The Special Management Bureau is very lively today.

The entire staff cafeteria is surrounded by a festive atmosphere.

"A little higher. A little higher."

Bai Ran stepped on Reckless's shoulders, trying to hang the decorative wreath higher.

In order to maintain balance, Bai Ran's white tail kept swinging under his body.

Reckless had reached the limit of his patience and was finally swept by the tail and sneezed.

"Ah sneeze!!"

“Ahhh! Ah!!”

Bai Ran fell directly down, but fortunately at the last moment, Yue Li beside him caught him with a furry fox tail.

"Damn, you guys usually don't show your tail when you cook, right? It's so hairy! Pah!" said Reckless Hundred Years while spitting out cat hair.

"#@¥@! Damn it! Say that again! I'm cooking @¥!#! If you can, just don't eat it! And you think our fur is dirty! Do you know how many times we take a shower a day?! Why don't you take a piss and look at yourself! You smell good!? You! @¥#!@¥, you just open your mouth and spray powder! @¥¥@#!"

He was scolded for being reckless and could only nod and apologize while looking for help from his teammates beside him.

"Mengmeng, please pass me the tool box."

Su Xue, who was decorating the cafeteria door, said to Meng Meng.

"Sister Xue is here!" Meng Meng completely ignored her captain and ran to Su Xue with the tool box in her arms.

Almost everyone is busy.

Li Muhan and Xia Yue were also cutting paper.

"I asked you to cut a wedding character, but what did you cut? It looks like something chewed by a dog..." Li Muhan took the paper from Xia Yue's hand.

"Forget it, go somewhere else and see if there's anyone you can help with."

Li Muhan waved his hands. Xia Yue glared at Li Muhan angrily, and then a wolf's tail emerged from under her skirt.

Hati, who was passing by, happened to see this scene.

She slowly stopped, her eyes gradually became shocked, and then her heart began to get restless, and finally, she couldn't help it.

"Let me try again..." Xia Yue leaned on the table, her tail wagging.

"It's fun to cut this, but it's not fun to cut other things."

"You've wasted so much paper. No."

"You're so stingy. If you don't let me try, I'll... Ugh!!"

Suddenly, a pain came from behind.

Xia Yue and Li Muhan looked back and saw that Hati also showed his wolf ears and tail, and directly bit Xia Yue's tail.

"You you! What are you doing? Are you looking for trouble, you stupid wolf?"

"...It's actually a real tail."

Hati's mouth was still unwilling to let go and continued to bite Xia Yue's black wolf tail.

"Let go! Let go! Li Muhan, look at her!!"

"......" Li Muhan just squeezed his hips, fearing that his tail would be exposed at this time, but he overlooked one point, the tail grew from the coccyx.

There's no point in clenching your butt.

Since obtaining the power of Li Chengtian's Tan Lang, they have possessed the power of incarnation, not only of wolves, but also of the phantom of the Azure Dragon.

But they are still in the process of mastering this power and are not yet proficient in it.

When emotions are too excited, the situation that Xia Yue just experienced may occur.

"You were the one wagging your tail to provoke me, and now you blame me?"

Hati continued to squat on the ground and bite Xia Yue's tail.

"Let me go! Ouch! Your saliva!! It's dirty! You idiot wolf! It hurts!"

"At most you can bite my tail."

"Who wants to bite you..." When the more fluffy white tail swayed in front of Xia Yue.


Xia Yue bit it without hesitation.

So the next second, the two of them started fighting with each other, tearing each other's hair and tails.

"It's really noisy."

Mo Qiao, who was setting up the stage on the side, frowned and said, "They can't help one by one, but they are quite disruptive."

"Don't say that, Minister Mo. Our Special Management Bureau hasn't been this lively for a long time. Let's take advantage of this couple's wedding to celebrate."

Cen Lin smiled and connected the speaker wires.

"Wait a minute, Chief Cen, that line..."


Before he could finish his words, Cen Lin had already received an electric shock all over his body, and his beard and hair were all standing up.

"There's a problem with that line, I'm still working on it."

Mo Qiao sighed, and then said to Qian Gongyue beside him: "Go find someone from the medical department, don't let Cen Lin die, he still has a lot of work to do."

Qian Gongyue’s first reaction was to let Cen Lin die, this was too awesome.

But soon she stood up and walked towards the door.

On the road, three figures passed by quickly and almost bumped into Qian Gongyue.

She turned her head and saw Jin Wu and Yue Linglong followed by Li Lingan.

"Quiet down! Stop running around in the aisle! Whose kid are you?"

Zhou Yichen was carrying a steel frame and was nearly knocked over, so he shouted at the three people's backs.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry..." Li Lingan was so scared that she was about to apologize, but Jin Wu quickly grabbed her.

"Don't apologize! Humph! We can do whatever we want! Quick! Spit on him! Pah, pah, pah!"

Jinwu spat directly at Zhou Yichen, and Yue Linglong followed closely behind. Finally, Li Lingan blushed and just stuck out her tongue at Zhou Yichen, and then the three of them ran away again.

"Oh my god! You little bastards! Stop right there!"

"You are the one who should stop right there."

Lu Yunxue's voice came from the side: "I asked you to move things, and now you're still playing with the kids here."

"Ah? I'm not..."

