After breaking up, I picked up a beautiful vampire girl

Chapter 760 Swallowing and then annihilating everything

What is the end?

When those eyes first looked at this planet that was not really looking up, they had already had this question.

Until later, it witnessed with its own eyes the world's transformation of itself, and gave birth to life and gods on the land, and let these creations create their own myths.

It seemed to gradually understand why it was going to end.

From the perspective of higher-dimensional creatures, all of this seems like a movie or a game.

Then the will of this world obviously has the qualifications to become a director.

After all, it realized its own insignificance and the existence of these eyes from the beginning.

When the Heart of the World first tried to communicate with these eyes, it simply looked at it as if it were a cute little animal.

It showed the world and creations it had created to these eyes, but these eyes never expressed their opinion.

But no matter how amazing the creation is, those eyes always look down on everything.

Until he created humans.

Actually, this is nothing big.

After all, in so many worlds, humans are already a relatively common species.

These little guys possess creativity and perseverance, and what is commendable is that these are not gifts from the Creator.

It's something they are born with.

But the human beings created by the Heart of the World received the gaze of these eyes.

His eyes narrowed slightly, as if he could see clearly what the world was trying to do.

It did not grant these humans freedom, but instead left some marks on each of them, and these marks are like deliberate cracks in a work of art.

Finally it stuffed something else into these cracks.

That is the power that every world possesses, destruction.

But he did not let humans master the power of destruction. Humans are like receivers of a kind of power. When the time is ripe, this power of destruction after continuous reproduction and expansion will grow to a certain level.


As the eyes look at the world, the world also longs for its appreciation, just like a child who has completed his homework beyond the required level.

Thus, the end of this world was born.

It witnessed the first destruction of this world.

The destructive power within the human body eventually accumulated into a disaster, and eventually this disaster backfired on the world.

For the first time, higher-dimensional creatures stretched out their hands, closed the world before it crumbled, mended its wounds, and gave it new life.

What comes after the end is not a new era, but a broken heart of the world.

He still didn't give up, begging these eyes and this hand to help him. He could cultivate this destructive power to the extreme, and then the coming end would be able to put an end to the troublesome character that had always given them headaches.

Tara tribe.

This is a very interesting attempt.

Then this hand created a new creation based on the human being he had created.


These humanoid creatures possess greater strength than humans, and their bodies can accommodate more destruction.

It suggests that the world stuff something else into the human body.

The power of harmony.

Thus, humans became the beings that harmonize all things in this world, and aliens became the beings that carry the power of destruction.

A controllable doomsday machine was born.

Then, these eyes were used to better observe the world and to lure those insatiable monsters to the slaughterhouse specially prepared for them.

It blew a breeze and brought down the Trinity Law it created.

Wait until these monsters that travel across planes to hunt for laws and life are completely integrated into this world.

That is when the end is about to begin.

The so-called new era is nothing more than letting all humans return the power of harmony, and all alien species return the power of destruction.

As for what will happen to these weak creatures.

I didn’t think so much at that time, but now, after seeing so many miracles created by the Tara man named Li Muhan.

Maybe it's time to adjust your plans.

After all, even if it is the end, it is still on the Tara tribe’s menu.

Of course, it had a sudden inspiration and stretched out its hand to pick up the mechanical body named Prometheus, giving it the ability to think and be intelligent.

This was just a matter of interest, but it unexpectedly triggered a chain reaction.

It turns out there is nothing else besides the Heart of the World.

There are still people who can change the script of this predetermined fate.

Li Muhan, will you be the one who breaks out of the framework of fate?

The eyes of higher-dimensional creatures are always full of starlight. They gaze at the end and also at the abyss.

Together with the little creature named Yuan that it had just picked up, it watched the development of the situation.



The naked black-haired girl slowly walked out of the huge heart.

Wherever she touched, all the vines withered and decayed, and the vine throne that originally supported Parean's body turned to ashes in an instant.

"I heard her voice."

The girl closed her eyes slightly, as if she was listening to something carefully.

"Did you hear that? King of the Tara tribe."

Abyss did not answer. He could always see those eyes and hear what she said and the stories she told him.

The stories of this world over millions of years.

But that's not what I care about.

It only wants to do one thing now.

The corners of the boy's mouth curled up slightly, revealing an extremely terrifying and crazy smile.

[You have the breath of law on you]

He no longer needs to speak through his body.

And he was not speaking to the end in front of him.

The abyss was staring at the pair of eyes behind the black-haired girl, who were always paying attention to her breath.

[You are the supreme being that I want to devour]

Yuan gave a bitter smile: "It seems that he has completely lost himself. I lost."

But he narrowed his eyes slightly, expressing his different opinion.

Perhaps we have missed something.

"Oh? Now you think highly of him?"

Yuan said jokingly.

[If my support can make the play more interesting, I won’t be so stingy]

The black-haired girl sneered: "Maybe I will have a chance to devour you. Wouldn't you like to take a look at me?"

Although those eyes were behind the girl, they didn't even look at her.

"Okay then." Zhongyan sighed helplessly, then looked up into the abyss.

"Let's get started. I'll make you a part of me, and you, I want to say, eat me first before you devour that high being. You won't regret it."

Zhongyan raised his hand and snapped his fingers, and a dark and lightless world instantly enveloped the surroundings.

Perhaps this is different from the world with green grass, blue sky, white clouds and sunshine.

But everyone knows it clearly.

This darkness and that light.

