In the heart of Pingjing City, the lights of the Special Administration Bureau look particularly lonely in the night.

Lu Shan was sitting on a chair in the office. His rickety figure looked a little tired under the dim light, but his eyes were still as sharp as an eagle.

The table is covered with thick documents, each of which is related to the security and order of the city. The work of the Special Administration Bureau is much more complicated than it seems.

In particular, the China Special Administration Bureau is not only responsible for coordinating the overall situation, but also serves as a role model for all special administration bureaus.

The pen in his hand scratched across the paper, making a rustling sound, as if weaving a large net to protect the city.

The wind outside gradually became stronger, causing the leaves outside the window to rustle, as if foreshadowing the coming storm.

Lu Shan stopped writing. His eyes were tired and sharp, as if he could see through the night.

He stood up slowly, picked up the coat hanging on the back of the chair and draped it over his shoulders, walking heavily towards the window sill.

The night sky was covered with dark clouds, the thunder was faint, and the air was filled with the breath before the rain.

He opened a window, and the cool breeze mixed with moisture suddenly hit his face.

A trace of worry flashed in Lu Shan's eyes, and he sighed softly, with a hint of helplessness in his voice: "The sky is going to change again.

At this moment, a bird with fiery red feathers suddenly penetrated the clouds and soared to the window.

It landed on the window sill, jumping happily, flapping its wings, and chirping, as if it was conveying some message.

Lu Shan carefully stretched out his hands and gently picked up the little bird.

It was undaunted and snuggled docilely into his palm.

Lu Shan carefully looked at this unusual elf and found that one of the feathers on its abdomen was shining with a strange fire.

He stretched out his long fingers and gently picked off the feather.

In an instant, he obtained some key information from this feather. After learning this information, Lu Shan frowned slightly, and a trace of worry flashed across his face.

Outside the window, the thunder became louder and louder, and lightning pierced the sky, illuminating Lu Shan's increasingly gloomy face.

He took a deep breath, turned away from the window sill, and strode towards his desk. The documents spread out on the table seemed to be waiting for his review and decision.

Outside the window, raindrops began to fall, knocking on the glass, playing a piece of music on a rainy night.

Lu Shan hunched over, as if he had made a major decision.

The little bird by the window tilted its head and looked at Lu Shan, as if waiting for Lu Shan's response.

Lu Shan didn't say anything. He just waved his hand gently with his back to the bird, and the bird turned into a group of scarlet light spots as if it had completed its mission, and dissipated in the intensifying rain.

Then Lu Shan left the office, his footsteps echoing in the empty corridor, each step appearing firm and powerful.

Lu Shan would give a slight nod to every staff member who greeted him.

Soon, he passed through the security gates and finally came to that special prison.

The dim lights inside the prison echoed with the echo of his steps.

He stood in front of an observation window and looked at the people in the room.

Shuo Bai was sitting in the corner of the room, wearing a gray and white sweater, humming softly, like an old lady who had nothing to do with the world.

Then the door was opened and Lu Shan walked in.

Shuo Bai did not raise his head to look at Lu Shan, he still squinted his eyes slightly, feeling peaceful and peaceful.

"I need your help." Lu Shan said straight to the point. "Someone may take action against Li Ling'an and Li Muhan, and this matter involves Li Chengtian. I cannot use too much power within the Special Administration Bureau."

Shuo Bai slowly raised his head, with no wave in his eyes: "What does the outside world have to do with me?"

Lu Shan approached the old man and said in a low voice: "Stop making trouble, Shuo Bai. Last time it was because you crossed the line and wanted to kill Li Muhan. I had to stand by his side. You should understand."

Shuo Bai chuckled, with a hint of sarcasm in his tone: "Li Muhan's existence will only make the darkness that we have suppressed come back again, so he must die, and you should understand."

Lu Shan shook his head, slightly excited, and his tall but rickety figure was trembling slightly: "Although he is not Li Chengtian's biological child, he has a deep connection with Li Chengtian. That child is innocent and should not have to pay his life for this. ”

Thunder and lightning passed through the narrow window, casting mottled light and shadow on Shuo Bai's old face.

Her expression was still gentle, but there was a hint of disdain.

"You allowed Chang Yue and Lin Ze to do whatever they wanted and exposed Li Ling'an's identity to the public. Didn't you just want to force those people to show up? Now that your wish has come true, you feel powerless?" Shuo Bai said sarcastically, with a look in his eyes. A hint of cunning flashed through, "Lu Shan, are you really old? Are your nine swords already rusty?"

Faced with Shuo Bai's ridicule, Lu Shan did not argue. He is just a mortal who has made it this far by relying on his own strength, but he has indeed reached the point where he has run out of fuel.

