Zuo Chi was stunned for less than a second, then immediately got up from the ground, rushed to the windowsill and opened the window.

Sasha jumped in lightly, making no sound at all except for the meowing kitten in her mouth.

“You…what are you doing?”

Zuo Chi looked at Sasha in confusion.

Sasha held the kitten's neck and moved closer to Zuo Chi.

Then she raised her head slightly and moved the white cat in her mouth forward, and the kitten's body swayed gently.

"Are you...giving it to me?"

Zuo Chi pointed at himself.

Sasha nodded vigorously, and the white cat in her mouth swayed up and down.

Helplessly, Zuo Chi had to carefully take the kitten with his hands.

"I'm sorry, Ms. Sasha, I have to tell you something. Pets are not allowed in the clinic. Animals can bring various germs, and our clinic..."

Sasha immediately came over and said to Zuo Chi while sniffing the kitten.

"Hunting, prey, for you...!"

Zuo Chi's words were interrupted, and then he found that he seemed to have misunderstood something.

So she suddenly ran out to hunt?

"Zuo Chi...I'm not happy. I'll give it to you. The prey...I'll be full and in a good mood."

Sasha tried hard to express her thoughts to Zuo Chi, completely ignoring the fact that the kitten was trembling with fear.


At this moment, Zuo Chi heard another cat's meow. He turned around and saw a big cat wandering outside the window, at the door of the clinic. Every two steps, it would raise its head and look towards the window on the second floor, looking very anxious.

"Ms. Sasha."


Sasha stood up straight as if by reflex.

"follow me."

Zuo Chi held the kitten and led Sasha to the first floor of the clinic. Then he opened the door and gently placed the kitten at the door.

Seeing this, the big cat wanted to move forward cautiously, but was a little afraid.

"Take your child back."

Zuo Chi waved his hands, and the big cat seemed to understand. It crawled closer carefully and gently picked up the kitten by the scruff of its neck, as if it was treating a precious treasure.

Then it moved quickly and swiftly, turned around immediately, and fled into the dense bushes on the opposite side with the kitten.

"Hun...prey!! Run...run!" Sasha's voice suddenly sounded, her eyes filled with panic and confusion.

When she saw the big cat carrying the kitten away, she instinctively made a move to pounce on it, as if this was the only purpose of her life.

Seeing this, Zuo Chi immediately grabbed her wrist and stopped her impulse.

"Left, left pool! Prey! Escape, escape......"

Sasha's voice was hurried and anxious, and her body was tense, as if she would burst out with power at any moment.

"There is no prey for you here." Zuo Chi said coldly, without a trace of warmth in his voice.

"No...? No prey...?"

Sasha seemed very confused, and her cognition could not support her to understand Zuo Chi's words.

Zuo Chi looked at Sasha, his eyes full of seriousness and solemnity. He knew that for Sasha, hunting was her survival instinct and an indispensable part of her life.

But now, he had to make her understand that this world was not all about hunting and killing.

"You don't need to hunt anymore." Zuo Chi's voice sounded again, and this time there was a hint of gentleness and comfort in his words.

"No...? No prey...?"

Sasha repeated, her voice getting lower and lower, as if she was talking to herself.

There was a flash of fear and uneasiness in her eyes, as if she was doubting the meaning of her existence.

"No, hunting... will starve to death."

Sasha's voice trembled a little, and her body trembled slightly as her voice trembled.

The girl couldn't understand Zuo Chi's words, but her instinct told her that having no prey would mean being abandoned and dying.

As she made her final rebuttal, Zuo Chi couldn't imagine what kind of life she had led before, whether it was on the front line of killing or the unwelcome life in the city after being abandoned.

"Oh..." Zuo Chi took out a cigarette box, lit a cigarette, and then sat on the steps in front of the clinic.

"Sit here."

He patted the empty space next to him.

Sasha quickly ran over and sat down, then looked back at Zuo Chi.

