After breaking up, I picked up a beautiful vampire girl

Chapter 514 Gold and White Rabbit (Page 12)

Xia Yue stood at the bottom of the crystal steps, her gaze like a sharp sword penetrating the darkness, pointing directly at the blackmail beast.

The Black Beast's words were full of despair and anger, and her eyes were filled with tears, which was the fear of losing everything.

"Are you going to take everything away from me monster." The Black Beast's voice trembled, and her fingers tightly grasped the armrests of the throne, her knuckles turning white from the exertion.

Xia Yue did not answer. Her silence seemed to be a denial of the blackmail beast's words and an affirmation of her own determination. Her steps were firm and powerful, each step sounding like a heavy drum beating in the heart of the Crystal Palace.

The beast was sitting on the crystal steps. She took off her high heels and threw them towards Xia Yue, who was walking up step by step.


The high heels hit Xia Yue on the head, but they did not stop her steps.

"No... don't come here!! Get out!! Get out!!!"

The black beast roared like crazy, and she tried to use the items on her body to stop Xia Yue's progress, but it all seemed in vain.

High heels, accessories, and even the cushions on the throne, all the objects she threw hit Xia Yue, but they couldn't stop the vampire's footsteps even one bit.

As Xia Yue continued to approach, the beast's roar turned into a scream, and her fear reached its peak.

The crown on her head shines with the last light in the chaos, as if it is a symbol of her power and her last line of defense.

There was no wavering in Xia Yue's eyes. Her heart was filled with sympathy for the Black Beast, but more importantly, it was preparation for the upcoming battle.

She knew that the Black Beast had been trapped by its own fear and obsession, and only through this battle could the Black Beast be truly freed.

Just when Xia Yue was about to walk in front of the blackmail beast, the crystal clusters beside the stairs suddenly began to grow wildly, and the sharp crystals stabbed Xia Yue in an attempt to stop her pace.

The strange movement of the crystal cluster made the expression of the black beast soften a little, and she seemed to see a glimmer of hope.

The corners of her mouth widened, and her body trembled as she tried to stand up. A crazy light rekindled in her eyes.

But at this moment, the scarlet aura instantly filled the crystal, and then the crystal exploded, dreamlike, reflecting the light and shadow of this twisted devil's cave.

The beast's eyes were once again filled with despair and fear, and she realized that her last glimmer of hope was shattered.

Xia Yue stood among the broken crystals, her figure looking somewhat fragmented.

"It's all over..." Xia Yue's voice did not contain much resentment or indifference, but instead seemed to be comforting a frightened little animal.

"Let's go home together..."

"I...I don't, my home is here, mom...I want mom..."

The beast grabbed her hair and huddled on the steps. Her body was trembling, and she looked at Xia Yue in front of her with fear as if she had seen some monster.

Ever since she was driven away by the yellow fairy in that mountain forest, she and her mother had to travel here and there all day long. Sometimes, for a little bit of food, her mother had to deceive an entire village.

With the passage of time, the existence of the Black Beast gradually became known to people, and her and her mother's behavior also attracted the attention of the Demon Subduing Division.

With the help of the Demon Subduing Division, the villagers began to organize and hunt down the evil beasts. The hunt was like an endless nightmare, forcing Blackbird and her mother to flee in all directions, making life even more difficult.

In the end, in a fierce pursuit, the mother chose to sacrifice herself in order to protect the black beast.

She used her last breath to tell a lie, telling her pursuers that she had eaten her daughter because she was too hungry.

This lie shocked the pursuers and allowed the little beast to escape.

But the price was heavy. The mother gave her own life in exchange for the beast's chance of survival.

The little black beast hiding in the dark witnessed all this, and her heart was filled with grief and anger.

From that day on, she became more cautious and did not dare to go out of the forest easily.

Although Huang Xian'er no longer made things difficult for her, she didn't provide much help.

The black beast must rely on its own strength to solve the problem of survival.

At first, the black beast could imitate Huang Xian'er and learn to hunt in the mountain forest, but with the outbreak of the war, this once peaceful mountain forest became the main battlefield.

Huang Xian'er also had to leave. She once asked the black beast if he was willing to leave together, but the black beast refused.

"Mom is here...this, this is my home...don't leave..."

"Oh, this is not your home, silly boy."

Huang Xian'er shook her head helplessly, sighed and left.

During that time, Black Beast's life became more difficult, and she had to rely on stealing and spreading rumors to make ends meet.

Her heart was filled with despair and pain, but in order to survive, she had to learn to adapt to this cruel world.

After the war, the world changed dramatically.

The original mountain forests were bulldozed and replaced by houses.

The beast watched all this happen, her heart filled with confusion and helplessness.

She began wandering among the newly built houses, looking for food and shelter.

She watched as one house after another was built, and then one after another collapsed.

Until people built another large house with a strange shape.

Once, out of curiosity, she slipped into this large, strange-looking house.

She was discovered by the servants of the house, several maids caught her, and she was almost killed as a wild rabbit.

But just then, a girl in a wheelchair noticed her.

The person pushing the wheelchair was another girl. This girl was not a human being, but a vampire.

The vampire seemed to see through the true identity of the Black Beast, but she did not show any hostility.

There was no understanding or sympathy in her eyes, just ice-like indifference.

That kind of sight made the little beast feel scared. She was afraid of this vampire. Seeing this vampire, it was like going back to that terrible era.

But the eldest lady in the wheelchair was very friendly to the little beast. She held the little beast in her arms and gently stroked her head.

This made the beast feel a little warm.

Perhaps, in this world full of change and uncertainty, she has finally found a new destination.

And now...

"This is not our home..."

The eyes of this vampire have changed. She is no longer like when they first met, there was nothing but indifference in her eyes.

There was the same warmth in her eyes as that of the eldest lady back then.

"Home...I, I don't have a home anymore...I want my mother..."

The tears of the black beast fell down his face at this moment.

A huge force descended from above.

A crystal monster stood between Xia Yue and the beast.

Xia Yue recognized this person as the head maid of the Xia family, and now, she had become a monster covered in crystals.

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