After breaking up, I picked up a beautiful vampire girl

Chapter 547 Mask Gang, gathering (page 12)

At 9 o'clock that evening, Lin Ze left work "early".

She hadn't been home for a month. Although someone was cleaning at other homes, she was already a little unfamiliar with the apartment. When she got home, she took a shower, changed into home clothes, and lay on the bed comfortably. , covered with quilt.

Then he looked at the time.

"Well, it's already 9:40. It's time to go to bed. I'm too old to fight anymore. Good night."


After turning off the light, she sat up again.

Then he picked up the mobile phone on the bedside and made a call.

"It's me, Lin Ze."

[Forest Bureau? Any instructions? 】

On the other end of the phone was Cen Lin, the leader on duty today. He was a little confused after hearing what Lin Ze said.

"No, I just wanted to ask you what's going on in the bureau and if you can help."

[...Forest Bureau, we just met 40 minutes ago. You have just got off work. Take a good rest. I am in the bureau. It will be okay]

"...Don't you need me to come back?"

[No, no, no, please rest, I'm hanging up]


Lin Ze looked at the phone and sighed.

How long has it been since you had a good sleep? Forget it, don't think so much about it today.

She put the phone back on the bedside and covered herself with the quilt again.

"Good night."

Half an hour later, she sat up again.

"Cen Lin, what's going on?"

[...Forest Bureau, would you like to arrange a psychiatrist for you? 】

"...As long as it's okay, I'll go to sleep."

[Just rest assured and rest. 】


Half an hour later.

Lin Ze wanted to get her phone, but finally held back. She closed her eyes and finally felt a little sleepy, when her phone suddenly rang.

She picked up the phone without any hesitation.

"Is there a situation?"

[...Forest Bureau, sometimes I really wonder if you are a crow’s mouth. 】

"what's the situation?"

[It’s not a big problem, it’s just that the marks on everyone in Team 7 show that they left Tianhai City. 】

"...Squad 7? Li Muhan is gone too? Isn't he still taking care of the child?"

[Ah, yes, the person he brought with him named Zhou Yichen also left Tianhai City with him and should be on the plane now. 】

"Who approves the planes they fly on."

[Chang Bureau, but Li Muhan told Chang Bureau that you approved it. 】


Lin Ze was silent for a long time, and then hung up the phone. Her brows furrowed slightly, as if she was thinking about Li Muhan's true intention.

"...The wings are hardened, right? You dare to pretend to preach the imperial edict."

She lifted the quilt and got up and walked to the balcony. The night breeze blew slightly and lifted her long hair.

On the street under the balcony, neon lights flashed, traffic flowed, and the city's nightlife had just begun.

Then she dialed Li Muhan's phone number.

"Li Muhan, where are you on the plane?"

【......So fast? Did the regular bureau sell me out? 】

"Each of you has a mark on your body, and your bracelet is the biggest locator, so where are you going now?"

[Ah... I went out to relax, Zhou Yichen was in a bad mood, I took him for a walk. 】

"to be honest."

Lin Ze's tone was a little unhappy.

[...Forest Bureau, do you know Song Yang from Lingyu City Special Management Bureau? 】

"Song Yang? Never heard of it, what's wrong?"

[What about Di Ye? 】

"Di Ye is the captain of the execution force of the Lingyu City Special Administration Bureau. Something happened recently, but it was she who recommended Zhou Yichen to come to the Tianhai City Special Administration Bureau for trial training. Let me tell you directly what happened."

So Li Muhan roughly told Lin Ze about the situation on the military plane.

Lin Ze was silent for a long time. Li Muhan thought she was going to order him to go back. Unexpectedly, Lin Ze sighed helplessly, and then said: "Since you have gone, let's investigate this matter clearly. Don't use Tianhai City's special In the name of the administration, you can figure it out yourself.”

[I knew you were the best, Forest Bureau! 】

Li Muhan shouted as if he was being coquettish to his sister, and Lin Ze snorted coldly: "Let me remind you first, don't expose the Tianhai City Special Management Bureau before the matter is investigated clearly. The investigation has been strict recently, brother. There can be no discord and friction between units.”

【clear! rest assured! I've got my identity ready! 】

This kid...can already fake his identity now? It was probably Yoongi who did it.

Lin Ze guessed in his heart.

These little bastards that he and Huo Tian picked up one by one can now rely on their own judgment to do things.

And how could I not support him?

[Forest Bureau. 】 Li Muhan said in a deep voice.

[If there is a real problem with that person named Song Yang, or even with that thousand-year-old bastard, how should we deal with it]

The cool night breeze blew across Lin Ze's cheek, and she slowly showed an indifferent smile: "You don't need me to teach you so much, Li Muhan, if the crime is conclusive but not serious, just use the Tianhai City Special Administration Bureau's In order to bring them to justice, if in your judgment, there is no need for these two people to face trial..."


Lin Ze took out his lighter and lit a cigarette.

Then she took a deep breath of cigarette and blew out a puff of smoke into the night sky.

"Don't have witnesses, don't have corpses, don't have any traceable evidence, ask Su Xue if you don't understand."

[Lin Bureau...can you please keep some secrets for me in front of brother Mu Han, where is my ladylike image...]

Lin Ze did not continue to answer the call, but hung up the phone directly.

Then she made another call: "How about playing games? Or watching female anchors."

【ah....? ah! I, I'm busy! Official document! It's all work! I love working! 】

"...Chang Yue, I heard that you approved a military aircraft for Li Muhan today?"

【ah? ! Didn't you approve it? ? 】

"...Sometimes I really feel that for you to be mayor is a bit of an insult to the position."

[No, I did something wrong again! ? 】

"Nothing. You'd better hope nothing goes wrong, or say goodbye to your new computer."

【ah! ? ? ! not me......】

The phone was hung up, Chang Yue was sweating profusely, and he didn't respond when the female anchor on the screen was posing.

"Li Muhan!! Why did you trick me again!?"


Inside the Forbidden Demon Prison of Lingyu City Special Administration Bureau.

Di Ye, the former captain of the execution force, was paralyzed in the corner of the prison in a very embarrassed state.

The magic-forbidden prison here is very different from that in Tianhai City.

Dark, damp, and completely unsanitary.

Di Ye's body was covered with scars and her clothes were disheveled, but her eyes were fixed on the man in front of her.

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