The warship fell down like a mountain out of control, carrying the weight of destruction, its shadow covering the entire city, as if foreshadowing the coming of doomsday.

Blood was still flowing from the Dragon Girl's broken arm, but there was no trace of retreat in her eyes.

She gripped the spear tightly in her right hand and used all her strength to try to stop the disaster.

Her body trembled under the huge pulling force, but her will was stronger than ever.

There was a loud cracking sound, and the spear broke at this moment, and the ship's falling speed suddenly accelerated.

The dragon girl gritted her teeth, slammed her body against the bow of the ship, and flapped her wings desperately to try to stop her falling speed.

Xia Yue's figure seemed particularly petite next to the Dragon Girl, but her wings were like a giant curtain covering the sky and the sun, emitting the power of the devil.

Her wings, together with the dragon girl's arms, formed an indestructible line of defense. Although the warship was still falling rapidly, their persistence gradually slowed down the speed.

The warship's falling speed gradually slowed down with their joint efforts, but it still inevitably approached the ground.

"Don't panic, girl! I'm here to help you!!"

Chang Yue's voice came from behind, and then a pair of big hands suddenly supported the bow of the boat.

More and more people, as long as they are capable, are using their own ways to stop the warship from falling.

The Ice Phoenix soared in the night sky, its wings like two huge ice crystals, emitting a biting cold when spread out.

It flapped its wings and flew high, releasing an ice storm. The ice crystals and cold wind in the storm intertwined to form ice walls, successfully slowing down the warship's descent.

Jin Chao and Lin Ze swung their swords at the same time on both sides of the bow. The sword lights were like two dragons, cutting through the night sky. The two huge forces almost made the warship stop in mid-air.

At this moment, countless forces gathered in the sky to form a huge protective net.

This network is not only composed of the power of the Special Management Bureau. All the aliens and hidden masters put aside their grudges and contributed their own strength at this moment.

Their powers may be different, but their goal is the same - to protect the city.

Even though they usually look down on the Special Management Bureau, at this moment, they are still moved by the countless people from the Special Management Bureau who are rushing forward to protect the city.

Their figures flicker in the night sky, their strength gathers in the night sky, and their determination echoes in the night sky.

"The force! cannot! be! stopped!"

The rock monster whose half body was shattered by Su Xue's shot suddenly became extremely huge. It jumped up and slammed its body into the bow of the ship.

The collision was like a landslide, and the entire warship stopped falling completely.

But everyone soon discovered one thing: they could not carry the warship forever.

In fact, many people can no longer hold on.

Their bodies were shaking, their breathing was becoming rapid, and their strength was gradually draining away.

However, there was no retreat in their eyes, and there was no giving up in their hearts. They knew that as long as there was a glimmer of strength left, they would continue to fight.

"Hold on, everyone!!"

Chang Yue shouted.

"Hold on... hold on, you MLGBD! I can't hold on any longer! Chang Laogou! Think of a way! Damn it, otherwise it's all over!"

Lei Jian was already starting to vomit blood.

At this moment, the Dragon Girl felt a certain power trembling in her body. It was like an ancient tree buried deep underground. After countless years of silence, it finally broke out of the ground at this moment, ready to welcome a new life.

The tremor of this power was accompanied by the echo of thundering war drums, as if an extremely ancient existence in the Hall of Ten Thousand Demons had finally awakened quietly at this moment, ready to give her new power.

Bang - Bang -

Its rhythm is getting faster and faster, more and more intense.

The Dragon Girl could no longer tell whether it was the sound of ancient war drums or the surging heartbeat in her own body.

But it was obvious that the voice contained an ancient language telling her something. It was an ancient war song and a heroic legend.

On the ancient and silent battlefield, the sky was dyed dark red by blood and the earth was scorched black by the flames of war.

On this battlefield, a hero held a huge axe and shield, and even though his head was separated, he still did not stop fighting.

