After breaking up, I picked up a beautiful vampire girl

Chapter 75: The counselor enters the game with his own body, and defeats half of the world with his

After having some hasty breakfast in the hotel canteen, filling up the car with gas, the group of people set out on their journey again.

"If we are not delayed on the way, we will enter Yulang City tonight, and the local Special Administrative Bureau will be responsible for receiving us. Tonight may be the last time we sleep in a comfortable bed."

Zhang Wenlin, the old section chief, said to the three people in the back seat while looking at a map in the passenger seat.

But the atmosphere in the back seat is now full of gunpowder.

This time Li Muhan sat on the left hand side, Xia Yue and Hati sat together. Hati kept looking at Hati with a hostile look, while Hati was completely indifferent and would show a look of disdain towards Xia Yue from time to time. smile.


The old section chief sighed.

"It reminds me of when I was young and I seemed to have had this experience."

There were no hiccups on this day's journey. They ate in the rest area around 2 p.m., refueled, rested for about an hour, and continued on their way. Finally, they entered Yulang City in the evening.

Yulang City is different from Tianhai City. It is a small town on the northwest border. Of course, there is also a special management bureau here.

It's just a small one. From the outside, it looks like a three-story office building.

The director of the Yulang City Special Management Bureau is a bald man with a bit of a pot belly, which fits Li Muhan's definition of a leader.

Finally, there is an inner smell.

The bald director seemed to be old acquaintances with Zhang Wenlin, and he respected Zhang Wenlin very much.

"Teacher, I haven't seen you for many years, but you are still so strong."

Zhang Wenlin's attitude towards him was somewhat cold.

"You have changed a lot. It looks like you are three months old now. Eat less greasy food and be careful not to grow any grass."

The bald director smiled apologetically while greeting several people into the Special Management Bureau. Li Muhan found that this place was really very different from the Tianhai City Special Management Bureau.

Most of the staff looked very lazy and even spent some working hours playing games.

Of course, several people immediately restrained themselves after the director came in.

"A few people laughed. The conditions in this northwest border town are not very good, and there are no entertainment activities, so... everyone can't cheer up."

"Are there no aliens here?"

Li Muhan asked.

"Hey, little brother, you probably don't know much about this place. How could there be aliens in our place?"

Li Muhan still didn't quite understand the bald director's answer. Generally speaking, border places like this are more prone to strange phenomena.

"Xiaohan, you probably don't know."

Zhang Wenlin pulled Li Muhan aside and whispered.

"The Yulang City Special Management Bureau is not good at anything else, but there is only one thing that leads other special management bureaus throughout the year."

Li Muhan became even more curious.

"That means there will definitely be no evil happening here."


"General Yumenguan Ghost."

Xia Yue gave the answer instead of Zhang Wenlin.

There is a pass on the way from Yulang City to the outside of the pass, called Yumen Pass. Thirty years ago, evil spirits were rampant in Yumen Pass, which harmed many local people.

Although the former director of the Special Administration Bureau of Yulang City was physically weak, he was proficient in the art of driving ghosts and gods. He used his own life as a medium to invite the ghosts from hell to play a game of chess with him at Yumen Pass.

The ghost general who responded to the former director was a chess fanatic and loved chess games, so he was invited to Yumen Pass. During the chess game, the former director proposed that he hoped that the ghost general could protect the peace of this side during the chess game, so that the chess game would not be destroyed. disturb.

The ghost general thought he could defeat this mortal in a few strokes, so he readily agreed.

Unexpectedly, the former director was so good at chess that he laid all kinds of traps to make the ghost generals like trapped animals unable to break the game no matter what.

He turned this anger into murderous intent. Whenever the chess game reached a stalemate, he would use his long sword to vent his anger by killing ghosts and monsters. Once he started killing, the sky would be darkened and the ghosts would howl.

When he was satisfied with the killing, he came back to continue playing chess. In this way, the former director used his own body to drag out the chess game for a year.