"How have you been living here with me for the past three days?"

“Okay…” Sasha seemed to realize that she had done something wrong again and made Zuo Chi angry, so she spoke cautiously and tried to speak as little as possible.

"Have you eaten enough in the past three days?"

"...Eat, I'm full!"

When it comes to food, Sasha becomes excited. These three days are the times when she has eaten the most. No one has ever provided her with such clean food and let her eat as much as she wants.

Although Zuo Chi was a little shocked, how could this small body eat six big bowls of rice.

But this is still within his tolerance.

So I didn’t say anything.

"So you see, if you do some housework for me, and I provide you with food and lodging, you can have enough food to eat, have a place to live, don't have to starve or freeze, and don't need to hunt at all, right?"

"But, but..."

"Nothing but."

Zuo Chi shook off the cigarette ash.

"Get used to this kind of life as soon as possible, and earn your wages through labor instead of killing and hunting. Do you understand?"

The girl nodded, not quite understanding.

Zuo Chi looked at her confused eyes.

She felt like a plant struggling in a swamp, with its roots so deeply embedded in the mire that it couldn't be easily pulled out.

Her eyes were filled with confusion, as if she would be swallowed up by the darkness around her at any time.

I don’t know if it’s because I’m afraid of being abandoned again.

The girl's body was unconsciously tense, and every tiny movement seemed extremely cautious, as if she was always ready for a sudden battle.

If it was an ordinary veteran, Zuo Chi would think it was PTSD, or post-traumatic stress syndrome.

This disease was very common in the year after the End of the Event, and many members of the Special Management Bureau who experienced the End of the Event encountered this problem.

As an experienced psychologist, Zuo Chi has received many such patients.

They witnessed the tragic deaths of their fellow humans, and although their bodies survived the catastrophe, their souls were still trapped in the ruins destroyed by the rift.

Every night, the members of the Special Management Bureau who had fought with the Tara tribe would mobilize all the nerves in their bodies as if by conditioned reflex and feel everything around them.

Their senses became extremely sharp, as if they could detect the slightest sound and movement.

This is more common in veterans.

The combat members of the Special Management Bureau deal mostly with aliens, but the blow and pressure that the Tara tribe gives to this world is incomparable to that of the aliens.

So their spirits were severely traumatized.

Having finished fighting, they would take whatever weapons they could find, such as a stick, a knife, or even a stone.

These seemingly ordinary items become extremely important in their hands, because only they can give them that pitiful and fragile sense of security.

They held the weapons tightly in their hands, as if this could dispel the fear and anxiety in their hearts.

But Sasha in front of him, her condition is much more complicated than ordinary PTSD.

Zuo Chi held a cigarette in his mouth and stared at her, with a hint of helplessness in his eyes.

He knew very well that ever since she was biologically transformed, everything about her being a human being had become a thing of the past.

Her life became monotonous and cruel.

Apart from obeying orders, there is only killing.

She tears apart all enemies and hunts all living creatures, as if she is the god of death active on the battlefield, shuttling through the dark land and reaping countless souls.

Her hands were covered in blood and her eyes were full of indifference and ruthlessness.

But when the war ended and dawn broke through the darkness of the long night, she was exposed to the sunlight. How could she possibly integrate into this peaceful world that she had never experienced before?

Her existence is like a time bomb that may trigger a new disaster at any time.

In people's eyes, Sasha is a monster, an existence that they cannot understand or accept.

But in Sasha's view, all the beauty under peace and those humans who cannot hunt are monsters.

She couldn't understand how these people lived, how they could live so peacefully in this dangerous world.

Her heart was full of doubts and fears. She was afraid that she would be rejected by the world and hurt by those so-called "monsters".

If this situation cannot be guided and treated in time.

This time bomb will be completely detonated.

Is this why she was allowed to be sent to Huaxia...

Those mice hiding in the dark, what you want to see is a grand explosion...

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