In a shabby little hotel, Li Muhan sat on the bed, covering his forehead, as if recalling something.

But there was a force blocking his memories.

He knew very well that he could not recall and must not remember those things.

Once his memory begins to recover, it means that the gap that the Trickster has created for him against the Pandemonium will soon disappear.

dong dong dong-

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in." Li Muhan said in a low voice.

Leia walked into the room slowly. She looked at Li Muhan with some concern: "In the past half month, you have swallowed thirteen cracks, Mr. Li Muhan, is that enough?"

"Do not."

Li Muhan covered his forehead and said, "It's not enough."

"I can feel that there are a total of seventy-five rifts in China. I have swallowed thirteen of them, but it is not enough. The rifts in other countries are insignificant, but the rifts in China are all connected to the main core of the Heart of the World, which is not enough..."

"Leiya." Li Muhan suddenly looked up at Leiya.

"I... Have I forgotten a lot of things... I, I am a member of the Special Management Bureau, right?"

"...I am just a recorder and witness, Mr. Li Muhan."

Leia slowly walked to Li Muhan's side and squatted down slowly: "I can't let you remember anything... I'm sorry."

"...Lin Ze, Li Ling'an, Li Chengtian and...Xia Yue."

He kept murmuring, repeating these names that he absolutely did not want to forget.

Rhea knew very well that these names were very long three days ago.

Su Xue, Yin Qi, Lin Ziyu, Chang Yue... and many more, and now.

There don't seem to be many left.

"Mr. Li's time to go to bed."

She raised her hand, wanting to touch Li Muhan, but her hand finally stopped in mid-air, and then she covered him with the quilt.

"you should go to bed......."

When Li Muhan slowly lay down on the bed, his brain did not dare to rest.

It was clearly the power of the realm that he had requested the trickster to set up.

But now, when those memories were really disappearing from his mind bit by bit, he felt extremely terrified.

Especially that figure...

At least leave her my memory.


Xia Yue hasn't returned to the Tianhai City Special Management Bureau for half a month.

She seemed to have returned to that hazy day, and everything seemed like a passing cloud.

The girl followed the footsteps of Li Muhan, those places of killing and blood, but each time she seemed to be a step slower.

She never saw that figure again.

Under Lin Ze's commission, special management bureaus in various places provided great help to Xia Yue.

Unfortunately, Li Muhan's action pattern is completely untraceable.

The cracks he attacked had never been discovered before. They were cracks that had been hidden in various areas of the world.

However, thanks to Li Muhan, humans realized that those cracks that were exposed and motionless were just a cover.

The real rift has been completely integrated with this world in some way and has taken on an anthropomorphic form.

Their behavior is no different from that of normal humans.

There is currently no way to identify these rift creatures.

"It's no use for you to wander around like this." Lei Jian looked at Xia Yue and said, "No one knows what Li Muhan wants to do now, and his power is completely different from what we know."

Lei Jian kicked the monster's remains that had not yet been cleaned up and said, "These wounds are either lacerations or bite marks. It's hard to imagine that they were caused by Li Muhan."

He originally wanted to say that this was like a fight to the death between two wild beasts, but considering Xia Yue's mood, Lei Jian swallowed his words.

Xia Yue watched all this expressionlessly, then she slowly squatted down and tore off a piece of the monster's flesh with her hands.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Lei Jian seemed to realize that something was wrong with Xia Yue. He wanted to stop her but it was too late.

Xia Yue just opened her mouth and stuffed the piece of meat into her mouth.

"Are you crazy!? This is a monster from the other side of the rift! Spit it out now."

Xia Yue ignored Lei Jian. She knew very well that she was also a monster, a monster from the rift.

When she chewed and swallowed the meat, Xia Yue seemed to see the massacre in front of her eyes.

Countless monsters were hunted and killed by the black wolf, and then the huge Rift Lord could not escape the fate of being torn to pieces.

But along with these afterimages came a severe headache and dizziness.

Xia Yue covered her forehead tightly, trying hard to resist the tearing feeling.

She wanted to see...wanted to see more...

"It's time to go, Rhea."

When the giant black wolf slowly turned its head to look at her, her mind could hardly bear the pain.

"Yes, Mr. Li Muhan, our next stop is..." The girl's answer became increasingly vague.

Xia Yue tried her best to continue listening, but in the end, she fell to her knees on the ground and vomited out all the minced meat she had just swallowed.

