"Is this a blackmail beast?"

Looking at the girl who was crying like a child, Li Muhan asked.

Mengmeng nodded.

"Well... At that time, she was hiding in the mountains to avoid being hunted by hunters. She would usually go down the mountain to steal the villagers' chickens, and then spread rumors that it was a weasel that did it."

"Awesome, does the Weasel have any objection to playing like this?"

Li Muhan's words were originally meant as a joke, but he didn't expect them to hit home.

Mengmeng immediately slapped the table and said.

"Of course, Huang Xian'er is a very famous anomaly in China. His life is much more nourishing than that of a blackmail beast. He will definitely not be happy if he takes the blame for some reason."

Then Mengmeng told everyone.

There really was a thousand-year-old fox fairy in the deep mountains. He was a very virtuous person, and he originally protected the mother and son of the Black Beast from the hunters who discovered them.

As a result, the evil beast poured dirty water on others, causing the fox fairy's cave to be burned down.

This fox fairy must have quit. In turn, the realm has been opened, and the pair of black beasts, mother and son, are completely exposed to the sight of the hunters.

But the night before the hunters were going to go into the mountains to hunt the two beasts, the beast was dressed in human skin and came to say that the beast was about to escape. So the hunters went into the mountains with torches to hunt them all night, and were finally killed. The evil beast was led into the python demon's lair, and no one survived.

For this matter, the fox fairy also came to ask for help from the blackmail beast, and finally drove the mother and daughter out of the forest.

"I also visited her dreamland after that. Her mood was much more stable, and she also told me a lot about the Black Beast clan."

For the False Beast clan, spreading lies is like their bounden duty and the meaning of this clan's existence. However, in that era, the speed of information dissemination lagged behind, so even the Tang Dynasty, when the False Beast was the most powerful, did not cause any waves. .

"Everything she told me in the dream was true. She said that in reality she had to spread rumors in order to survive and to protect her children, but in the dream she could say whatever she wanted. , and later, the blackmail beast disappeared... There was no more dreams, and no matter what kind of creature, there should be dreams to follow. If there were no dreams, it meant that she no longer had dreams. Need to dream..."

Having said this, Mengmeng seemed a little disappointed.

Maybe the blackmail beast is not a good thing, but after all, he and she had a heart-to-heart chat in the dream for a while, and the two of them can be considered friends.

Li Muhan took out a photo.

The person in the photo is Xia Ke in a wheelchair. Yin Qi took the photo just now while they were talking to Xia Ke.

As a detective and vitality attacker, Yin Qi has always been able to record important information that everyone has forgotten. This is also her talent.

Li Muhan put the photo on the table and said to Mengmeng.

"Mengmeng, look at this photo. Can you tell if this blackmail beast is your friend from this photo?"

Mengmeng observed carefully and shook her head: "It's hard to identify based on photos alone, and she should be dead and gone hundreds of years ago."

"I probably know why this blackmail beast is so powerful."

Li Muhan put away the photo and turned to Lin Ziyu: "I probably know why this blackmail beast is so powerful."

Lin Ziyu was stunned and almost dropped the melon seeds in his hand: "Captain, why are you looking at me?"

"What I'm looking at is not you, but the computer behind you. This is the reason why the Black Beast is so powerful."

Li Muhan went directly over and grabbed a handful of melon seeds, cracking them while explaining to the others.

"Actually, it's really simple. In the past, the blackmail beasts were very weak because the channels of communication were too narrow. Unless the emperor decreed from heaven, it would be difficult to trigger a discussion on a large scale. But it's different now. There is a computer and the Internet. A message can be spread across the country and around the world in a matter of minutes.”

When Li Muhan said this, others also reacted.

"That's it." Su Xue said as she picked up the Blackmail Beast's file.

"This file was filed in the 90s. At that time, basic network information had not spread to thousands of households, so the blackmail beasts were classified as small aliens at the chaos level."

"Yes." Li Muhan nodded, and then gave some melon seeds to Yin Qi and Su Xue. The two were not polite and started discussing while eating melon seeds.

