After breaking up, I picked up a beautiful vampire girl

Chapter 925 Chapter 4: A brain that doesn't need to think

"Ms. Nakagawa Arakko suddenly received a call from someone claiming to be her boyfriend from high school. After that, strange things kept happening around her, and her husband died mysteriously in the bathroom at home."

"Ms. Arako's high school boyfriend, Mr. Munezawa, actually died three years ago. The Aichi Prefectural Police Department speculated that it was a supernatural case, so it was transferred to the Tokyo Special Control Bureau."

"Let me get this straight. The murderer is a servant in Nakagawa Arakko's home. The servant's husband is the younger brother of Miss Arakko's high school boyfriend. I have already generated a report with the details of the crime and sent it to the Tokyo Special Control Bureau Investigation Team. This case is not a supernatural case, so I suggest sending it back to the police station."

With a cigarette in his mouth, Sherlock handled one so-called supernatural case after another in the car.

But without exception, they were all criminal cases that were not very complicated.

You can see how happy the Fuso police station is now.

If there is anything unclear during the investigation, it will be referred to the Tokyo Special Management Bureau.

The Eastern Special Bureau accepts all applications. Why? Because there are more cases and they can apply for more funding.

It's simply outrageous.

"Please, please wait a moment, Miss! There is no mention of servants in the file, nor Mr. Zong Ze's brother. Are you..."

Sherlock propped his chin on his hand and looked at the scenery outside the window boredly.

"Once you have a brain that can retrieve all the archives in the world in 0.01 seconds, you can do it too."

This cannot be called reasoning at all.

It's just using powerful computing power to calculate all the possibilities and then eliminate the wrong answers one by one in the shortest time possible.

The most powerful computer in the world cannot do this.

But now, the two people who basically possess the computing power of Prometheus can do this in less than ten seconds.

"There are only three cases that actually involve aliens. We have already collected statistics on the aliens' activities in Fuso over the past ten years based on local legends about them. All of them have been sent to Tokyo. I don't need to go and catch them, right?"

Yagyu didn't say anything else, but he seemed to be talking to someone on the phone, and the person on the phone gave him some instructions.

"Hi, hi!"

After hanging up the phone, he looked in the rearview mirror and said.

"Thank you very much for your assistance, Miss. The Tokyo Metropolitan Special Management Bureau has received the report you sent. We will now go directly to Isehara City, which is about a five-hour drive away. Thank you again for your assistance!"

Sherlock didn't say anything, only Leah smiled and said to Yagyu.

"I hope the case at Tannoyama isn't that simple~ Otherwise this trip would be too boring. If it's solved smoothly, can you take us for a spin in Fuso?"

"Of course! We will definitely do our best to be the best hosts!"

But Sherlock has completely lost interest, and it's not because of these cases.

But after having this brain.

It seemed that he didn't have to think about anything, which was not a convenience for him.

But a kind of torture.



After a five-hour journey, the vehicle finally arrived in Isehara City.

The Isehara Special Branch was responsible for receiving several people.

But because neither of them actually needed to eat, and only Rhea was polite to these people, Sherlock just smoked as if no one was around.

So there was no atmosphere at the specially arranged banquet.

After returning to the room, Sherlock had just taken off his coat when Rhea knocked on her door.

"We'll leave tomorrow morning and head to the town and village office at the foot of Mt. Tanno. Why do you seem unhappy?"

Sherlock didn't hide anything. He sat on the bed, lit a cigarette, looked at the moonlight outside the window and exhaled a puff of smoke.

“It’s just boring.”

"I know what you're thinking."

Rhea walked over and sat down beside her.

"You're thinking, if Moriarty hadn't died, the world would have been a more interesting place, right?"

Li Muhan couldn't help but become nervous when he heard this.

He was well aware of Sherlock's strength.

I also understand that Sherlock and Moriarty are very similar people in a sense.

There's a fine line between genius and madness.

And she is not the real Sherlock, but a personality mimicked by Prometheus.

If she really went down Moriarty's path, then this would be a big problem.

Sherlock held a cigarette in his mouth and turned his head slightly to glance at Leia, or perhaps, he was looking through Leia at Li Muhan behind the screen.

Then she sneered.

"Don't worry, I want to have some fun, but I'm not a lunatic."

It is not clear whether she was speaking to Leia, Li Muhan, or both.

"Then let's three talk about Danye Mountain?" Rhea said with a smile, and at the same time raised her hand to put out Sherlock's cigarette.

"You can't feel the nicotine, isn't this a waste of money? Next time I'll give you a Ricky 5, and you can just satisfy your craving."

After saying this, Leia held her chin with her hand and her expression became more serious.

"I want to sync some information with you regarding Tanye Mountain."

Because although she and Sherlock were in the same body before, their brain information databases were separate and independent.

So we communicate frequently.

"Mr. Li Muhan, have you informed us of all the unsolved cases that have occurred in Danye Mountain over the years?"

[Yes.] Li Muhan said as he opened the file in front of him.

[Not only what Fuso provided, but also what our Intelligence Department investigated ourselves, all of which are given to you]

"Unfortunately, apart from adding a lot of mystery to this mountain, there is no useful information."

Li Muhan did not comment, although Leia's words might be saying that their intelligence work was very poor.

But all the archives and documents of Danye Mountain are similar to myths, and some are even unofficial histories and have no reference value at all.

"I also checked the database," Leia said, "but there are very few clues about the two headless tragedies that occurred on Tanno Mountain. Neither the Fuso Police Department nor the Special Management Bureau found any useful information."

After saying that, Leia quietly observed Sherlock.

I noticed that her eyes seemed a little excited.

"There are not many known clues, which makes it worth solving."

she said with a smile.

[So do you have any ideas? ] Li Muhan asked.

"Since these files are basically legends, let's start with the legends."

[Really?...Have you defined this as an anomalous case?]

"I'm just saying start with the legend. Every legend has its source, and everything that happened on Mount Danye is inseparable from one point."

Sherlock lit another cigarette when Rhea wasn't paying attention, and said with a smile.

"Well, then what is the source?" Leia seemed to be deliberately waiting for Sherlock to give the answer.

And Sherlock couldn't wait to speak.

"Village! Mr. John, it's the place called Black Spring Village."

"How many times have I told you that I'm not John Watson?" Rhea sighed.

"It's up to you, let's go to the town and village office tomorrow. Maybe there are some paper files there."

Rhea, who obviously sensed that Sherlock was in a better mood, also stood up and walked towards the door.

"Miss Sherlock." She walked to the door and looked back at Sherlock who was still in a state of thinking.

She seemed to be still immersed in long-lost thoughts.

"Our goal is to solve the problem and avoid future victims. It is important to have fun in it, but please remember that the ultimate goal of Rhea 035 and Eden 022 is to protect humanity."

"Because of the agreement?" Sherlock turned and looked at Rhea at the door and asked.

Leia smiled slightly: "No, the agreement has been invalidated long ago, because we love humans."

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