"Look at you! You put everything in your mouth! I've heard you can eat a lot! But I didn't expect you to be so exaggerated! Medical department! Where are the people in the medical department! Hurry up and save them!"

Lei Jian shouted anxiously. He didn't dare let anything happen to Xia Yue. If anything happened to this girl in Beiyuan City, it would be a relief if Lin Ze didn't twist his head off.

But Xia Yue stood up while gasping for breath and supporting herself on the ground.

"......" Her face was pale and her eyes were bloodshot.

Seeing her like this, Lei Jian was extremely anxious.

"Auntie! What's wrong with you? Say something! What's wrong with you?"

"..." Xia Yue raised her hand and grabbed Lei Jian's collar tightly.

"Take Spring..."

"Langya Spring? You mean the one on Haiqing Plateau... Hey! Xia Yue! Xia Yue!"

After saying this, Xia Yue lost consciousness and fainted on the ground.


Haiqing City, a pearl located on the Chinese Plateau, displays a rugged and mysterious beauty with its unique geographical and climatic conditions.

After walking out of the simple hotel, Li Muhan raised his head slightly and looked at the sky above his head.

The air on the plateau is fresh and thin, and the sunlight shines directly down, bringing abundant sunshine and clear blue sky to the city.

"Mr. Li Muhan, the location of Langya Spring is quite far from the city. Should we rent a car to go there?"

"We don't have an ID, so we can't rent a car."

Li Muhan put on the hood of his hooded sweatshirt and then put on a mask.

"Then let's..." Before Leia could finish her words, Li Muhan had already put the baseball cap on her head.

"Have you ever played a human game?"

"Games, do you mean video games?"

"Yes, Grand Theft Auto." Li Muhan said as he walked to a car that looked a bit old. Before Leia could react, Li Muhan had already smashed the car window with an elbow.

"Remember to black out the surveillance cameras around here."

"...No need to hack, there is no surveillance on this old street."

"Okay." Li Muhan said as he was about to get in the car, but after hesitating for a moment, he said to Leia, "You drive. I probably won't be able to get there tomorrow if I drive."

Rhea burst out laughing.

For some reason, Li Muhan's sense of humor seemed to have not been lost, which made her feel somewhat familiar.

"As you wish, Mr. Li Muhan."

The car sped away, leaving only the angry curses of the man who ran out of the hotel.


Almost at the same time as the car, a helicopter landed in front of the building of Haiqing City Special Management Bureau.

"What's going on? Didn't I tell you to drive to the military airport?"

The director of the Haiqing City Special Management Bureau, a shrewd and capable woman in her thirties, looked at the girl who jumped out of the helicopter with dissatisfaction and said.

“Give me a car.”

Xia Yue said without any greetings.

"...Where did this young lady come from? She is so ignorant."

The woman smacked her lips, but finally waved her hand, and an off-road vehicle drove in front of Xia Yue.

"Can you drive?" the woman asked.


Xia Yue took the car keys thrown to her by the woman and got into the car without saying a word.

"Are you sure you don't need our help?" The woman walked to the car door and asked the girl.

"Need not."


The car started its engine and sped away.

"Fuck! Isn't that so rude!?"

The woman cursed at the back of the car, then she took out her cell phone and called Chang Yue: "Chang Yue! Is that woman your illegitimate daughter? Why are you so arrogant?!"

[Oh my, I am so blessed to have such a beautiful daughter. I am so grateful. Xiao Luo, she just got married and her husband ran away suddenly. It is understandable that she has a bad temper. Please bear with me.]

"Chang Yue, I'm telling you, if it weren't for you, that kind of girl, I..."

[Xiao Luo, listen to me, don't mess with her. Just give her whatever she wants, and put it all on my account.]

"Humph, she didn't ask for anything, she just drove away with a car."

[Xiao Luo, is that so? You should take your men and follow her. I am also on my way to Haiqing City.]

" want to come too? Are you finally willing to see me? After that night, you, you left without saying goodbye..."

[Ahem! Xiao Luo, I’m driving hands-free! There’s someone else in the car! I’m not going to talk to you anymore, I’m hanging up]

beep beep-

Hearing the busy tone on the phone, veins bulged on the woman's forehead.

"I was such a fool to have hope in a man like you!" Then she turned around and said to a row of members of the Haiqing City Special Management Bureau.

"Get ready. Come with me on the field mission today. By the way, this mission may not be as simple as Chang Yue said. Take the horn with you. If necessary... let those gods of war on the grassland come to help."

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