Facing Shuo Bai's words, Li Muhan really couldn't laugh or cry. He didn't expect that people could be so shameless.

He slowly took out a bag of bright green powder from his arms, then raised it high above his head and shouted to the people around him in a hoarse voice.

"This is... Linyue... fan!! And all of this... is the work of the... deputy director behind you! She... secretly controls With Yunyin Chamber of Commerce... Linyue Church...! Killed countless aliens...!"

Li Muhan's voice echoed within this special realm order, but apart from a burst of responses, there was silence.

This group of combat members from the Special Administration Bureau didn't even blink, they were still staring at him like robots.

"...The kid is so cute." Shuo Bai slowly walked to the edge of the steps, her slightly narrowed eyes slowly opened, and her pair of eyes as bright as the moon silently stared at the dying demon, It was as if a superior judge was showing sympathy and mercy to a sinner.

"You and your children have spent so much effort and effort, but in my opinion, it is just an unsightly children's farce."

"What did you say......"

Li Muhan slowly raised his head, his eyes shining with anger from his hood.

"You defeated Elizabeth Barsley, broke through the defense line of the Special Administration Bureau, and even crossed Xuanwu. You thought you could do everything...right, kid, first of all I want to congratulate you, you defeated Xuanwu really surprised me.”

Shuo Bai slowly raised his hand, and then patted it a few times.

"You... this old thing...!"

Li Muhan slammed the bag of moon powder in his hand towards Shuo Bai on the steps.

The Linyue powder slowly dispersed the moment it came into contact with Shuo Bai, and then the bright green light slowly lingered around Shuo Bai. The old lady took a deep breath as if enjoying it: "I have to say, for powerful aliens, Say, this stuff is as refreshing as peppermint oil.”

Then she looked at Li Muhan again, with a hint of ridicule in her tone.

"And those things that can be easily destroyed by peppermint oil, why do they need to live in this world?"

As soon as Shuo Bai said these words, there was obviously a slight wavering in the team of the General Administration of Special Administration. Several people slowly turned their heads and looked at Shuo Bai on the steps.

"Hmm~ This old woman is really bold to say such things. Even if she is the deputy director, this is too much~"

Lingying had the mentality of just watching the excitement and not taking it too seriously. At the same time, she turned to her subordinates in the engineering department and told her subordinates in the engineering department: "If a fight breaks out later, don't get involved."

"She... said such things...!! Are you... still members of the Special Administration Bureau!!?"

Li Muhan turned and glanced at everyone present.

Some members of the Special Administration slowly put away their weapons, but some were still like machines and made no movement at all.

At this moment, in Lu Shan's office on the top floor of the General Administration of Special Operations, the old man was holding a cane, standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling window and staring at everything below.

"Old man, is that okay? Did the old woman go a little too far this time?"

At the door, the Red Dragon King Zhuolong, who had just finished taking a shower and was still wearing a towel, wiped his hair and looked at Lu Shan's back and said, "Let me tell you, old man, Shuo Bai, this old woman, has indeed gone too far in recent years. Is it really time to..."


The cane tapped lightly on the ground and made a muffled sound.

"I have my own sense of proportion."

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, if you really count your age, I'm actually older than you two. Alas, but sometimes I really feel that I can't see through you."

Zhuolong sneered, then put the towel on his shoulders and waved towards Lushan before walking away.

Although Shuo Bai's bold statement made some members of the Special Administration Bureau decide not to get involved in the situation for the time being, there was not much change overall.

Li Muhan no longer had the strength to fight against so many members of the Special Administration Bureau, let alone Shuo Bai standing on the steps.

"Kid, you are already here alone, which is already amazing. Don't worry, even if your companions are outside now, they can't enter this realm. But I assure you, none of them can escape. Anyone who participates The Special Administrative Bureau will... use all its strength to eradicate the members of the Mask Gang that happened tonight."

She raised her hand, pointed at Li Muhan, and said in a cold voice: "Li Muhan, captain of the seventh team of the Tianhai City Special Administration Bureau, I sentence you to death as the deputy director of the Special Administration Bureau."

Just when Shuo Bai ordered the members of the Special Administration Bureau to execute Li Muhan on the spot, a thunderous roar came from behind.

