Almost as soon as he heard the woman's voice behind him, Li Muhan felt a strange aura spreading in the room.

"Realm Order?! You are..."

Before he could finish speaking, a huge force of wind pressed down on his cheek.

Li Muhan suddenly dodged sideways, and then he realized that there was a girl behind him. Her downward kick just now was unsuccessful, but the huge pressure generated by this kick actually shook the entire ground to crack, and along with it, this realm The space enclosed by the edict began to tremble.

A trace of cold sweat broke out on Li Muhan's forehead.

What a powerful force.

But he was not a vegetarian. He quickly raised his hand and grabbed the girl's ankle before she could pull it away. Then he swung the girl hard and slammed her whole body against the wall. He expected to hear the sound of the wall breaking. , but the moment the girl touched the wall, she gently supported the wall with both hands, and at the same time, using her strength, she kicked Li Muhan in the face with her other foot.

Li Muhan turned his head to dodge. The girl's kick directly smashed the coffin behind Li Muhan. At the same time, she used the force of the kick to spin around in mid-air, breaking free from Li Muhan's grasp. At the same time, she He kicked Li Muhan on the chest.

This kick was so powerful that it made Li Muhan retreat repeatedly, but it did not cause any substantial damage to him.

The two of them didn't get much benefit from the fight.

The girl stood up gracefully. Only then did Li Muhan see clearly. The girl was dressed very strangely, somewhat similar to the zombies in the movie. Her upper body was wearing a gown with a slightly ancient style, which was slightly exposed, but her lower body only had one piece of clothing that reached her thighs. Shorts, those white thighs were covered with charms.

She gently put her little finger in her mouth and bit it, with an excited smile on her face.

"...Young Master is so skillful."

Li Muhan didn't say anything. He gently patted the chest that had just been kicked by the girl's naked foot, and then guided Barr's power out. In an instant, the whole room was filled with electric light. Under the reflection of the electric light, the girl's ink The long green hair dances like a living creature, and every strand of hair shines with a charming luster.

Her smile was even more evil, a look that was mixed with excitement and challenge, as if she was looking forward to the next battle.

Her body was looming in the electric light, and her thighs covered with charms added a sense of mystery, making it impossible to ignore her presence.

"Now that you have arrived at the slave's bedroom, you must take good care of the slave..."

In the fight just now, Li Muhan's cell phone was thrown somewhere, but now is no longer the time to care about that.

This alien is extraordinary, and the aura on her body is different from any alien she has ever seen. She is probably the one whose true form even Xia Yue has never found out.

In the confrontation just now, Li Muhan knew that she did not use the power of the realm. In other words, her power in pure physical combat was not inferior to hers at all. You must know that Li Muhan had gone through Chang Yue's guidance. Even if the power of the realm is not turned on, one can still reach the purity of chaos-level power.

She can even compete with him and still do so with ease. It can only be said that her strength should not be underestimated.

A lion must fight a rabbit with all his strength, not to mention when the opponent's strength is unknown, so Li Muhan no longer held back, he turned into a half-demon form, and the girl looked as if she had seen something interesting. His smile gradually turned from evil to crazy.

"Yes...that's it. The slave family likes strong men like you..."

Then Li Muhan saw that a black-purple aura began to emit from her body. The woman's skin surrounded by this aura began to turn into a dead gray color, as if she were a corpse, and her pupils also flashed a touch of blood red. , different from Xia Yue’s pure-blood color.

The redness in this girl's eyes was more like a dirty aura.

Then she opened her mouth, and a set of fangs gradually appeared.

"Let the slave family... be more excited."

The woman looked at Li Muhan with a ferocious smile.

Li Muhan just sneered in response, and then Fu Jiang Zhenmo was held in his hand.

The moment the two people's eyes met, they rushed towards each other's position with their feet almost at the same time.

Just when Li Muhan and the mysterious woman were about to collide, an agile black shadow rushed into their fighting space at an astonishing speed.

