The information obtained from Su Xue and Lin Ziyu was that Yin Qi did not give them any information before she disappeared.

The place where her last signal disappeared was also in this ruins, and the same was true for Xia Yue.

"Isn't there any secret passage or secret door?"

Li Muhan asked.

"No." Lin Ziyu sighed.

"We have also been looking for secret passages and secret doors, because Xia Yue's last message was that he found a rather suspicious secret passage, but we did not find any secret passages or secret rooms here."

After Lin Ziyu finished speaking, Su Xue also added: "According to the architectural drawings here and the exploration by the engineering team, this building has not expanded downward from the beginning, and there is no hidden space in it."

After listening to the two words, Li Muhan fell into deep thought.

Xia Yue and Yin Qi both disappeared nearby, but why can't they find any clues now?

He walked around the abandoned building several times and found no other traces except some abandoned medical equipment that had not yet been moved away.

But just as Li Muhan passed a corner, a cat meow attracted his attention.

Li Muhan turned around and saw a black kitten squatting at the door of a dilapidated ward.


The black cat looked at Li Muhan, not afraid, but barked at him again.

Li Muhan felt a little weird, because he didn't feel any breath of the cat approaching him, as if the cat didn't exist in the first place.

So Li Muhan slowly approached the black cat, thinking that the black cat would run away, but it just sat there, wagging its tail slightly and looking at Li Muhan.


Li Muhan stretched out his hand and slowly touched the black cat's head.

At this moment, countless fragments of consciousness began to pierce into his head.

Screams, roars, anger, roars, fear, slaughter.

Li Muhan took his hand back, cold sweat breaking out on his forehead.

Those were not just memories, but countless emotions also flowed into his body. At that moment, Li Muhan seemed to experience the last moments of countless people being killed by something.

"What the hell are you."

Li Muhan stared at the black cat, and then the black cat slowly stood up, stuck out his butt and stretched.

Then it turned around and walked towards the corridor. Standing on the edge of the stairs, it looked back at Li Muhan, as if asking Li Muhan to follow him.

"I'm on the third floor now. There's something going on here."

Li Muhan used the earphone to tell Lin Ze and the remaining members of Team 7 what had just happened.

But the strange thing is that no response was received from the earphones, as if it was interfered by some kind of force.


The black cat barked again, and his tone seemed a little impatient, as if to say: Are you coming or not?

Li Muhan had no choice but to follow the black cat.

This abandoned building has nine floors in total.

After demolishing the top three floors, six floors remain.

I don’t know why the remaining demolition work has not continued, so it has been shelved until now.

Li Muhan followed the looming figure of the black cat to the fifth floor.

This place has been searched by Lin Ziyu, Su Xue and other execution troops, and some traces left after their investigation can be found.

The black cat walked straight through the corridor and walked to a room.

The room was very dilapidated and the outer walls had collapsed. Li Muhan watched the black cat jump onto a dilapidated wooden bed and then lay down on the bed and rolled around.

Li Muhan walked to the bed and touched the black cat's belly, but was immediately scratched by the black cat with two paws.

The black cat furrowed, and he arched his body and let out a sigh of relief at Li Muhan.

"So fierce..."

Li Muhan rubbed his hands.

Then he slowly lay down on the ground, because he actually understood what the black cat meant. There was something around the bed.

Sure enough, after using his demonic sense to investigate, Li Muhan discovered that a floor tile under the bed was hollow.

After opening it, there was a diary inside.

"Is this what you want me to see?"

Li Muhan opened the old diary and looked at the black cat. The little black cat ignored Li Muhan and just licked his paws.

[2004, March 3, starting today, I officially became a member of the Mendarosa Children's Rehabilitation Center. This institution is committed to keeping children around the world away from pain. The institution is equipped with the most advanced medical treatment Equipment and professional pediatrician. 】

[I am one of them. I am proud to devote myself to such a great international cause. I will dedicate all of myself to the organization and become the sun that illuminates the children. 】

This diary was recorded 20 years ago, and the person who recorded it is not specified.

"Mendarosa... Mendarosa."