There is no difference, it's just what kind of scene the owner of the world wants you to see.

And here it is.

The black-haired girl is the master of everything.

Her figure gradually began to twist and swell, her limbs became slender, and her long black hair covered her entire body.

When its exaggeratedly large body appeared in front of the abyss, the final battle began.

"There is no Pantheon, and I have no Pantheon either, but I promise you, Abyss, our battle will surpass everything."

This is not a battle that can be described in words.

It almost spans space, time and dimensions.

Between the cracks, between worlds, in the past and the present, the only witnesses are those eyes and their child.

In this battle, time no longer has any meaning.

The only way to end this battle is for one side to devour the other, nothing more.

And this moment will eventually come.

The giant black wolf transformed from the abyss slowly fell to the ground.

The End is a weapon specially prepared for the Tara tribe. As long as the Tara tribe integrates into this world, the End will be able to affect everything about it.

And now...

[It's over, Tara tribe, your expedition will come to an end here...but]

Zhongyan slowly pressed down the giant wolf's body, and its hands, which were covered with stars and the moon, tightly grasped the giant wolf's neck.

[It’s such a pity to let such an interesting thing end like this, so... let me guide you and become the new leader of your Tara tribe. Let us devour all the laws together... and become the masters of all worlds.]

Then it grinned and waved its other hand in the air.

So at this moment, this picture appeared on the monitoring equipment of all the special management bureaus in the world.

In the deep darkness, the monster transformed by the End was suppressing the giant wolf tightly.

[Of course, such an interesting thing, I will let everyone who cares about you see that you have cut off all connections with this world, but don’t forget, Li Muhan]

【All contacts are two-way】

[And now, I will bring them the final scene of this good show]

Countless tiny spikes slowly grew out of its cracked mouth, and then it bit off the giant wolf's neck with one fierce bite.


Chang Yue clenched his fists. He couldn't believe what he saw.

Lin Ze was now sitting dejectedly in the corner.

Perhaps the creator of the law had already told her what would happen next, and all she could do was witness it.

Her eyes were empty and lifeless, as if she had returned to her former self.

Xia Yue, who was standing on the ruins, slowly stretched out her hand. In front of her was a huge crack, and in the crack was a scene that she would never forget.

The monster tore into the giant wolf's body bite by bite, chewing it up with bones and flesh, and then swallowed it into its stomach.

It was like a Tara was devouring everything from the giant wolf.

At first the giant wolf was still struggling and roaring.

But soon its cry turned into some kind of wailing.

The End did not let it go so easily. It crushed the giant wolf's limbs bit by bit, until only its head was left.

It's still alive.

Finally, he grabbed the giant wolf's head, then turned around and faced the countless gazes.

In front of everyone, he slowly put the giant wolf's head into his mouth.

"......don't want."

Xia Yue's voice was pale and weak, she already felt that she could hardly see anything.

She stretched out her hand, trying to touch the crack, but her hand could only pass through the crack and could not enter it.

"Give it back to me....please..."

It was just like their first fight, Mu Ya was on the TV, and Li Muhan and Xia Yue were on the other side of the TV.

They were competing from a distance, and everything was so similar.

But it's so different.

After all, this time, this is not a contest.

But a massacre.

The giant wolf's head trembled slowly, and its cloudy, pale eyes finally looked at the girl outside the crack.

It wants to say something, but doesn't know what to say.

Then the huge mouth bit the giant wolf's head to pieces.


Xia Yue's hands slowly drooped down, and tears of blood seeped from her eyes.

She couldn't even utter any other sound except "no".

The end, this moment is no longer the end.

The world's cleansing process has failed.

It completely became a Tara, and the power of the Heart of the World was completely devoured at this moment.

The eyes slowly closed.

[It seems that there is no surprise. The so-called struggle of this world has cultivated a more troublesome monster for us.]

Yuan shrugged and said, "There is a saying in human history that eight out of ten things in life are not as you wish. You can't expect miracles to happen so often."

[Let’s go, there’s nothing to observe in this world anymore]

The twisted monster turned and gazed into those eyes.

"Go ahead, my high being. This world is just the beginning. The Tara will devour everything. And when I tear apart your real body, you..."

Suddenly, the monster stopped talking.

At this moment, it felt something...

The power of the abyss that he had just swallowed was somewhat strange.

The feeling of continuity was as if the force still had a tail hanging on it and was not there, like a baby's umbilical cord that had not yet been cut.

Then it began to feel this power.

The five great lords, the Tara tribe, and some power of laws...

and many more.

That's all?

pop - pop - pop -

A round of clapping sounded in the ruins, right behind the girl.

So everyone's attention was attracted by it.

"The protagonist hasn't appeared yet, so don't leave in such a hurry, okay?"

The masked boy, wearing a Western-style outfit, walked slowly into everyone's sight with a very fast pace.

"You...what are you?"

The monster and the young man stared at each other across the gap.

The boy coughed twice, then walked to the girl and slowly helped her up.

Xia Yue's lifeless eyes slowly moved upwards, and after seeing the Prajna mask, she was stunned.



The young man suddenly turned around, spread his arms, and said in a loud voice: "Everyone, look at me! I have an announcement!!"

"Today's world! It's called the Mask Gang's world!!"

"Listen to me! I'm the leader of the Mask Gang!"

"I won't change my name! Luo Yang!"

The pair of eyes that were about to disappear slowly opened again at this moment, and then revealed a sly smile.

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