He didn't know how long he had been unconscious for, but Li Muhan slowly opened his eyes. He was covered in bandages, and many parts of his body were covered with plaster. In front of him was the familiar ceiling and the smell of disinfectant.

He knew that he was being carried to the Special Administrative Bureau's medical department again.

"Yo, damn, are you finally awake?"

A familiar voice came from beside him. If it was normal, Li Muhan might not have any reaction when he heard this voice, and he might even complain a few words. But now, he immediately struggled to get up, but because of the bandage on his body, And the plaster and a feeling of pain and lay back.

"Chang Yue? Do you really want to kill me..."

Li Muhan's neck was fixed and he could not move. He could only look at the ceiling and chat with Chang Yue.

"Hey, aren't we just trying to test how much progress you have made during this time? If your talent is too dull, I won't show mercy."

Chang Yue's words were accompanied by the sound of smoking, and soon Li Muhan saw that the pure white ceiling was shrouded in a layer of disgust.

"Can you imagine smoking in the ward? Are you here to visit the patient, or are you here to torture me?"

"Believe me, Li Muhan, I don't want to either."

"Really? If the forest bureau hadn't taken action, I might have died there."

"No, I mean, I don't want to be here either."

Li Muhan was a little confused, and then he endured the pain and turned his head with all his strength. What appeared in front of him was Chang Yue, who was also lying on the hospital bed, wearing bandages and plaster, especially his face, which was bruised and swollen. It was like being hit by a dozen trucks in turn.


Chang Yue also turned his head desperately and looked at Li Muhan with a bleak smile. As soon as he opened his mouth, Li Muhan saw that several of his teeth had been knocked out.

"...The forest bureau did it?"


Chang Yue sighed, and then said softly: "Your wife did it."

Speaking of which, Chang Yue was still sitting there that day playing with his mobile phone, watching the live broadcast, waiting for Lin Ze to send a car to pick him up, but what he was waiting for was not a car, but a blood-red realm, and then he was led out of almost everything Xia Yue, who had bloody power, beat him wildly for five hours.

When Lin Ze came to find him five hours later, he had been beaten to a state of disgrace, but Xia Yue was still upset. If Lin Ze hadn't stopped him, Li Muhan would have only been able to see Chang Yue in the ICU. .

After listening to Chang Yue's words, Li Muhan cursed lightly: "This is called retribution in this world."

But he also knew very well in his heart that Chang Yue simply didn't fight back.

If he really fought back, the person lying next to his hospital bed would probably be Xia Yue.

"This time I really made Lin Ze angry."

Chang Yue took another puff of cigarette.

Li Muhan also turned his head and looked at the ceiling again: "Can I ask why you suddenly attacked me? Don't say anything about testing me. When I faced you, I felt your murderous intent, although it was very... I’m not convinced, but I really don’t have any ability to resist.”

"Li Muhan, have you never been curious about why there are so many demons in your body?"

Chang Yue's words stunned Li Muhan. Of course he had been curious, but no matter what method he used to check the information of the Special Administration Bureau, he could not find any explanation about his body. It had never appeared before. So many world-destroying demons living in one human body.

"I asked the forest bureau, but she refused to tell me."

Li Muhan could only say helplessly.

"Don't blame Lin Ze for this. She really doesn't know. From a certain perspective, she has very little information about the Special Administration Bureau."

Chang Yue's words made Li Muhan very confused: "Why? The Forest Bureau is very powerful, and it is also dedicated to carrying out the work of the Special Administration Bureau for the sake of mankind. Why would she..."

"You told Lin Ze last time that you saw a woman who looked exactly like Lin Ze, right?"

Li Muhan recalled that when he was helping Bai Ran, the woman who suddenly appeared behind Monk Zhongya holding a shabby long knife, and then nodded: "Yes, Bai Ran from the canteen's logistics department also said that he was working for hundreds of years. I saw that woman years ago, and I think she should be the same one I saw, but Bai Ran has lost his previous memory, so..."

"Lin Ze's situation is as special as yours. Of course, if the time is right, she will tell you in the future. Now I need you to make a choice, Li Muhan."

