family background, and no one to rely on. There is only one Your Majesty in my world. Your Majesty is my biggest support and biggest background. The dearest person. Your Majesty, how could I have such thoughts for my only relative... Your Majesty, you have to believe me."

Li Fei's eyes were red and she cried miserably.

She grabbed the emperor's clothes and cried so hard that she seemed to have been greatly wronged.

Her life experience is also the reason why the emperor has favored her for so many years.

A woman who has nothing but relies on him, I believe any man will show her a little more pity. Concubine Li had no background or a strong maternal clan behind her, which was why the emperor was willing to favor her all the time.

What she said now was obviously to make the emperor soften his heart.

The Queen narrowed her eyes, and then said softly after Concubine Li's words: "Yes, Concubine Li has been serving His Majesty since she was a child. Her sincerity towards His Majesty is seen by everyone. This time, it must be because she is worried about His Majesty's health. , there is absolutely no other reason.”

"Concubine Li was born in a lonely life. She doesn't have many relatives around her anymore. Only Your Majesty and the Crown Prince are left. You are her support, how could she have any dissent?"

After the queen finished speaking, Concubine Li looked at the queen in shock with wide eyes.

The emperor, who was originally a bit soft-hearted, suddenly became ugly.

He looked at Concubine Li coldly for a while, and then said coldly: "She used to rely on me, but I'm afraid not anymore. I'm old and can't protect her anymore. She can't wait to get her." Her son has taken my place."

Li Fei was stunned for a moment, and then knocked on the ground with a bang: "Your Majesty, I never meant this, I definitely didn't mean it."

Queen: "Yeah, she definitely didn't, you..."

"Shut up!" Li Fei suddenly interrupted the queen, pointed at the queen and yelled uncontrollably, "It's all you, everything is your conspiracy, you and your son are plotting against us two."

Emperor: "Presumptuous! Who are you talking to?"

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