After breaking up, I picked up a beautiful vampire girl

Chapter 961 Chapter 3: Breaking the Sky

Because of this iron plate.

Combined with the recent mysterious disappearance of a number of gods from the Special Management Bureau, all the blame is now directed at the Heavenly Court.

The White Jade Capital in the sky, which hardly cares about worldly affairs and has never shown up even in Prometheus and the end of the world, has now intervened in the mortal world.

"Li Muhan."

Chang Yue suddenly read out Li Muhan's name.

"You said that the child of Prometheus showed you the future. In the future when the end is coming and the Tara tribe is wreaking havoc, did the Heaven Court participate in that war?"

Li Muhan stood up and said after thinking for a moment.


"Damn it, come up and talk!" Chang Yue waved at Li Muhan.

Li Muhan scratched his head and walked to the front of the stage.

"Director Chang, I'm nervous."

"You're so nervous, have you forgotten that you showed us photos of you and your girlfriend showing affection during your first work report?"

"Fuck, don't mention it. I get goosebumps."

"Then report your work immediately!"

Li Muhan cleared his throat.

He told everyone roughly what he had seen in Leia's deduction.

In that era when humans were almost extinct.

Even the Four Saints were not spared and died in battle one after another.

Li Muhan couldn't say whether there was any shadow of heaven in this.

But he did see a magnificent warship that was so huge that it almost covered the sky and was looming in the clouds.

And among the wreckage on the ground, there are also shadows of some large warships.

They clearly did not belong to human technology, nor to the Tara tribe.

Then it can only come from heaven.

After hearing this, everyone started another discussion.

Finally, Fang Qingxue stood up and asked.

"Chief Li, can I ask you a specific question?"

"You ask."

"When the war between the End, the Tara tribe, and the Prometheus intelligent life forms took place, the Heavenly Court still existed and even had the spare capacity to build such a magnificent flying warship."

Li Muhan thought for a moment and nodded.

"I think so."

"This is impossible."

An old man stood up and said.

"I have dealt with the Heavenly Court before. Although they are powerful, they are not as terrible as the legends say. Not to mention facing the End, it is even a question whether their power can withstand Prometheus. So what you just said, that the Heavenly Court can stand up to those forces, is simply a fantasy!"

Li Muhan looked at the old man and seemed to have seen him in a meeting before. He seemed to be the manager of the secret treasure house of the General Administration.

At this moment, many people in the audience began to agree with the old man.

He expressed doubts about Li Muhan's words.

"Look at you guys, you're so anxious again."

Li Muhan likes to be questioned. If you don’t question me and always agree with me, then I will definitely be nervous.

If you argue with me, my true nature will be exposed.

He simply paced on the stage with his hands behind his back and spoke.

"I was a little unfamiliar with those images, but now that you mention them, I remember one thing."

"What's the matter?" the old man asked again.

“It is impossible for the Heavenly Court to become strong out of thin air, strong enough to fight against the Tara tribe, but I felt a trace of aura on those fallen warships at that time.”

Everyone's attention was focused on Li Muhan.

"The breath of the heart of the world."

At the moment Li Muhan said this.

The entire Pingjing City Special Management Bureau began to tremble, as if it was experiencing a terrible earthquake.

Fortunately, everyone present has some skills.

After they left the conference room and the headquarters building, they discovered that the Pingjing City Special Management Bureau had already activated the boundary decree.

This is not a realm decree that was activated by someone.

Instead, it is a protective measure that is automatically activated the moment the city is about to be attacked.

Li Muhan also helped evacuate the ordinary employees of the Special Management Bureau.

But he found that everyone gathered at the door, staring blankly at the sky.

Li Muhan hurried over, and the moment he looked up.

He also took a breath of cold air.

At this moment, the original darkness seemed to have a huge hole poked in it.

Golden light shone down from the hole.

And behind that golden light.

A ridiculously huge dragon-headed warship slowly moved out.

"What is that...?"

The old man fell to the ground trembling.


Followed by a burst of thunder.

The dragon head of the warship suddenly spewed out a silver-white beam of light.

The beam of light headed straight for the Pingjing City Special Management Bureau.

At this moment, Chang Yue heard Mo Qiao's voice in the headphones.

[The Realm Decree cannot resist this thing. Its destructive power is too strong. We must resolve it before it explodes! ]

Li Muhan sneered and said, "Damn it, when the world was in danger you hid in the sky, now that you have stolen the Heart of the World you are going to start showing off your power right away, right?"

His right hand suddenly turned into an arm armor, and the Demon-Suppressing Sword appeared in his hand.

There are many others who react as quickly as he does.

Lei Jian, Bai Qi, Chang Yue and others were ready for fighting almost instantly.

This light cannot be allowed to shine on the earth.

Everyone held this goal in mind, and used their own methods to attack the approaching pillar of light in the sky.

Chang Yue released all the power of Qi Sha, jumped up in front of everyone else, and punched the light column hard.

The energy bursting out from his fist fiercely blocked the light for a moment, but soon, the powerful force contained in the beam of light began to exert its force again.

Even Chang Yue couldn't hold on any longer.

But support soon arrived.

Everyone centered around Chang Yue to resist the beam of light.

Li Muhan knew that he couldn't hold back here, so he transformed himself into a dragon girl and charged forward with a spear in hand.

But a hand held him back.

"Hey, Brother Li, if we don't solve that thing up there, it will come back a second time after it's blocked once. Come on, let's go to the sky and play!"

After saying that, Sun Yan kicked his feet and soared into the sky.

Li Muhan also understood what Sun Yan meant.

A pair of huge dragon wings suddenly grew out from behind her, and after flapping, they carried her body straight into the sky and headed towards the huge warship.

Before passing by the crowd, Li Muhan shouted to Chang Yue.

"Chang Ju! Can you handle this?"

Chang Yue originally wanted to curse, which ignorant woman called him at this time, wouldn't it just make him feel frustrated.

But when he turned around and was about to curse, he saw the beautiful dragon girl.

His expression, which had been almost unable to hold on, suddenly became extremely suggestive.

"My beautiful lady, don't worry. I'll be able to hold on with me. May I ask your name, where you live, how many people are there in your family, and if you have any dietary restrictions? I..."

"Chang Yue!! You f**k! Are you flirting with girls in front of me?!"

Although Luoying could not participate in such a grand scene, she also heard Chang Yue's words from below and immediately roared in anger.

"Okay, Director Chang, hold on for a while. I'm going to smash that thing up in the sky. Hang in there!"

When the dragon girl flapped her wings and left, everyone remembered something.

Who is this person?

Li Muhan, who arrived late, found that Sun Yan had already jumped onto the warship, and then countless tall iron soldiers wearing silver armor were surrounding him.

Sun Yan didn't say much and just raised his hand to his ear.

As he raised his hand, the clothes on his body began to burn and then turned into a set of golden chain mail.

His skin was replaced by thick monkey hair.

When the two pheasant feathers of the Phoenix-wing purple gold crown swayed in the wind and a black iron rod was held in his hand.

He is no longer Sun Yan.

But it is the Monkey King, Sun Wukong, who is familiar to everyone.

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