Chang Yue's voice suddenly became solemn, like a whisper in the night. Only the faint sound of the burning cigarette on his fingertips was particularly clear in this quiet ward. Time seemed to freeze, and only thoughts flowed silently.

Li Muhan took a deep breath and said in a low and firm voice: "I am lucky to have the opportunity to choose. Chang Jue, tell me what choice I need to make."

There was a trace of helplessness in Chang Yue's tone: "If you are willing to forget the information you heard from the man named Qi Su, and promise not to reveal these secrets to anyone again, of course, I will do some means to ensure that you will never I can't mention that information, and then I will let you and Xia Yue be safe and worry-free for the rest of their lives. But the price is that you can no longer stay in the Special Administration Bureau. I will arrange for you two to go to a secret place where no one knows, you can Live quietly without being disturbed by the outside world."


Li Muhan was silent, this proposal was like a seductive dawn, illuminating the depths of his heart. Indeed, the choice is irresistible.

No longer have to face those extraordinary aliens, no longer have to be involved in complicated conspiracies, just stay away from the hustle and bustle with Xia Yue and enjoy a peaceful life. Isn't it a kind of long-awaited tranquility and freedom?

"Of course, peace comes at a price. Li Muhan, I will find a way to remove the demons from your body. You may still retain some alien powers at first, but over time, you will become an ordinary person. What this means, I think you should know, Xia Yue is a pure-blood, her lifespan is almost infinite, and you... may only stay in her life for a moment."

Human life is always so short and fragile.

Li Muhan suddenly remembered what she had said to him not long after he met Xia Yue. At that time, Huo Tian had just died in battle, and he complained that Xia Yue ignored life.

But if you look at it from the perspective of an immortal species, and you have to be so concerned about and even grieve for the death of every short-lived species, then this kind of immortality will only be a kind of torture.

The closer someone is to leave, the more heartbroken it will be. Li Muhan can't imagine how painful that silly girl will be when he loses the power of the devil and becomes a mortal. When he leaves Xia Yue a hundred years later.

"The second option is the regular game."

Chang Yue seemed to have expected that Li Muhan would ask him his second proposal, so he said without hesitation: "I will take you to understand the truth, which not only involves your body and the demons in your body, Of course, this process will be very long. During this period, you still have to remain silent and do not tell anyone what you heard from Qi Su. Not even your team members, your friends, not even Xia Yue. I believe it. I, Li Muhan, don’t tell them, that’s the best way to protect them.”

"But this means that we will secretly fight against the General Administration of Special Operations, right?" Li Muhan asked in a low voice.

Chang Yue was stunned for a moment, then said with a smile: "Boy, who told you that this matter is related to the General Administration of Special Management?"

"You guessed it." Li Muhan said calmly: "After all, the only one who can command you and the Forest Bureau is the old man."

Chang Yue chuckled twice. In fact, his apprentice was not as stupid as he thought. At least... he knew what he was going to face next, so things would be much easier to handle.

"So, what's your choice, Li Muhan."

Li Muhan looked at the ceiling and was silent for a long time, and then said: "You actually want me to choose the second path, right?"

"Oh? Why can't you see that?"

Chang Yue's tone already had a hint of appreciation.

"You introduced the first path in such detail. It seemed like you had everything considered, but in fact you captured my biggest weakness..."

Li Muhan's biggest weakness now, needless to say, is the vampire. Of course Chang Yue knows this. Chang Yue, who was said to be right, just took a puff of cigarette, and then said with a dry smile: "You can see clearly. Sometimes it's not a good thing, it's better for you to laugh and laugh like usual and pretend to be dumbfounded."

"So you have already noticed that I usually like to act stupid? You are not bad either. By the way, Chang Bureau, you are also very good at pretending to be stupid. We are all people with two faces. Brother, don't I’m talking about second brother.”

Li Muhan and Chang Yue turned to look at each other again, and finally Chang Yue laughed loudly: "What a boy! You have the guts! I accept you as my apprentice!"

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