"Give my brother Geng Yang his life!! He trusts you so much!!"

"Dean Zhong, he has dedicated his whole life to the Special Administration Bureau. He has no relatives and lives alone. And you dare to do this to him! You are simply not a human being!"

"Things worse than beasts! Traitor!"

"Why bring him back!? Why not kill him on the spot!!?"

The angry crowd roared loudly, and trash and debris were thrown at them like rain. Every step seemed to be stretched longer and longer by the angry ocean.

"That's enough...let go, I can leave on my own, you all get out of here."

Zuo Xi couldn't help it when he looked at the two people who were supporting him in such a state of embarrassment. However, Li Muhan remained silent and just gestured to the raven, then firmly carried Zuo Xi on his back and walked firmly towards the high steps. .

"Li Muhan! The life and death of Lin Ziyu in your team is uncertain now. Why do you protect this traitor like this?!"

"The devil is the devil, what benefits did he promise you?!"

"I really misjudged you, Captain Li."

"Are you worthy of the dead Huo Tian?!"

The target of the attack is no longer just Zuo Xi, but even Li Muhan is not immune.

The arrows of accusation were not only directed at Zuo Xi, Li Muhan was not spared either.

"Li Muhan...why are you doing this...let me come down..."

Zuo Xi's voice was full of tremors. He was ready to face everything alone, but he couldn't bear others being hurt because of him.

"Isn't it just ridicule and abuse?" Li Muhan still had a faint smile on his face, and his tone did not change at all.

"I have been looked down upon, laughed at and insulted by others all my life, so what? I live my life and they scold them. Just get used to it."

Li Muhan raised his head slightly. The top of the steps was already close at hand. He quickened his pace and was about to jump up, taking three steps at a time.

At this moment, a brick hit Zuo Xi behind Li Muhan with extremely rapid momentum.

The force of the brick was obviously abnormal and surprisingly strong. Just when he was about to hit Zuo Xi's head, a three-pointed two-edged knife suddenly stabbed out, smashing the brick into pieces and stabbing Li Muhan hard at the same time. behind.

At this moment, everyone's scolding and scolding stopped.

Everyone looked at the weapon in surprise, which almost cracked the steps. No one dared to say a word.

Because everyone knows who the owner of this weapon is.

"Just vent, don't go too far."

Yang Er still looked like he was awake, yawning as he walked out of the Special Administration Bureau building. He came behind Li Muhan, pulled out his weapon, put it on his shoulder, and glanced at it. Everyone's eyes finally fell on a middle-aged woman wearing a Special Administration Bureau uniform.

"Did you throw the brick?"

"It's me." Not only was the woman not afraid, but she took a step forward, her eyes bloodshot, and soon someone recognized who this woman was.

"This is Geng Yang's wife..."

"No wonder, this beast gave Geng Yang... Oh, you didn't see how miserable Geng Yang's body was."

Hearing the whispers of the crowd, Zuo Xi's eyes flickered, and the face of the man who had always been reliable appeared in his mind.

Except for Wuzhiqi, Geng Yang should be regarded as the oldest member of the first generation seventh team. He always takes care of everyone in the team like a big brother.

Zuo Xi still remembers that what Geng Yang likes to say every time he gets drunk is: After retirement, my wife and I will open a bar together, and everyone will come to support him.

He did not wait for the day of retirement...

"Alas." Yang Er sighed, but still looked at the woman and said: "It is forbidden to abuse the power of the realm in the Special Administration Bureau. Go to the Supervisory Yuan to receive the punishment yourself."

The woman didn't say much and just walked towards the main door.

When passing by Li Muhan and others, the woman's eyes pierced Zuo Xi like ice picks, and at the same time she said coldly: "I will never let you go."

After saying these words, the woman entered the Special Administration Bureau building without looking back.

"Okay, don't stand there, let's go." Yang Er walked down the steps with his gun in his shoulder. Before Li Muhan could thank him, he had already disappeared.

So Li Muhan quickly carried Zuo Xi into the Special Administration Bureau building while people were still in a daze.

There are already execution troops and people from the Adjudication Court waiting inside the door.

"Leave them both to me."

A short-haired girl from the execution force said to Li Muhan that she was Yan Yu's deputy. Li Muhan had seen her several times, so he let Zuo Xi go.

"Li Muhan..."

When Zuo Xi was being carried away by several execution troops, he turned back to look at Li Muhan. The short-haired girl raised her hand to signal the others to wait.

"Li Muhan... I know I may not be qualified to say this, but... I still want to tell you that you are better than me, and you are a competent captain. I beg you, You must protect your team members, you must..."

Li Muhan stretched his body, smiled and nodded to Zuo Xi.

"Go ahead and make a good transformation, my brothers are waiting for you."

Raven was also taken away by the execution troops together with Zuo Xi.

At this time, Li Muhan suddenly remembered something: "Where has this Xia Yue gone? Isn't she assisting me? I've traveled all over the city, and this guy is still wandering around. Isn't he lost? Bar."

With this in mind, he took out his phone and dialed Xia Yue's number.


Li Muhan was stunned the moment Xia Yue's voice came. She seemed very disappointed?

"Xia Yue, what's wrong with you? Who bullied you? Are you okay?" The accusation that he originally planned to say has been thrown out of the window.

Li Muhan now just wants to know what happened to Xia Yue.

[I...I'm sorry, I, I didn't rush to the scene. Are you okay? 】

"Do you think something's wrong with my voice? Don't talk about me for now. What's wrong with you?"

[I...I...] Xia Yue hesitated for a long time and finally said.

[I'm fine, Li Muhan... I want to go home and go to bed now, is that okay? 】

"Of course. Are you feeling uncomfortable? Just wait, I'll go home right away."

[No, no need...you still have something to do, Lin Ziyu hasn't woken up yet, you...do it first, I, I'll just go back and take a nap. 】

After saying that, Xia Yue hung up the phone.

Li Muhan felt a little strange, but Xia Yue shouldn't be in any danger. It happened that another call came in at this moment, and he picked it up as soon as he saw the screen.

"Hey, Minister Arashi!"

The caller was Lan Yun, director of the medical department of the Tianhai Special Administrative Bureau. Li Muhan had left her a phone number before, saying that if Lin Ziyu had any trouble, she must inform him as soon as possible.

[Captain Li, the black aura in Lin Ziyu's heart has disappeared. I will perform an operation on him immediately. However, considering that his heart has been infiltrated by black aura for a long time, there is a chance that the operation will fail. I am calling to ask. You, do you know if Lin Ziyu has any family members, relatives or friends? 】

Li Muhan was stunned, his hands trembling slightly.

Would... would there be a risk of failure?

"He...he had an...uncle...but they weren't on good terms."

[You should find a way to contact his family and inform Lin Ziyu's current situation. Be careful and do not disclose any special administration information. If the operation fails, our medical department will be responsible for transferring him to the city hospital and arrange for them to meet at that time. at last......】

"Minister Lan...don't, stop talking, stop talking...please, I'll contact his uncle, but please also save him."

Lan Yun was silent for a long time.

As a doctor, she should not make any promises to patients or their families, but this time, she took a deep breath and said.

[Don’t worry, I will let him live. 】

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