"Don't quibble." Lu Yunxue said coldly: "Hurry up and move the things."

Lin Ze in the corner held a coffee cup and watched all this with a look of satisfaction: "Alas, the years are peaceful."

Jin Chao sat next to her and ate melon seeds.

"What are you doing?"

"Prepare for the wedding."

"What is a wedding?" Jin Zhao turned around and asked.

"Two people who love each other, overcoming numerous difficulties, finally get together, grow old together, take care of each other, and spend their lives together."

Lin Ze picked up the coffee cup and took a sip.

Jin Chao was just about to fold her legs and curl up in the chair when Lin Ze simply raised his hand and patted her thigh.

“There is a proper sitting posture.”

".....Excuse me, after you get married, will you stop staying with me every day?"

Lin Ze was stunned, and almost dropped the coffee cup in her hand. She turned her head and looked at Jin Zhao: "Are you in your rebellious period, or am I too gentle to you? Say it again, try it?"


Jin Zhao turned his head away, but still adjusted his sitting position obediently.

Then Lin Ziyu rushed in from the door.

"There's still half an hour left!! Have you arranged everything yet?!"

"The flower group has finished the arrangement!" Bai Ran shouted with his hand raised.

"Stage over."

Mo Qiao and Yin Qi said.

"The food has been prepared long ago." Yue Li said impatiently.

"The notary is ready." Yang Er, dressed in a suit and tie, stood up and said to others while greeting them.

"Exhibition, the display stands have been set up!" This might be the first time that Chen Yiming made such a loud noise. After she finished speaking, she immediately covered her mouth shyly.

"The lighting team and props team are ready." Suzaku sat with his legs crossed in front of a row of operating tables and made an OK gesture with Hecate.

"Okay! You're the only one missing! Captain! Stand up!"

Lin Ziyu shouted at Li Muhan.

“Cut, cut, cut, it will take a while to cut the colored paper!” Li Muhan shouted, “I’m the only one cutting! Why don’t you pull the two people fighting next to me apart first! They’re in the way!”

Half an hour later.

A decorated luxury car stopped at the door of the Special Management Bureau building.

Then Yan Yu, dressed in a suit and tie, got out from the passenger seat and opened the door for the two newlyweds in the back seat.

"...Finally." The man smiled and looked at the girl in the wedding dress beside him: "We have finally...waited for this day."

The girl smiled, took the man's hand and got out of the car.

Chang Yue, who was driving, finally found a chance to smoke.

He quickly lit a cigarette and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Byd, what's the big deal? I'm a driver now."

Under Yan Yu's guidance, the bride and groom slowly stepped onto the steps of the Special Management Bureau.

On both sides of the road were employees of the Special Management Bureau who were applauding and welcoming the couple, and some were blowing whistles and setting off fireworks to offer their blessings to the newlyweds.

Zuo Qi held Raven's hand and slowly walked into the gate of the Special Management Bureau.

But the last time, he was subjected to endless insults and hatred here.

Now, he was about to enter the marriage hall with the person he loved most in his life. When he walked into the decorated cafeteria, the wedding march sounded above his head, accompanied by countless applause accompanied by the white swan feathers kindly provided by Yun Zhongxian.

Yan Yu led the two to the front of the stage, then turned and left.

"Dear guests, leaders, and colleagues, welcome to the wedding of Mr. Zuo Qi and Ms. Mo Xuan."

The serious Minister of Cyber ​​Security stood between the two of them.

Although his bald head is a bit funny, his voice is full of energy and really has the flavor of the artist.

After the wedding host's process.

The bald minister said to the two of them.

"If you two are ready, we will start the final process."

"I'm ready. I've been waiting for this day."

Zuo Qi said.

"......" Raven nodded slightly, she didn't say anything.

"Then please send out our notary."

Yang Er came to the stage.

"Ahem, everyone, I am not only the messenger sent by the Heavenly Court, but also the guarantor of Mr. Zuo Qi and Ms. Du... Mo Xuan, so I am honored to witness your wedding today. Since both of you... don't have parents, now, we will proceed to the final process. Mr. Zuo Qi, are you willing to marry this beautiful woman in front of you, to take care of her and love her for the rest of your life, and to stay with her for the rest of your life, regardless of life, old age, sickness, death, poverty or wealth? Are you willing to take care of her for the rest of your life?"

Zuo Qi didn't hesitate at all.

"I do, Mo Xuan, I love you, and I will always love you!"

The people in the audience had mixed feelings.

Because they know that behind this wedding is a lifelong harm to a young girl.

Lin Ze persuaded the crow to cross.

This may be a kind of happiness for him.

But for you, it may be an eternal prison.

"Excuse me..." Yang Er hesitated for a long time, and finally sighed, looking at Raven and said: "Excuse me, lady..."

He did not say Raven's name, or Mo Xuan's name.

Perhaps this is Yang Er's final respect and blessing for Raven.

"Are you willing to marry the bridegroom, and love, comfort, honor, and protect him in sickness and health, for richer or poorer, in prosperity and adversity? And are you willing to be faithful to him forever as long as you live?"

The girl took a slight breath, and everyone thought that her answer would be accompanied by a hint of sobs and trembling.

but no.

She simply took a deep breath, then looked up at Raven, showing the most beautiful smile of her life, and then spoke in her most determined tone.

"I am willing."

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