Li Muhan muttered this name, always feeling an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

[On April 2004, 4, more and more children were sent to the rehabilitation center. The professor told us that these children are the hope of the future, and I think so too. 】

[Everything here makes me feel full of vitality, and the children spend every day happily here. How lucky they are. They should have been orphans who were homeless, suffering from hunger and illness, but now, their There was a smile on my face, and I suddenly felt that I had not done enough, and I had to work harder for these children]

[On July 2004, 7, a rather strange girl was brought here today. She was a little older than the other children, but she was only six or seven years old. I heard that her parents were killed by robbers. She herself Hiding in the refrigerator, she listened to the gangsters torture her parents to death bit by bit. 】

[Poor child, I am her attending physician. Her problem is not only physical, but also spiritual. The professor has visited the child twice, but the professor is a little different from usual. He does not care about it. The child encouraged him, nodded with satisfaction and left. No matter what, I will definitely make this child get better]

[On August 2005, 8, it had been a week since the child was taken away by the professor. Although the professor often asked people to take her away before, she would be sent back soon. 】

[But this time, I didn’t hear any news about the child for a whole week. I was very worried because I was her attending physician. I asked other doctors and researchers, but they couldn’t explain clearly. 】

[But I know that some of them are deliberately hiding it from me. I am a psychiatrist. Although my main research direction is child psychology, I can detect it. I...I feel like this is Something is wrong]

[October 2005, 10, I found, I found, this, I found the problem with this rehabilitation center, I tracked the vehicles transporting meat supplies, I, I found the missing children. 】

[They were all transported to an abandoned factory. The professor was there. The child was also there. They put the child in an ice cellar for a whole month. My God, a child stayed in the ice cellar for a month. She She's not dead, but her mental condition is getting worse and worse. I, I have to get out of here. I have to find a way to expose this place. 】

[January 2005, 1, the professor talked to me today... He knew everything I did, and knew that I planned to secretly contact an organization called the Special Administration Bureau. He, he didn't blame me, he just told me , those children are the hope of the future. 】

[Their flesh and blood will become the cornerstone of the future. This, this is wrong. I tried to tell the professor that the development of all life should not be paved with the sacrifice of children. The professor asked me to think about it. I have thought about it. I can't leave here. Although I am now being closely monitored, I can still move freely within the limited area. I can also contact some children at an early stage. I should be able to help those children in my own way. 】

"Professor..." Li Muhan couldn't help but frowned when he saw this.

He didn't know if the professor described in this diary was the Moriarty he thought of, but in any case, this diary should contain some very important information.

When he looked up at the bed again, the black cat had disappeared without a trace.

The diary in the middle has not been updated for nearly a year. Li Muhan didn't know what the recorder went through this year. When he saw the next paragraph, it was already 06.

[January 2006, 1, New Year’s Eve. I have gradually become accustomed to watching those children come and watch them leave. Other doctors thought that they were sent to a better place or adopted. . 】

[But I know very well that what awaits the children is a hell where there will never be hope. Mendarosa is not a paradise for children, but a quarantine room in the slaughterhouse. We select and then transport them to various slaughterhouses. In the field, I am not the sun that illuminates the children, but a pair of scissors that personally cuts off their future. 】

[January 2006, 1, another boy was delivered today. This boy is very cute, but his personality is a little different from other children. He is withdrawn, reticent, and has dull eyes. Originally, I thought that such children were unqualified and defective products and would be abandoned soon. 】

[But when the professor saw the boy, he showed unprecedented excitement. He hugged the boy, stroked his hair, and whispered in his ear, you are the best, I will shape him well. your child. 】

[To be honest, I felt a little disgusted. I just watched all this with a cold eye. I only had contact with this child for two days, and then I watched him being taken into the car. They won’t even avoid me now. Maybe I will. I will sink like this for the rest of my life, but... when the child met me for the last time, he said to me: Uncle, thank you, goodbye. 】

[I suddenly felt that he actually knew all this and what he would face. I...I had to do something...I had to save him, save this child named Li Muhan. , No, I have to save all the children...】

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