"All the mountains look small from a distance, Immortal."

The monk clasped his hands together and came to the top of Cuiwei Mountain. On the top of the mountain, there was a residence built specially for someone.

Although it is not luxurious, it has everything.

No tourists are allowed to enter or leave this place. After all, the person living here is none other than Qilin.

At this moment, Qilin was sitting cross-legged on the edge of the cliff at the top of the mountain, overlooking the entire Tianhai City.

The monk's arrival did not disturb his meditation.

So Zhongya sat next to Qilin.

"Since the day of the end, you have never left Cuiwei Mountain."

Zhong Ya took out the tea thermos he brought with him and poured a cup of tea for Qilin.

"It must be a headache for you to be tied to one place like this, right?"

After respectfully handing the tea to the man, Zhong Ya asked with a smile.

The man took the tea but did not drink it. He just turned his head slightly to look at the monk.

"You don't have to test my words. I've said that I won't leave Cuiwei Mountain or cut off my contact with her until her life is over."


The monk clasped his hands together devoutly and bowed eleven times, with a hint of pleading in his voice.

"Master, there are still seven years left. You really can't..."

The man raised his hand to signal the monk to stop talking.

"That's her fate. Her master's life was like a candle in the wind. It's a blessing from heaven that he can rebuild her body and give her ten more years of life. Don't ask for more."

But she is not yet an adult, only seventeen years old...

There were still many things she hadn't done in her life, but now, there were only seven years left.

What the monk wanted to say was self-evident, but he swallowed it back in the end.

"Her thunder skills are improving day by day. She is indeed a rare talent. Maybe she knows some things better than you, monk."

Qilin's words are full of hidden meanings.

Zhongya sighed.

He was indeed finding it increasingly difficult to understand Yue Linglong. Since that day, the child seemed to have become a completely different person.

She no longer liked to laugh, and tried her best to imitate adults in her every move. In addition to her studies, she worked hard to study the Taoist methods of the Shenxiao School left by her master.

And most importantly.

Yue Linglong's attitude towards aliens or evil spirits has reached an extreme level.

"Master, excuse me for bothering you?"

Before the monk left the top of the mountain, he looked back at Qilin's back.

He knew that Qilin could do nothing except extend his promised ten years of life, and perhaps he had already thought of everything he could do.

Even for gods, there are things that are beyond their reach.



On Saturday morning, Xia Yue got up early, which was a rare occasion. She sorted the family's dirty clothes and threw them into the washing machine, while starting to dry the quilts.

She was in a good mood today because Li Muhan promised to take her to the amusement park.

It was the large amusement park in Tianhai City that they visited for the first time. It seemed that it was funded by the Supernatural Management Department.

And there, the two of them opened up to each other for the first time.

Lingyue and Lingsheng were picked up by Li Lingan early in the morning, which meant that today was their day...

"Uh, huh? Paranormal Management Department? Are you sure? They want me to go?"

Li Muhan's voice came from the bedroom. Xia Yue's little ears moved, and then her excited expression slowly turned into indifference.

The world of two is gone.

"Xia Yue, I......"

Li Muhan originally wanted to explain to Xia Yue that the Supernatural Management Department had a special mission and wanted him to go there as technical support to guide the work.

I thought Xia Yue would cry, make a fuss, or even commit suicide, but when Li Muhan walked out of the bedroom, he saw that Xia Yue had already changed her clothes and ironed Li Muhan's suit and placed it on the sofa.

"Let's go. It's nice to go to Cuiwei Mountain for a vacation, although it's not a world for two of us."

Xia Yue said with a smile while fixing her hair.

Li Muhan walked over quickly and picked up Xia Yue from behind.

"What! What are you doing?!"

Xia Yue's feet left the ground and she cried out in fright.

"Well...no, I'm just a little relieved that you're so good."

"Go, go, go, it's useless to praise me. If there is still time after completing the task, I still have to go to the amusement park for the night show."

"Don't worry, even if I can't go today, I'll take Monday off and go with you."

So Xia Yue drove the luxury sports car given by Xia Luer and took Li Muhan to Cuiwei Mountain.

"How strange."

In the car, Li Muhan looked at the special investigation order and said puzzledly.

"What's wrong?" Xia Yue glanced at him.

"The Ninth Squad of the Supernatural Management Department asked me to assist in handling a supernatural incident, but this is not my strong point. However, the captain of the Ninth Squad, Zhong Ya, still submitted an application for assistance in the investigation."

".......Maybe because they are short of people now. After Huang Zizai passed away, I heard that the Ninth Team has not had any new members. After the fortune teller returned to East Germany, the Ninth Team now only has Zhong Ya, Chi Yuan and Yue Linglong."

Li Muhan sighed.

"Not really. I have been keeping an eye on Team 9. Although they only have three people left, their mission completion efficiency is among the top three of all teams."

"Is Turkey so powerful now?"

Li Muhan smiled and shook his head: "It's not Chi Yuan, it's Yue Linglong. She is now proficient in the Shenxiao School's thunder method. If it is divided according to the realm level, her power level has reached the cholera level, and it is a cholera level with a very high power purity."

"......Isn't that great?" When Xia Yue saw Li Muhan saying these words, her brows were furrowed, and it was obvious that there was something else behind his words.

"I haven't finished speaking yet. In the past three years, the performance of the Ninth Squad has been quite outstanding, but."

"The alien containment rate is... 0."

Xia Yue was stunned for a moment, as if she didn't quite understand what this meant.

"This means that any aliens that Team 9 carries out, whether it's an alien or a supernatural spirit, will be killed without mercy."

After Li Muhan finished speaking, Xia Yue realized the seriousness of the matter.

"Maybe... this is why Zhongya wants me to go there."

"It's hard to imagine, the girl who used to chatter with Jinwu..." Xia Yue thought of Yue Linglong in her memory, the silly child who liked to play pranks, be lazy, and eat candied haws.

Now...what has it become?

She soon got the answer. After parking the car in the scenic area parking lot at the foot of the mountain, the two headed up the mountain.

The one who greeted the two at the gate of Cuiwei Mountain was a beautiful girl wearing a Taoist robe and holding a whisk in her hand. Her every move revealed her immortal temperament.

"I have been waiting for you for a long time."

After seeing Li Muhan and Xia Yue, the girl bowed slightly.

Her words and actions all revealed a maturity and stability that was extremely inconsistent with her age and appearance.

And her body also secretly contains a terrifying power that shocks the world and makes ghosts weep.

If it is truly refined to perfection, the power of thunder magic will probably not be weaker than Baal's thunder.

Xia Yue still couldn't believe it... Was this girl really the Yue Linglong in her memory?

The first time she saw me, she didn't call me sister as she did before, nor did she rush over to hug me and ask if I brought any snacks.

Li Muhan looked back at Xia Yue, smiled helplessly and shook his head.

At this point, Xia Yue probably understood something.

Because....she is missing the person who can shelter her, protect her, tolerate her, and make her worry-free...

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