Moon Shadow Village.

It is a small village located in the natural forest in the southern suburbs of Tianhai City. The village has a long history but traffic is blocked. The villagers make a living by hunting and going to the county town once a month to sell specialties.

It is said that this village was once established by a group of refugees who fled to the forest to live in seclusion during the war, and had basically no contact with the outside world.

After social progress, a village committee was established in the village, a small road that was not spacious but at least accessible to traffic was built, and electricity was supplied. Only then did the village reconnect with society.

But there is always something weird about this village.

According to legend, Yueying Village is so named because there is always a layer of haze hanging over the village, which does not receive sunlight, and it is almost impossible to distinguish between day and night when living in the village.

The young people in the village couldn't stand this situation and chose to leave the village for development in the big cities. However, some people always wanted to stay, and some old people and children became the permanent residents of the village.

But in the past few years, a theory has spread widely in the village.

This village has been cursed, and all the people in the village cannot be counted as humans. They are monsters transformed by the curse, even those who have left the village.

What really caused the problem was not within the village, but a young man who left the village.

Li Muhan sat in the bumpy jeep and looked at the files.

There was a young man named Xu Yang in the village. He left the village to work at the age of fifteen and married a factory girl at the age of nineteen. But one night when he was twenty-two years old, Xu Yang suddenly became bestial and killed him. His wife and daughter.

When the police caught him, they found him eating the bodies of his wife and daughter.

That scene made the old policeman vomit.

Xu Yang was shot dead on the spot because he rushed towards the police without saying a word and bit off one of the police's ears.

So no one knows why he became so animalistic.

And things don't end here yet.

In just two years, twelve such tragedies occurred across the country. The process of committing the crimes was exactly the same. Either the wife suddenly went crazy, or the husband suddenly lost control.

In short, it has caused serious consequences.

The most terrifying thing was a young female nurse who suddenly became bestial while caring for patients and killed three elderly people and two doctors.

And these crazy men and women all have several things in common.

One, that crazy day was their twenty-second birthday.

Two, without exception, after killing the victim, they will eat the victim's body.

Third, these young men and women are all villagers from Yueying Village.

"Reminds me of the incident at the orphanage I dealt with before."

Li Muhan rubbed his tired eyes and put down the file.

The woman sitting in the passenger seat glanced at Li Muhan through the rearview mirror, and she was none other than Yin Xue, the head of the Curse Research Department.

"The incident in which the Haitian wizard summoned the Wendigo is somewhat similar, but these crazy people were indeed human beings at the beginning. This can be known from the autopsy report of our Special Administration Bureau's laboratory examination department."

After listening to Yin Xue's words, Li Muhan nodded, and after thinking about it carefully, it was indeed different.

At this time, Li Muhan and Yin Xue's Curse Research Department were heading to Yueying Village, with two cars traveling with them.

Including Li Muhan and Xia Yue, there were a total of thirteen people. Yin Xue personally led the team, and there was also a special support Yue Linglong from the Supernatural Management Section.

After all, the curse also involves supernatural forces, and supernatural management is bound to take responsibility.

This time I went to Yueying Village to see if there was really any curse in that village, and whether the young people who left the village were transformed into monsters because of something in the village.

Although this path was built ten years ago, it is now overgrown with weeds. It can be seen that few cars have driven this road in the past ten years, and no one has regularly maintained this road.

While Li Muhan was almost vomiting, Xia Yue slept soundly.

After all, vampires are also considered nocturnal creatures. Although they have been wandering in the human world for many years, the genes in their bodies are sometimes difficult to resist.

"It's just an investigation mission. There's no need to bring natural disaster-level aliens with us."

The driver was a middle-aged man, wearing a gray trench coat, with a crew cut and an impatient look on his face.

"She is this person's guarantor. According to the special regulations of the Special Administration Bureau during the supervision period, the guarantor cannot leave the person under supervision for 24 hours."

Yin Xue replied.

Of course, Li Muhan had read this tongue-twisting rule. She also asked Lin Ze if Xia Yue wanted to go. Lin Ze said at the time that it was up to her.