Time is ruthless, and even the once peerless master cannot escape the erosion of time.

Shuo Bai slowly stood up and walked to Lu Shan. Her gaze was as sharp as a knife, as if she wanted to dissect his soul. "Lu Shan, do you want me to give you a clear path? Kill Li Muhan and completely control Li Ling'an. In this way, you can not only block those covetous people from the abyss, but also use Li Ling'an to blackmail that madman Li Chengtian. This is the best. Method."

Lu Shan stared at Shuo Bai and was silent for a long time.

He knew that this conversation was crucial and that every word could determine the future direction.

Taking a deep breath, he spoke slowly: "I have already made a mistake and failed my apprentice. Now, I must not make the same mistake again."

Hearing Lu Shan's words, Shuo Bai suddenly laughed. Her laughter was far from what an old woman should sound like, instead it sounded like a cunning fox. "You old thing, half of your body has been buried in the ground, and now you know how to reflect on your life, and then you have the shamelessness to come to me for help? Just because of that monster?"

"He's not a monster." Lu Shan's body slowly straightened up, as if he was gaining strength again.

He looked directly into Shuo Bai's eyes and said categorically: "He ended the threat of Prometheus and saved the world. He did what Li Chengtian couldn't do, and he is a true hero."

Shuo Bai snorted, a trace of disdain flashing in his eyes. "It's just Moriarty's borrowed knife to kill people. Old man, the destruction of Prometheus only made that cunning guy more unscrupulous. Do you think you can buy peace in this way? Naive."

"Shuo Bai." Lu Shan knew that no one could convince anyone if this continued, so he planned to use his trump card: "A crack has appeared."

When he heard the word "crack", the smile on Shuo Bai's face froze instantly.

She slowly turned her head and stared at Lu Shan sharply, her tone becoming serious and cold.

"Lu Shan, you'd better not joke about this kind of thing."

"I'm not kidding!" Lu Shan roared, with anger and solemnity in his voice.

Outside the window, a thunder streaked across the night sky, illuminating his resolute face. "The Chinese Special Administration's research on space and heaven and earth has led to monsters that do not belong to this world. We killed them back in the past, but now, they will come back!"

Shuo Bai was silent for a while and asked bluntly: "So, what does this have to do with the current situation?"

Lu Shan took a deep breath and said slowly: "Moriarty's threat is far greater than we imagined. He was born at the core of this world, and through the skin of a fictional character, he is actually the real will of this world. If we say The world back then would help us expel those monsters, but now, I’m worried that the world will want those monsters to replace us and become the new masters!”

Shuo Bai slowly sat back on the bed, his expression becoming solemn and angry.

"You mean, those villains hiding in the shadows of the Chinese Special Administration Bureau actually sold the future of the world to the monsters on the other side of the rift for their own selfish gain?"

Lu Shan nodded and said in a heavy tone: "I'm afraid that's the case. Moriarty and those monsters have the same goal. They both want to destroy mankind and dominate the world. And Li Muhan and Li Ling'an are both key pieces in their plan. "

"Do you think we two old guys can still turn things around? Lu Shan, wake up. This world is no longer under our control."

Shuo Bai shook his head, with helplessness in his tone.

"We will not fight alone. Open your eyes and see, Shuo Bai. The children have grown up, and they have also trained their own successors. This world will not let you down."

Shuo Bai was silent for a long time, and finally raised her eyes slightly. Her eyes no longer had the kindness of an old lady.

Lu Shan seemed to understand the meaning of Shuo Bai's look.

"Tell me, what are your conditions?"

There was no tension in his voice before, but a calmness that was ready to accept everything.

Shuo Bai sighed slightly and said slowly: "I want your life, Lu Shan."

Lu Shan seemed to have already understood the result. He smiled bitterly and his tall figure trembled: "If you can help, help China, not only... help to survive this disaster safely." , I guarantee you will get what you want.”

They looked at each other, and the tension between them seemed to ease for a moment.

Lu Shan turned around and left the cell, Shuo Bai's eyes followed his back until he disappeared into the shadows outside the door.

He returned to his office, immersed in the conversation.

He sat back at the table, filled with mixed emotions.

He knows that the decision he just made will bring about a series of chain reactions, but he also knows that only by facing and solving problems can he truly protect those he values.

That night, the General Administration of Special Administration sent arrest letters to all special administration bureaus across the country.

[Shuo Bai, the former deputy director of the General Administration of Special Administration of China, has now been confirmed to have defected to Pingjing City. Special Administration Bureaus across the country are requested to pay close attention to him and be sure to arrest him]

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