Everyone turned around and saw that at the gate of the Special Administration Bureau, the entrance to the Realm Order was suddenly torn open by a huge force, and outside the gap, the parade of beasts were injured. The black and white cat, the god from the north, the magician wearing a top hat, and the one-winged vampire girl all walked into the realm order one after another at this moment.

The people marching with the herd of beasts were now led elsewhere by the nightingale, and the person who used brute force to open the edict of this realm was none other than Xuanwu.

"Xuanwu...give me an explanation."

Shuo Bai looked at Xuanwu coldly.

The tall man did not escape Shuo Bai's eyes. He stared at the old man and then slowly said: "The Mask Gang members are self-shou. I am just helping them open a passage."

"Self-preservation." Shuo Bai smiled, but it was not the kind smile before. Now her smile was twisted like a witch.

Within a moment, Li Muhan, who was originally alone, was surrounded by countless men and women wearing masks.

"Captain Li, he was beaten quite badly."

Bai Qi walked to Li Muhan and helped him up.

Looking at Bai Qi wearing a mask, Li Muhan was slightly startled, and then he tacitly agreed not to pronounce Bai Qi's name, but Bai Qi didn't care at all: "They fucking knew it a long time ago, and they even called me The Thunder Sword is there, but the form still needs to change a bit."

As he spoke, he tapped the mask on his face.

Xia Yue also dragged her injured body to Li Muhan's side. Looking at Xia Yue with a broken wing covered in blood, Li Muhan said nothing and then held her in his arms: "I'm sorry...I Getting you involved in something so dangerous.”

"Be good, don't cry, sister is here."

Xia Yue gently stroked Li Muhan's head. Li Muhan no longer cared about her taking advantage of him at this time. His realm had been lifted, but the power in his body was no weaker than before.

He glanced back at the faces that should appear and those that shouldn't appear, and couldn't help but laugh.

"I am so virtuous and capable."

"I can return the favor to you." Hati, wearing a suit jacket pulled from a member of the Special Administration Bureau, slowly approached Li Muhan, and then gently lifted Li Muhan's chin with his fingers: "And... ....Remember what I said, Li Muhan, if Little Moon likes anything, I must grab it and taste it."

"Get away, you stupid wolf in heat."

Xia Yue quickly protected Li Muhan behind her, and then glared fiercely at Hati, who was wearing a mask.

"Master...this, this situation is so scary..."

Yue Linglong looked at the Special Administration Bureau members around and couldn't help but tremble with fear.

And Huang Zizai, who was wearing a Mickey Mouse mask, was completely gone from the chatting and laughing mood before: "...Grandma, the Forest Bureau asked me to come over and help Li Muhan out of trouble. First, let's fight the natural disaster." In a super-vampire battle, now...now we actually have to face that old witch and the General Administration of Special Administration? This fucking...is this a big joke..."

"Amitabha..." Masked Superman Zhongya clasped his hands and stood slowly beside Huang Zizai: "Daoist Huang, no, Captain Huang, it seems that after tonight's battle, no matter what the outcome is, we The iron rice bowl may not be saved.”

Li Muhan looked at the three members of the Ninth Team apologetically: "I'm sorry...for involving you."

Huang Zizai waved his hand impatiently: "Don't be silly, we don't have any friendship. Don't forget our e-sports dream. If Chi Yuan hadn't been carrying out special operations, I'm afraid she would have been more active than me."

"It's good that she didn't get involved."

At this moment, an old man's cough sounded from the steps.

"My children...can the game of house be over?"

Shuo Bai looked at everyone present, and then couldn't help laughing: "Well... what a Tianhai City Special Management Bureau, what a Beiyuan City Special Management Bureau, and you... .Miss Hati from the North Country, if your father knew that you were acting like this, I’m afraid he would be very embarrassed.”

"Thank you, Director Shuo, for your concern."

Hati gently used his fingers to twist the long hair around his ears, then shrugged and said: "But who are you talking about, Hati? I don't know, I'm just an unknown member of the Mask Gang~"

"Yes, I am too." Bai Qi quickly agreed.

"I, I, I, we are not from the Cuiweishan Zhenwu Gymnasium of the Ninth Team of the Supernatural Management Section of the Tianhai Special Administrative Bureau... Ugh!"

Yue Linglong's trembling self-destruction was covered by Huang Zizai and Zhongya Monk in the middle of the sentence.

"Damn it! Why did I accept such a brainless little thing like you! Shut up! Be quiet! Stop talking!"

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