After breaking up, I picked up a beautiful vampire girl

Chapter 998 Chapter 40: History always repeats itself

The World United Special Management Bureau hasn't been this lively for several years.

Representatives of the Special Management Bureau traveling to and from countries all over the world were whispering to each other in the conference room.

Some use their own language, while others use a common international language.

But no matter which group of people they are from, there is only one point they are discussing now.

That was a document submitted by the China Special Management Bureau four hours ago.

[About the restart of the Prometheus project]

The document briefly describes the dangers facing the world today. The Heavenly Court and the higher-dimensional beings behind it will allow the celestial beings to replace humans and eventually allow the world to evolve.

Some countries, such as the Northern Kingdom, naturally support the Chinese Special Management Bureau. Fenrir's envoys and the representatives of the Ninth District are about to fight.

Those who agree say that the threat from Heaven does exist and the weather in surrounding countries has been affected.

The opposition said that your Chinese Heaven will definitely only harm your Chinese land, and what does it have to do with our other countries.

We don't want to get involved in this mess.

The lips and teeth are interdependent or ignoring others' harm.

The two arguments were hotly debated before the formal meeting began.

Because now the strongest combat forces of the China Special Management Bureau, including Director Chang Yue, Deputy Director Lin Ze, and special combat force Li Muhan, have basically been invested in the battle against the Heavenly Court.

Therefore, countries such as the Ninth District do not take Qu Ran and his envoys as representatives seriously.

Qu Ran tried his best to get more votes before the meeting, but was met with ridicule and sarcasm.

Even the representatives from District 9 openly pointed out that Qu Ran was just a product made in a laboratory.

The Chinese Special Management Bureau is an agency run by a group of monsters.

It is completely different from their special management bureau which focuses on people.

If Lu Shan, Chang Yue and others were still around, this man wouldn't dare to say such things even if he had ten times the courage.

But he estimated that the Huaxia Special Management Bureau was now in a situation where it was difficult to protect itself.

The battle with the celestial warships had already been reported to the special management bureaus of various countries through secret sentries.

They saw with their own eyes the great strength of Heaven.

Even Chang Yue and Lin Ze were powerless in the face of that warship.

If it weren't for Li Muhan, Pingjing City would have been reduced to ruins by now.

This is the best opportunity to severely crush the arrogance of the Chinese Special Management Bureau, so that District 91 can regain the dominance over the World United Special Management Bureau.

"Minister Qu, don't be discouraged. We will support you at the meeting."

The envoys of the Northern Special Administration Bureau and some special administration bureaus of small countries that had received help from the Chinese Special Administration Bureau all expressed their support for her.

But Qu Ran knew very well that this alone would not be enough to make the scales of the World United Special Management Bureau tilt towards them.

Although Director Chang told Qu Ran through a special communicator.

[It's fine as long as those bastards agree. If they don't agree, then I'll just abolish the World United Special Management Bureau! If anyone objects, I'll destroy it when I come back! Don't feel any psychological pressure! It's just a formality!]

Although Chang Yue said so, Qu Ran is now a representative, so she can't really handle it that way.

Indeed, the combat capability of the Chinese Special Management Bureau is so strong that it can almost be said to be unrivaled among its peers.

The Trinity Law, the Three Stars, the Four Saints, as well as the Demon Ancestor Shuo Bai and the special combat power Li Muhan.

Picking any one of them out at random is enough to give the world a hard time.

But now none of these people are at home.

If a conflict really arises with most countries and the Special Management Bureau, a human civil war will probably break out before the heavenly army arrives.

That is the situation that Heaven wants to see most.

Li Muhan also told Qu Ran through a message.

[The higher-dimensional being once believed in humans. I don't know what made it make this decision now, but humans must unite. Only unity can make it give up this crazy idea. Minister Qu, please don't show the ugliest side of humans to those eyes at this time.]

So at this moment Qu Ran was about to cry.

What should she do.

Holding the hem of his suit tightly in his hands, Qu Ran took a deep breath.

No matter what, I am no longer the person I once was.

If they all believe me, if Li Muhan believes me.

Then I can.


Qu Ran led his delegation into the large conference room.

The entire conference room fell silent in an instant.

The woman was still in charge of the meeting.

Qu Ran remembered that she was the one who presided over the last debate on whether to abolish Prometheus.

This world is truly wonderful.

Humans worked hard to create Prometheus, and then had to decide whether to destroy it. After destroying it, they had to spend a lot of effort to reconstruct it.

Negotiation is not what Qu Ran is good at.

But now, she had to stand up, and behind her were the elites of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs sent by the Special Management Bureaus of China from all over the country.

Therefore, she will not lose this war without the smoke of gunpowder, and she absolutely cannot lose.

"Everyone, please listen to me."

This was the first time Qu Ran spoke in public without stuttering.

She used a combination of documents and projections to show everyone the current threat posed by Heaven.

Through the photos sent back by Mo Qiao, everyone saw that the Heavenly Palace had now turned into a huge steel factory.

The Nantian Gate was filled with smoke, and countless forging furnaces spewing flames were non-stop producing those terrifying war machines.

People were whispering to each other and frowning.

When he heard Qu Ran say that even Li Muhan could not completely block the attack of this war weapon.

Some people began to waver.

Even the big guy from District 91 was like that.

After all, Li Muhan is not just a section chief of the Huaxia Special Management Bureau.

He is a hero to the whole world.

If even he finds it tricky, is it really necessary to put other things aside and consider survival?

But at this moment, the representative of the Fuso Special Management Bureau stood up and interrupted Qu Ran.

And pointedly pointed out that this is not the world's problem.

It’s a problem of the Huaxia Special Management Bureau.