The meaning is obvious. It all depends on Xia Yue's personal wishes and is not mandatory.

Of course Xia Yue doesn't want to stay at home alone.

Yin Xue didn't have any objections. It would be better to say that with Xia Yue following, their job would be much easier.

After another half hour of bumpy driving, Li Muhan couldn't bear it any longer. Just when he was about to open the window and vomit, the man driving the car said coldly.


Li Muhan resisted the urge to vomit and looked forward.

Sure enough, not far ahead, surrounded by dense woods, a small and very quiet village appeared in front of them.

At the entrance of the village, four or five old people and a middle-aged man were already waiting for everyone.

"Welcome, welcome leaders to inspect the work at the grassroots level."

After the car parked, the middle-aged man hurriedly stepped forward to greet him. With a smile on his face, he extended his hand to the crew-cut man who got out of the car first.

The man ignored him directly, and the middle-aged man's hand froze in mid-air. Fortunately, Yin Xue stepped forward, held his hand and said.

"I am the leader of this city inspection team, Yin Xue."

"Hello, leader, I am the village branch secretary of Yueying Village, Wang Qiang."

Village Party Secretary Wang Qiang shook hands with Li Muhan again, but was stunned when he stretched out his hand to Xia Yue. He could hardly believe his eyes when he looked at Xia Yue's face.

"what happened?"

Yin Xue asked.

"Oh, no, it's nothing. This leader is so beautiful, like a fairy."

Wang Qiang quickly reconciled the situation, and then shook hands with the person who got off the other car.

When shaking hands with Yue Linglong, he also had some doubts.

Why did these leaders bring a child with them when they came to inspect their work? Could it be that they were treating this place as an outing?

At this time, Li Muhan noticed the old people standing behind Wang Qiang.

They all looked to be in their sixties, with hunched bodies and pale and expressionless faces.

It seems that they have no interest in these "leaders" from the outside world.

"Let me introduce it to the leaders."

Wang Qiang brought Yin Xue to an old man.

"This is the village chief of Yueying Village, Zhang Song."

The old man was wearing a cane, his body was so thin that he could barely hold up the clothes on his body. A pair of dark eyes in his sunken eyes stared straight at everyone, which made Li Muhan feel a little scared.

He could faintly feel that the Temple of Ten Thousand Demons in his body had no resonance with this place, which meant that there were no demons here.

"...Everyone, come from afar, come and sit at my house."

The old man was like a machine, the expression on his face did not change at all when he spoke.

Yin Xue and the flat-headed man looked at each other and nodded.

"Let's go, let's go to the village first."

So, led by the village chief and Wang Qiang, several people came to the village chief's home.

On the way, Li Muhan observed that the village was lifeless. All the villagers he met on the way had no interest in their arrival and were doing what they were doing mechanically.

Xia Yue also raised her head at this time, stared at the sky and said.


"what happened?"

Li Muhan communicated with Xia Yue in a low voice.

“There is obviously the sun in the sky, but why does it feel like it’s dark here?”

Li Muhan also raised his head. The sky was pitch black, only illuminated by a few weak street lights in the village.

he asked with some confusion.

"How do you feel the sun? The atmosphere here is so cold, I can't feel the sun at all."

Xia Yue seemed a little proud, even the corners of her mouth turned up slightly, and she looked at Li Muhan with a disdainful smile. You must know that this was an expression she had never had before.

This little vampire's personality has changed a lot during this time.

Becoming more arrogant and sinister.

Sure enough, it takes three days to learn bad and three years to learn well.

"Because I am a vampire, my skin is very sensitive to ultraviolet rays. Even now, I can feel the discomfort of the sun shining on my skin."

"So it's true that vampires are afraid of the sun?"

"Huh, I'm not afraid. It's just the sun. I just feel uncomfortable."

He Wen didn't know how big the difference between the two was, but he still didn't continue to ask, because under the leadership of the village chief, they had already arrived at a somewhat dilapidated small bungalow.

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