"Sitting behind the computer, she can rely on her heterogeneous characteristics to collect the spread of rumors. As long as someone reads it, someone will believe it. As long as someone believes it, her power will become stronger, and after becoming stronger, she will She will use her power to make more people believe the rumors she spreads."

"Yeah, that is to say..." Mengmeng cautiously stretched out her hand to get some melon seeds. Li Muhan grabbed a handful and stuffed it into her hand. Mengmeng was a little flattered, but she still tried to stay calm: " In other words... the current alien level of the Black Beast has far exceeded what is recorded in the archives..."


Su Xue interrupted Mengmeng, who was so scared that Mengmeng almost dropped the melon seeds in her hand to the ground.

"I-I'm here!"

"You told Lin Ziyu before that you understand the characteristics of the blackmail beast, so you should also know how to neutralize her power."

Mengmeng's fingers gently rubbed the melon seeds in her hand, and her eyes flashed with complicated emotions.

She took a deep breath and spoke slowly: "The reason why this blackmail beast is powerful, just like what Li Muhan said just now, is because they can use human curiosity and fear to weave fascinating stories. In ancient times, they spread rumors by word of mouth, but in modern times, they have taken advantage of the convenience of the Internet to increase the speed and scope of rumors exponentially.”

"To neutralize the power of the false beast, the first thing we need to do is to cut off the chain of transmission of rumors." Mengmeng continued, "This means that we need to find out the source of the rumors and refute these rumors with facts and truth. The false beast Although they are good at lying, they also have a fatal weakness - they cannot bear the revelation of the truth, and their power will be greatly weakened."

Yin Qi, who had been silent until now, suddenly stood up. She pulled out the dagger, placed it on the table, and said to everyone coldly.

"Actually, there is a simplest way, but you can avoid it."

Everyone looked at the dagger on the table.

Yin Qi is right, there is a very simple and direct way.

That is to truly solve this matter from the source and kill the evil beast.

"No matter how powerful she is, she can only control public opinion. If she kills the main body, public opinion can be left to the Special Administration Bureau to calm down slowly."

Yin Qi added, and then she looked at Li Muhan.

"Of course, I just proposed a solution that you deliberately ignored. It's up to you to decide how to do it."

Of course she knew that her captain was a man who didn't want to kill anyone if he could keep them alive. To be honest, Yin Qi didn't hate this about Li Muhan.

But we cannot deliberately complicate things just because of this kindness.

"Even if she is the eldest lady of the Xia family now, there are many ways to kill her. Her power is still growing. If you want to do it, I suggest you do it as soon as possible." Su Xue also added at this time.

Li Muhan nodded. He did have selfish motives, not only to successfully contain the blackmail beast, but also because he considered Xia Yue.

After all, the Xia family is the family that adopted Xia Yue. If we take action directly...

"I suggest... that it would be better for us... to adopt containment measures."

Mengmeng had a different opinion at this time.

"Because, considering the current scarcity of black beasts...the Special Administration Bureau's containment regulations clearly mention that...for rare and endangered species that are on the verge of extinction, the purpose of containment should be as much as possible... ...But, and that blackmail beast, it should be...hasn't killed anyone yet, so it cannot be a reason for direct beheading..."

Lin Ziyu also nodded.

"Indeed, the Special Administrative Bureau has been strict in this aspect recently, probably because Wang Yao, who likes to kill weirdos, has woken up. During the last meeting, my colleagues in the Human Resources Department also emphasized that during the time that Wang Yao was in the world, Tianhai The Municipal Special Administrative Bureau must try to avoid fatal actions.”

"Then just follow the regulations." Yin Qi took back the dagger and raised the possibility. Since it was slightly inappropriate, she had absolutely no complaints.

Then Li Muhan looked at Xia Yue, who was sitting on the sofa without saying a word.

"Xia Yue, take this opportunity to deal with all the rumors you had before."

Hearing Li Muhan's voice, Xia Yue raised her eyes slightly, and then nodded slowly.

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