"Something big has happened! Something big has happened!!"

The bald minister ran into the director's office carrying documents.

Cen Lin was just about to drink tea, but for safety reasons he had already switched from a cup to a thermos.

At least this can reduce the possibility of getting burned.

Even if the water does spill, it won't all go away.

"What's going on?"

Cen Lin asked.

The bald minister put the documents on the table and spoke to Cen Lin while panting.

"North, Northland, over there in the Northland, something big has happened! Oh oh oh...oh..."

"Oreos? I have some in my drawer, help yourself."

"Odin!! Odin! The God King of the Aesir just now! He issued a declaration to the Special Administration Bureaus around the world! He, he will take back control of the North Kingdom, and warn all the Special Administration Bureaus and aliens in all countries not to participate in this struggle!"

"...Where is Li Muhan?"

Cen Lin said with a frown.

The bald minister took out his tablet and connected with Suzaku.

It's just that the communication is intermittent and seems very unstable.

[Hello! Hello! Can you hear me?]

At this moment, Suzaku was seen huddled in a corner wearing a cloak in the midst of the storm.

"Suzaku, where are you now?"

Cen Lin asked.

[North Country! You asked me to come here! ]

"I mean, your specific location."

Suzaku looked around, then pulled an elf girl to his side.

[I don't understand their language! Come, ask! ]

So the bald minister and Cen Lin used dozens of languages ​​across the country to ask the girl, but she seemed to not understand any of them.

Just when both of them were in a dilemma, Hecate passed by and heard the words coming from the room. She looked around curiously and heard what the elf girl said.

"She's speaking Old Norse. What's going on? Who are you talking to?"

The bald minister quickly pulled Hecate over.

So with Hecate's translation, the few of them were finally able to communicate normally.

"She said it was Alfheim, the elven kingdom of the Nine Realms."

"Why did you go there?" Cen Lin asked Zhuque.

[Li Muhan's aura disappeared here, and there was a very strong aura collision here. I guess Li Muhan had a fight with the local Thunder God.]

Cen Lin just felt dizzy.

Old Li, Old Li.

Why did you start a fight with others?!

The elf girl trembled and said a few more words.

Hecate said in a simultaneous translation: "She said that the outsider fought with Thor, the god of thunder, to protect their country and Hati, and was knocked away by Thor's hammer."

"Where did you fly to?!"

Cen Lin asked anxiously.

"She said that all the creatures hit by Thor's hammer will eventually go to Valhalla."

"Damn it! Old Li was taken to Valhalla?! Isn't that the lair of the Aesir?! It's all over!"

The bald minister said anxiously.

[What should I do now? I don’t know how to get to Valhalla! Can I come back? ]

Suzaku shouted into the camera.

"Find Xia Yue first, and then contact us."

After saying this, Cen Lin disconnected the link and then looked at Hecate.

"Is your mother still around?"

"Ah? My mother?"

"Goddess of the Night."

Hecate smacked her lips in displeasure at the name.

"That woman is not my mother. Although I know that many legends describe her this way, it's a pity that I have nothing to do with that woman. However, if you want to contact her, I can help you."

"Then I'll trouble you, Hecate. This matter may require the intervention of the gods of Olympus."

Hecate scratched her head and said, "Why?"

Cen Lin told Hecate about the particularity of Ragnarok and the law of causality, and explained why the intervention of the Olympian gods was needed.

"There is no Nordic God in Li Muhan's body now. His intervention is a complete violation of the causal law of Ragnarok. But if another God system forcibly intervenes, then this causal law will be expanded. After muddying the water, it will be easier for us to intervene."

Hecate thought for a long time, and finally she said in confusion.

"Are you sure... that Li Muhan doesn't have the Nordic God system in his body?"

Upon hearing Hecate's words, Cen Lin and the bald minister were stunned.

Because they had confirmed with Lin Ze and Chang Yue that there were only some local gods or demons in Li Muhan's body, and there were basically no gods. Most of the people in Li Lingan's pantheon were angels.

and many more......

Lin Ze and Chang Yue had not witnessed Li Muhan's birth, and they might not know what was injected into Li Muhan's body in Mendarosa. If they really wanted to find out, the person they should ask should be...

"Hurry up and call the General Administration's Intelligence Department! Ask for Deputy Minister Qu Ran!"

Cen Lin immediately gave the order, and then they contacted Qu Ran at the speed of light.

[Li Li Li... in Li Muhan's body... ah I... I remember that Mendarosa and some foreign gods had some... transactions and cooperation... but, but I I, I don't know the details... I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I, I can't help, I, I was just an experimenter at the time, sorry! ]

"No, Minister Qu, don't be so self-deprecating. You are now the deputy minister of the General Administration. So, do you still remember Li Muhan's file number at that time? I can check it." said the bald minister of the Cyber ​​Security Department.

[This, I, I remember... because his file is very special, prototype test subject, file number 00]

Li Lingan is number zero, and Li Muhan is big wave zero.

There's nothing original about the name Mendarosa.

With such complaints, the Cyber ​​Security Department quickly began to send people to look for Li Muhan’s files, and Lin Ziyu was also transferred to assist in this matter.

Soon, Lin Ziyu found the archival information before anyone else.

"Got it. It's here. In the captain's body... you know what, there really is a Nordic god."

He projected the information onto the screen.

After seeing the file of this deity, Cen Lin, as well as Chang Yue and Lin Ze who were connected via video, all frowned.

"Why is it her?" Lin Ze asked.

"Based on her personality, she is not the type to be confined to the Forbidden Magic Prison. Could it be that she was also forcibly imprisoned there?"

Lin Ziyu shook his head and pointed to the file.

"If it is a demon that was forcibly sealed, such as Baal and Lucifer, there will be records. Perhaps because of Moriarty's personality shaping, Li Chengtian has been hunting those demons all those years, but this one, she did voluntarily enter Li Muhan's body."

Lin Ze folded his arms across his chest and leaned back in his chair.

"If she is willing to help Li Muhan... maybe there will be no need for other pantheons to clash. Li Muhan will officially participate in this Ragnarok as a Nordic god."

So who allowed this Norse god to enter Li Muhan's body?

It was as if they had known that Li Muhan would intervene during the Ragnarok and had set the stage for him...

If this was really planned from the beginning, then there is only one person who can do it.

The one who allowed this Norse god to voluntarily enter Li Muhan's body could only be the God of Trickery.


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