In Baal form, Li Muhan's visual ability was greatly enhanced, and he could clearly capture the black cat he had seen before.

It shuttled between them nimbly, as if drawing an elegant arc in the air, and at the same time, with a flick of its tail, it accurately placed a charm on the woman's forehead.

The moment the talisman touched the woman's forehead, the lavender aura that filled her body quickly dissipated like smoke.

The woman's skin also lost its strange layer of dead gray and returned to its original whiteness.

Her body was like a doll with its strings cut off. She stood there stiffly at first, then slowly knelt down and stared blankly ahead.

Li Muhan saw this and retracted his knife decisively. At least he did not feel any hostility or murderous intent from the black cat.

As for the woman's appearance at the moment, her eyes were empty and her head was lowered feebly. The talisman on her forehead was particularly eye-catching in the weak light. She had obviously lost the ability to fight.

All this made Li Muhan wonder whether she was really a zombie.

The black cat gracefully jumped off the woman's shoulder, and then came to Li Muhan. It stared at Li Muhan and said coldly: "Boy, do you have any manners? You broke into other people's backstage and broke ours." Things, now you actually want to hurt people, you are the same kind of alien, aren't you afraid of being held accountable by the Special Administration Bureau?"

Li Muhan was so confused that he became a villain?

"Oh! No! How could it be my fault?! Didn't you imprison the alien, torture her cruelly, and then force her to sing on stage?! Aren't you afraid that I will report it to the Special Administration Bureau!? Ah! Bah! I am from the Special Administration Bureau!"

Li Muhan quickly acted as if he had the advantage.

When the black cat heard Li Muhan say that he was from the Special Administration Bureau, it narrowed its eyes slightly: "Oh? Are you from the Special Administration Bureau?"

"Show you the ID!"

Li Muhan canceled the realm, and then took out his Tianhai City Special Management Bureau ID from his pocket. He knelt down and put the ID in front of the cat.

"... from the Tianhai City Special Management Bureau, huh, no wonder you look like a stupid young man. Just like your director, you have a very low IQ, act recklessly, and have absolutely no rules at all!"

Black Cat's serious criticism did not hurt Li Muhan, but if he said that his IQ was on the same level as Chang Yue, then he would quit.

"Stop talking nonsense! You are under arrest now! Why..." He thought for a long time, and finally confirmed that he had forgotten the regulations of the Special Administration Bureau that he had read before, and then made a nonsense: "Yan, Seriously endangering the lives of other aliens! Restricting their freedom of life! That’s it! I’ll arrest you in this name!”

At this time, the realm order had also been lifted. It must have been this cat who had just issued the realm order.

At this moment, it snorted coldly and was about to speak when the clown who gave Li Muhan and Xia Yue free tickets suddenly rushed in from outside the door: "Tuan Tuan, Captain! There's a fight! There's a fight outside!!"

"What's the fight?" The black cat turned to look at the clown. The clown was stunned for a moment after seeing Li Muhan, then pointed at Li Muhan and said, "That's it, the vampire who came with him! And Mr. Luo The fight started!"

"Ah?!" Li Muhan was the first one to be surprised: "Didn't I tell her to be on standby! Why did she start a fight with you!"

"She, she, she suddenly rushed up to the audience, and without saying a word, she tore down our cage with her bare hands! She even tried to take Miss Nightingale away by force! Mr. Luo stopped her, and the two of them started fighting!"

"Asshole! In front of so many people! Is there something wrong with Luochen Ming!?"

The black cat was also angry, and the clown quickly explained: "Mr. Luo has opened the realm! Look, the audience can't see it! But if we don't stop it, Mr. Luo may be beaten to death by that vampire!!"

After listening to the clown's words, the black cat turned to glare at Li Muhan: "Go and take care of that vampire in your house! If something happens to my people, I won't let it go!"

Li Muhan scratched his head, knowing that he was... on the side of justice.

Why do I feel like...a bandit breaking into a house?

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