"I, I hope... An An can, can successfully realize her... dream... dream... I, I will always support her."

Qu Ran held the microphone in her hand, her eyes were dull, and after saying this sentence with her whole body trembling, she almost collapsed. Fortunately, Lin Ze gently supported her body from behind.

There was thunderous applause backstage.

Of course, members of the Tianhai Special Administrative Bureau knew that Qu Ran had physical and character problems, so it was difficult for her to say these words.

So everyone felt her recognition of Li Ling'an.

This unique interview ended successfully.

Li Ling'an conquered everyone's hearts with her perfect appearance and completely reshaped her image.

She is no longer the mysterious passerby who suddenly appeared in the star-studded registration video.

But a girl of flesh and blood, worthy of everyone's love.

At the same time, in a specially customized room on the third underground floor of Tianhai City Special Administrative Bureau.

The real Li Ling'an was lying on the bed holding a stuffed toy, and 035 was sitting beside the bed, telling her the fairy tales in the author's book.

"So, in order for the real little princess to be happy, the magic cat turned into the little princess and endured everything on her behalf. Those who secretly wanted to harm the little princess used all means on this poor little princess. On the black cat."

Li Ling'an grabbed 035's sleeve anxiously.

"Then, the little black cat...will...die?"

035 looked at this girl with an angelic face but an extremely immature heart with a smile, and her mimicry emotions suddenly began to remind her of the time in Prometheus.

At that time, Leia 035 had no feelings, but she also assisted the staff of the Bioengineering Laboratory with matters related to Experimental Subject Zero.

The person in charge of Experimental Subject Zero at that time was a researcher from Area 91.

They did not treat Zero as a human being. They used various harsh experiments to stimulate Zero's neurons and cerebral cortex.

Use various biological agents to strengthen her body.

She was trained like a wild beast, but for some reason, they didn't directly remove the lobe of Zero's brain like they did with other experimental subjects.

Fortunately, Zero retains a trace of human consciousness.

But in the long-term freeze of condensation, her consciousness and body were in a state of stagnant growth.

But now, through the Pantheon in the body, the body seems to have been restored, and even the mind is much more stable than before. The first reaction when seeing strangers is not to attack.

Even after the Pantheon incident, Li Ling'an has obviously shown empathy towards some matters that the beast does not possess.

035 knows that this is a critical moment when she is gradually regaining her humanity.

She didn't know if it was because of guilt.

After all, Area 91's inhuman laboratory on Zero was built with the powerful computing power of his mother, Prometheus, so he was an accomplice to a certain extent.

But all she can do now is to stay with the little bird she released from the cage as much as possible, and care for her wings until she can soar under the blue sky again.

035 gently closed the book and looked at the girl in his arms tenderly.

Looking at Li Ling'an's innocent eyes, an indescribable emotion surged in her heart.

Her central processor has been dismantled by herself, and now her body should not have any logical ability.

But she has acquired an emotional processing function that is almost exactly the same as that of humans.

Leia didn't know if this was because Prometheus gave all the computing power to her as a legacy in the end, but she would treat it as a treasure.

How ironic, mother.

You are afraid of humans and you love humans at the same time.

You want to help humanity, but at the same time you want to destroy humanity.

Your existence is a collection of contradictions, and your final choice is to leave the last bionic person in mankind, and what you left to me is the chance to live as a human being.

The ending in the fairy tale is not happy.

The little black cat took on everything for the princess, and finally died alone on the roadside.

"An'an, you don't have to worry. Although the little black cat suffered a lot, the little black cat did not fight alone. It had companions who loved it and comrades who fought side by side. In the end, they defeated the evil devil. The princess' curse was lifted."

"Little black cat...friend, friend is...what...?"

Li Ling'an didn't seem to be able to understand some words in this world. Logically speaking, an eight-year-old child shouldn't be so ignorant, but the researchers in Area 91 did not allow her to receive any human education.

After the Chinese Special Administrative Bureau took over, it could no longer control Li Ling'an's situation and could only seal her in condensate for a long time, hoping to have the opportunity to return her to normal society in the future.

The director of the China Institute of Bioengineering should be a soldier named Liu Mingliang. I had dealt with him before, and when he took away Experimental Subject Zero, he was not afraid at all in the face of his own threats.

Thinking of this, Leya sighed.

When she took away Experimental Subject Zero and the children, should she repair the defenses that had been transformed by Prometheus for them? If she did that.

Will that strong soldier survive...?

The little black cat died alone, and even the princess did not remember his existence.

Leya would not let such an ending affect Li Ling'an's growth. She smiled and touched the girl's silky hair and said. ,

"In the end, both the little black cat and the little princess are happy. They will live freely in their kingdom, and no one can threaten them..."

"Really, is it true...the little black cat will never die..."

"The little princess will be fine, because there are many people who love them..." Leya gently held Zero in her arms.

Although Leya's body now looks more mature and older than Leya.

But she still stroked her hair as if comforting a little girl.

"Whether it's the knight who desperately protected the little princess..." Leya's mind recalled the last video report about Liu Mingliang she saw in the archives of the Tianhai City Special Management Bureau.

That man will transmit data back until his death, hoping that his compatriots can eventually turn Zero back into a real human being.

"It's still the little black cat who jumped into the abyss without hesitation for the sake of petty selfishness..."

Mr. Li Muhan... is really a very interesting person... I have to admit that my sensors and logical computing power will always go wrong in front of him.

Unguessable, impossible to calculate.

No amount of records would allow me to analyze his next move.

What’s even stranger is that when I face Mr. Li Muhan, I always have an inexplicable emotion. The great detective told me that it’s called emotion. If it’s true, it’s really incredible. Arithmetic logic calculated the result called love.

"And those companions who have been protecting the little black cat and the little princess..."

Special Administration Bureau, I originally had no expectations for this agency.

But these people from the Huaxia Special Administration Bureau, or the Tianhai City Special Administration Bureau, seem to be really different...

"And you...sister."

Suddenly, a pair of slender white hands slowly caressed Leya's face, wiping away the circulating fluid that had flowed out of her eyes at some point.

"Eh...?" Leya was a little stunned. She didn't expect that Li Ling'an would say this.

"Thank you...sister, thank you for taking the little princess out of the bad guy's castle..."

Li Ling'an hugged Leya and closed her eyes gently. She seemed to be sleepy and her speech was a little slurred.

But the emotion she needed to express was truly conveyed to Leia's heart that shouldn't exist.

"...Sleep, little princess..."

Leya's eyes were full of tenderness. Maybe this world is really not as simple as just using calculations to draw conclusions.

It seems that this ignorant little princess has grown up faster than she thought...

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