With the disappearance of Tuoba Xuan, the false peace between the two countries was gradually torn apart. Finally, an urgent letter of military intelligence from the border was sent to the palace over a distance of 800 miles, which completely broke the peace.

Chen Yuan got into a fight with someone at the border.

The report said that the enemy sent the second prince to the palace for peace talks, while at the same time sending people to harass border towns, making the people on the border miserable. Generals such as Chen Yuan tolerated it many times, but the enemy kept pushing it. Chen Yuan could no longer tolerate it and fought with the enemy in order to protect the people.

The two armies fought, and both suffered casualties, but Chen Yuan won a small victory and drove the other side out of the pass. However, the other side was obviously unwilling to give up, and the war between the two countries was imminent, so he specially asked His Majesty for instructions.

This memorial was like a drop of water falling into an oil pan, which instantly caused huge waves and shocked the government and the public.

The emperor sat high in the hall, looked at the ministers who were in chaos below, and announced his decision: to go to war, and he would lead the army personally.

Because of Mo Xiao's words, the ministers in the court were hit hard again. After they reacted, they knelt on the ground in an instant: "Your Majesty, please reconsider."

It is no small matter for the emperor to lead the army in person.

Besides, the current emperor has only been on the throne for a few years, and his foundation is still shallow. Most importantly, he only has two sons, one is still a few years old, and the other is still in swaddling clothes, neither of them can take charge of the overall situation.

The country cannot be without a king for a day. If Mo Xiao leaves, won’t there be chaos in the court?

Just when the ministers were arguing fiercely, Mo Xiao announced his second decision: to appoint the eldest son of the emperor, Mo Chengning, as the crown prince. After he left, the crown prince would act as regent, assisted by Zhou Chen and the Minister of Revenue, who would be in charge of all court affairs.

The ministers were dumbfounded again.

The eldest prince is precocious and is raised by His Majesty personally. He has been by His Majesty's side in governing the country during this period, and his abilities have impressed everyone in the court.

However, no matter how smart he is, he is just a child of a few years old. How can he shoulder such a big responsibility?

Some old ministers felt that the emperor's decision was too absurd, so they knelt down and cried on the spot, begging His Majesty to revoke his order.

But Mo Xiao has made up his mind. He has been planning for this day for many days. How could he give up?

There was a tug of war between the two sides, and the court meeting lasted until almost noon.


The former dynasty was in turmoil, but there was a moment of peace in the harem.

When Lin Qingqing rushed into Lan Yin Palace, Lin Jiuqing was feeding Xiaobai medicine.

Xiaobai has gotten much better these days and can stand up and walk, but he is still not as lively and active as before and appears and disappears without a trace.

Seeing her stunned for a moment, Lin Qingqing quickly stepped forward and asked anxiously, "Such a big thing has happened, how can you still have the leisure to feed the cat here?"

Xiaobai saw Lin Qingqing approaching, staring at her with a pair of dark blue eyes, baring his teeth and breathing fiercely.

Lin Jiuqing quickly reached out and patted Xiaobai to comfort it: "It's okay, don't get excited, we are one family."

Xiaobai stuck out his tongue and licked Lin Jiuqing, then lowered his head and closed his eyes to rest.

Lin Jiuqing put down the things in his hand, turned around and looked at Lin Qingqing who took a few steps back in fear, and smiled apologetically: "Sorry, Xiaobai has a bad temper, did he scare you?"

Lin Qingqing looked at the black cat called Xiaobai with some fear, pursed her lips, and looked at Lin Jiuqing: "Who cares whether your cat has a good temper? I came to ask you, such a big thing happened, aren't you worried at all?"

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