In the end, this ghost general killed all the evil spirits around Yulang City, and even two aliens from the Yulang Special Administration Bureau at that time almost died tragically. Because of this, the Yulang City Special Administration Bureau urgently transferred the aliens elsewhere.

There are no evil spirits inside the pass, but the evil spirits outside the pass are inexhaustible.

But as long as the ghost generals are here, no evil will be able to cross the Yumen Pass.

But the former director knew that he had very little life left, and it was almost difficult for him to stay awake.

So in the last move, the former director used all the magic moves he had learned all his life to completely plunge the entire chess game into a situation that seemed unsolvable but seemed to have a way to solve it.

Neither let the ghost general admit defeat nor let him break the situation.

Leaving behind this move, the former director passed away, leaving only a hell ghost general in Yumen Pass who killed ghosts and monsters because he couldn't solve the chess game.


After listening to Zhang Wenlin's explanation, Li Muhan only came up with these two words.

"Former director Xie Chengtian, director Xie, due to physical reasons, could not be reused even if he had great talents. He could only be transferred to such a border place, like a dragon in the shallows, completely unable to display his talents."

The bald director personally made tea for several people in the office and sighed.

"He is my senior brother and the person I respect the most... I often wonder if Director Xie would be a key training target of the Special Administration Bureau if he were in better health."

"Hmph, so this is how you repay him now? Make yourself fat and give up on yourself?"

Zhang Wenlin said angrily.

"Teacher... I am just a mediocre person, incomparable to Director Xie. Look at me, I am just an ordinary person. The peace that Yulang City now has is only due to Director Xie's sacrifice. Alas …What can I do?”

Hati sat by the office window with her chin in her hands, her eyes looking into the distance. In the northwest under the darkness of night, there seemed to be some kind of powerful aura spreading out.

"He is truly a ghost general from ancient China. His murderous aura is simply terrifying."

This should be the highest evaluation Harty has given so far.

"Teacher Zhang, actually I want to ask you something..."

The bald director personally brought tea to Zhang Wenlin and said.

"I want to ask you, please... help us take out Director Xie's body when we pass by Yumen Pass."


Zhang Wenlin slammed the table, glared at the bald director and said.

"After all these years!! You still let Xie Chengtian's body rot there!?"

The bald director was so frightened that he quickly bent down and said.

"Teacher...Teacher, don't be angry. Think about it, we are all ordinary people here. Who dares to get close to the ancient Yumenguan Tower...and after so many years, the ghost general has not yet I am afraid that if I break the chess game, I have already been possessed by the devil, and now I am afraid that I will kill everyone and every ghost."

Thinking about it carefully, the bald director was right, but Zhang Wenlin couldn't make a decision.

Although the destination of their trip is outside the pass, they can completely bypass Yumen Pass, and the mission goal is very clear. They are to recover cultural relics, not to collect Xie Chengtian's corpse.

"I can't make the decision in this matter. I also entrusted the Tianhai City Special Administrative Bureau to send someone to escort me."

Zhang Wenlin looked at Hati and said.

"This lady is the main person in charge of this escort team. You can ask her."

The bald director was about to turn around and speak to Hati, but as soon as he met Hati's eyes, he was so frightened by the powerful aura that he didn't even dare to raise his head.

"Director Xie can be considered a hero among men. He uses his body as a bait to lure the ghost generals into the trap. I have to admire him."

Hati spoke Chinese very well and could even quote some ancient texts, which made Li Muhan find it interesting. In fact, Li Muhan was more inclined to recover Xie Chengtian's body.

Such a chivalrous man should not be thrown into the wilderness.

It can be said that he single-handedly protected the peace in Yulang City. At the same time, Li Muhan also remembered what Lin Ze said to him.

Work hard to climb up until the day when the Special Administrative Bureau can really value you.

If I could become the director...can I make the same sacrifices as Xie Chengtian?

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