Yang Yuheng did not stay there because he had not lived enough and did not want to die so early.

Following Chen Yuan back to Fengyu Tower in a daze, he poured himself several large glasses of cold water before he recovered.

Chen Yuan drank tea and waited for Yang Yuheng to calm down a little before asking: "Do you still think he is a good match?"

Yang Yuheng: "..."

"Concubine Li gave His Majesty the pillow wind, and His Majesty also wanted to use our Chen family to contain the Ninth Prince, so that the two princes could achieve a check and balance and make his imperial power more stable."

"This marriage is good for the prince and your majesty, but I am the only one who will be sacrificed."

"If I get married, my whole life will be over. If I don't marry, our Chen family will have to bear the charge of resisting the imperial decree and being disrespectful. This just gives His Majesty a reason to take back the military power from my father. Then the Chen family can be crushed to death at will. Ant."

Chen Yuan looked at Yang Yuheng steadily: "In this case, I have no choice. Finding someone to get married as soon as possible is the only solution I can think of so far."

"If you agree, I will announce to the public that we have known each other privately for a long time and have made a lifelong commitment. I will ask my parents to push forward the marriage process as soon as possible. Are there any problems on your side?"

Yang Yuheng: "..."

This is getting married, this is not buying cabbage at the vegetable market, and the deal is done when the price is right.

Yang Yuheng rubbed his head, and after a while he said with some difficulty: "Is this too hasty? Why me?"

"Are you hasty? I have been thinking about it all night. I am not hasty, I am very careful. As for why it is you... I think you are very good. If the marriage partner is you, I think it is okay."

Yang Yuheng: "...Thank you for your affirmation of me."

He was really powerless.

Chen Yuan looked at his somewhat resistant look, thought for a while, stood up, walked to Yang Yuheng and squatted down, looked up at him, and said softly: "If you don't marry me...can you bear to watch me marry the prince?"

Yang Yuheng: "...I can't bear it."

"Then can you bear to see me ruined like this for the rest of my life?"


"Are we half friends after all? Now that my friend is in trouble, you can just help him a little bit. Isn't it considered a embarrassment?"


"I don't want you to give too much as a betrothal gift. All you need to do is make a show of it. After the wedding, I will return everything to you. At that time, I will also bring back the dowry that my parents prepared for me. We will If we separate in the future, I will not take away this dowry, I will leave it all to you. Think about it, you will not lose anything, right? On the contrary, if you become an official in the court in the future, my father will definitely accept this relationship. To help you. This marriage can only be good for you."

The corners of Yang Yuheng's mouth twitched, and his brain was almost turning into a pot of mush.

This was the first time he knew that Chen Yuan could speak so well.

This girl usually has an expressionless face and doesn't speak much. She usually only speaks one or two words.

Hearing her say so much at once, Yang Yuheng's head was confused.

Chen Yuan gave the final blow: "If I marry the prince, our Chen family will definitely become a sharp knife in the hands of the prince and assist him in ascending to the throne of God. Do you want to see such a hypocrite with corrupt moral character achieve that position? When the time comes, How can the people of the world be happy in his hands?"

Yang Yuheng's blood rushed to his head: "This kind of person must never be allowed to ascend to the throne of God."

Chen Yuan: "Then you want to marry me?"

Yang Yuheng: "Marry!"

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