Nowadays, the special management bureaus in many war-torn areas of the world are facing the threat of life and death at any time.

Why can't they get assistance while your Chinese Special Management Bureau has problems?

Does the whole world have to come to your aid?

"This is definitely not just a problem for the Huaxia Special Management Bureau!"

Qu Ran argued with reason, expressing that the purpose of the existence of higher dimensions in heaven was to allow heaven to replace humans, not just China.

"At least we didn't appear to be attacked by the Heavenly Court."

The Scotland Yard representative said with a sneer.

"Your myths and your land should be protected by you, why do you want to implicate us?"

"Why is it that you and the Heaven Realm have such a bad relationship? Why don't other countries' special management bureaus have such conflicts with their own mythological aliens?"

One voice after another came one after another.

No matter what Qu Ran said, no one believed him.

No... this situation must be reversed.

Rebuilding Prometheus is not a task that can be completed by one country in a short period of time... It must be done...

"If the Huaxia Special Management Bureau can't manage its own aliens, we in District 91 don't mind lending a hand."

When the tall man said this, Qu Ran became angry.

Her eyes turned cold.

Just like the moment when she received her first injection of the drug in that laboratory.

Kill this man.

Kill everyone here.

They shouldn't be alive....They shouldn't be alive...


At this moment, the door of the conference room was kicked open.

Everyone was shocked.

Then a girl wearing a cheongsam and carrying a sledgehammer walked in.

"Who just said that they wanted to help the Huaxia Special Management Bureau?"

Many people were so frightened that they stood up.

Not for any other reason, but because many people here know this person.

It was Lingying, the director of the Engineering Department of the China Special Management Bureau.

"Minister Lingying... why are you here?" Qu Ran quickly turned around and looked at Lingying and asked.

Lingying walked in carrying a sledgehammer and touched Qu Ran's head.

"Don't be afraid, I'm here~"

The host frowned and looked at Lingying and said.

"Director Lingying, this is a meeting period. It's against the rules for you to do this."

"Rules? Well, I follow the rules, but it seems that someone thinks that there is no one left in our Huaxia Special Management Bureau, so..."

Lingying slammed the sledgehammer to the ground with a bang, looked at the representative of Area 91 with a smile, and then raised her hand and snapped her fingers.

"Come in, everyone. Let the gentlemen see if there are any more people in our Huaxia Special Management Bureau."

Then the representatives panicked.

Because a large crowd of people poured into the meeting hall.

What made these representatives panic was not because the people who came were so great.

It’s because they are basically not from the Chinese Special Management Bureau.

"Yagyu! What are you doing!?"

The representative of the Fuso Special Management Bureau immediately stood up and cursed when he saw Yagyu coming in.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Envoy, if Kyoto Prefecture does not approve this proposal, I will join the Huaxia Special Management Bureau in my personal capacity from today on."

"What did you say?!"

The same is true for most of the other members.

They were basically outliers from special management bureaus around the world, and now, they all stood firmly behind Qu Ran and Ling Ying.

At this moment, the skylight of the conference room was suddenly shattered.

Then countless feathers began to fall.

Along with the feathers came several six-winged archangels.

Their appearance completely stunned everyone present.

Michael gently landed on the ground holding a girl who was as cute as an angel.

"Thank you, uncle." Li Lingan thanked Michael politely.

"...Uncle? Well, never mind, as long as you like it."

Michael then drew out the Holy Sword of Heaven and held it high, announcing to the whole audience with a sacred and majestic voice.

[Miss Li Lingan's will is that wherever our swords point to, wherever the gospel of justice reaches]

"Then~ I want you all to support my brother in everything he decides."

[The Supreme Heaven will support all decisions made by Ms. Li Lingan]

What's going on?! Why would Heaven come to mess things up at this time?!

Before everyone could react.

The representative from the Blood Moon Teachings also stood up.

Then countless tentacles began to grow from under her nun's skirt, gradually spreading throughout the venue, and then her body slowly floated up.

Said in a low voice.

"The Blood Moon Church fully supports all decisions made by Li Muhan. If Li Muhan decides to restart Prometheus, the Blood Moon Church will fully support him."

These Outer Gods...

The representative of the Special Management Bureau of Area 91 turned green with anger.

Just then, a staff member squeezed in and said.

"The entire World United Special Management Bureau has been surrounded by aliens! He, they said they came to support the hero Li Muhan..."

Li Muhan, Li Muhan! It's Li Muhan again!

A monster! How can a monster bring together so many aliens and humans! ?

He clenched his teeth and watched more and more aliens enter the meeting room.

Now even the host could only sigh slightly.

"This has never happened before, but I think your message has been conveyed. Can you give the World United Special Management Bureau the last bit of respect?"

The woman looked at Lingying and Qu Ran and asked.


Lingying sat on the table swinging her legs, and then made a gesture of invitation.


The woman shook her head and sighed.

The Chinese Special Management Bureau is very smart.

All those who came were aliens, even forces like the Supreme Heaven.

Their position is also very clear.

You can accept it gracefully, or we can help you accept it gracefully.

If you still don't know how to appreciate it.

Then this world would not need the existence of special management bureaus like you.

Many delegations are now making phone calls, and representatives from Area 91 are also reporting on the situation here via satellite phone.

An hour later, all the representatives returned to their seats, their faces looking somewhat heavy.

The woman nodded and announced.

"We will now vote on the proposal of the Huaxia Special Management Bureau. The name of the proposal is to rebuild Prometheus. The voting time is one hour, and you are allowed to leave once during the voting."

The woman took one last look at everyone present, then looked up at the badge of the World United Special Management Bureau hanging high, sighed and said.

"Now, the voting begins."

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