Although his body fell, his faith was like a blazing flame that would never go out.

"Emperor of Heaven!! You can defeat me, but you can never make me surrender!!"

This was the hero's oath and his belief in fighting until the last moment.

His eyes were firm and his voice echoed in the silent battlefield, inspiring those who came later to continue fighting.

"If the sky has blinded you, I will help you tear it apart completely!!"

This is the hero's roar and his unyielding will.

His power was awakened at this moment, and his spirit was passed on at this moment.

These words seemed to be roaring towards the sky.

But at this moment, it was his oath to voluntarily bestow power on the Lord of the Temple of Ten Thousand Demons.


With the loud noise, the Dragon Girl felt a powerful force surging into her body, which was the power of the hero.

This power carries majesty, antiquity, and an indomitable will. It flows within the Dragon Girl's body, constantly strengthening her power.

The girl's form gradually disappeared.

The moment Li Muhan revealed his true identity.

Chang Yue was the most desperate.

"Damn it! It's you, you little brat?!"

Li Muhan ignored Chang Yue. At this moment, he closed his eyes gently and felt the sound of the war drum with his heart.

Gradually, a set of animal skin armor began to cover his body.

His hair was also growing rapidly at this moment, but it was tied back with a golden hairband.

War graffiti symbolizing faith gradually appeared on Li Muhan's face.

The wound on the broken arm also began to heal, and new muscles and skin were growing rapidly.

He holds an axe in his right hand as a "Qi" and a shield in his left hand as a "Gan".

Right at this moment.

Li Muhan's eyes slowly opened, emitting a deep purple light.

"Realm, Gan Qi breaks the sky!"

With a deafening roar, Li Muhan's figure became taller and taller under the gaze of everyone.

The shield in his hand was shining brightly in the sky, as if it was the emblem of the god of war.

He used all his strength and slammed the shield into the bow of the warship. The power of that blow was like a landslide, shaking the entire sky.

Everyone felt an unprecedented sense of relief at this moment, because the originally unstoppable warship actually began to slowly fly upwards under the push of Li Muhan.

This scene, like a miracle in mythology, filled everyone's hearts with shock and awe.

boom! boom! boom!

The sound of thunder echoed in the sky, resounding through the clouds like a war drum, as if the gods were cheering for the god of war.

The sound of thunder echoed with the sound of Li Muhan's shield hitting the warship, forming a soul-stirring entry song.

Li Muhan pushed the huge warship upwards at an increasingly faster speed. His figure shuttled through the clouds like a god controlling the storm.

Under the gaze of everyone, he actually pushed the warship back into the hole in the clouds. It was a huge whirlpool, like a portal to another world.

Then, Li Muhan suddenly clenched the battle axe in his hand. It was a divine weapon forged from stars, flashing with cold light.

He raised his battle axe high and chopped it hard on the top of the warship.

Then there was a continuous sound of shattering.

Under Li Muhan's attack, the warship began to crack from the bow, and the huge cracks quickly spread to the entire hull.

The metal structure of the warship seemed so fragile at this moment, as if it were made of paper.

A dazzling light emanated from the cracks, which was the explosion of energy inside the warship.

As the cracks continued to expand, the warship began to break into pieces, and metal fragments flew everywhere like a meteor shower, cutting through the sky.

Finally, the warships broke into pieces bit by bit and turned into dust that scattered across the sky. They sparkled with golden light under the sunlight, like a spectacular firework.

And this huge catastrophe, in the eyes of ordinary people, became a beautiful and spectacular meteor shower.

Li Muhan stood on the clouds. His figure looked extremely magnificent at this moment. He slowly raised his head and looked towards the even more unattainable sky.

The general holding the pagoda looked at him indifferently.


The battle axe was suddenly raised and pointed directly at the king.

The God of War said in a deep voice: "I will take back what you stole."

The king snorted coldly, shook his robe, turned around and disappeared into the sky.

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