When they saw Li Muhan coming back with a body on his back, everyone in the seventh team fell silent.

Xingfu, the doctor of the sixth team, wanted to come up with the medical kit to see if there was any hope, but she just took a step forward and when she saw the face of the man behind Li Muhan, she slowly put the medical kit aside. Everyone knows that he has been dead for a long time.

"Would it be okay to bring him back?"

Yoongi asked.

Li Muhan put him on the bed where Qi Su was lying before. He covered Ma Jun's face with a sheet and said, "He is not from Tianhai City. I don't know where to send him now. I have already informed the Forestry Bureau. They will have people come and collect the body and take it back to Beiyuan City."

After that, Li Muhan stood up, looked at Lin Ziyu and said, "How is the investigation going?"

Lin Ziyu took out a few photos and handed them to Li Muhan and said, "These people have big problems. Lu Xian, an intern nurse at Beiyuan First People's Hospital, suffered from mental problems after experiencing Luo Xue's incident. She is hospitalized for treatment, which means that it is unlikely that you will see her at her home when you visit her."

After placing Lu Xian's photo on the table, Lin Ziyu took out another person's photo: "This is Ren Su, a student from Tianhai City No. 2 High School. She is currently visiting relatives in her hometown with her family. Maybe I’ll send you some letter.”

When the last photo was placed on the table, Lin Ziyu said in a serious tone: "This is Qi Su's sister, Qi Jia. I have confirmed it with Qi Su just now, but he was unwilling to say anything, but I It was found that Qi Jia has not returned to China at all."

Li Muhan looked at the three photos placed on the table. Indeed, they were all three people Li Muhan had met. He took out his mobile phone and handed it to Lin Ziyu: "There are photos of the three of them that I took with my mobile phone. You Print out the photos.”

Yin Qi said with some confusion: "...When did you take the photo?"

Li Muhan scratched his head: "Remember what I said to Luo Xue, I seem to have seen her somewhere. I took the photo casually during the interrogation. It was just a very strange feeling at the time."

It has to be said that the demonic power in Li Muhan's body gave him more than physical power. His perception and insight have completely surpassed ordinary people. Just now at Qi Su's house, he also took a photo. Photo of Zhang Qijia.

Of course, this is without the other party's knowledge.

Lin Ziyu turned and walked to the next room, and soon came back with three photos.

These three photos were taken secretly by Li Muhan. Although the resolution is not very high, they are all full faces and can be recognized.

Li Muhan placed the three photos together with the three photos Lin Ziyu had printed before, then he pondered for a moment and said, "...it seems that my guess was right."

Xingfu thought it was quite interesting. She took a look at the photo and said, "These three people all appeared in places they shouldn't be. Is there anything else strange besides that?"

Li Muhan picked up the photo of Lu Xian that he took with his mobile phone. He gently pinched a corner of the photo with his fingers, and then tore the photo apart with a precise and decisive movement, peeling off part of Lu Xian's lips in the photo.

The people around him couldn't help but be surprised when they witnessed this scene, but when they saw Li Muhan's focused and determined eyes, they all chose to remain silent and were infected by his serious attitude.

Immediately afterwards, he pulled out another photo of Ren Su, this time his target was the nose in the photo.

He meticulously cuts along the contour of the bridge of the nose, and every move is full of thoughtfulness.

Finally, it was Qi Jia’s turn.

He stared at Qi Jia's photo, and her smart but asymmetric eyes appeared in front of him in his memory. However, the photo Lin Ziyu retrieved from Qi Jia's file in front of him did not show this feature.

Therefore, Li Muhan carefully removed Qi Jia's left eye from the photo.

Once all the pieces were sorted, he began to piece the separate parts together like a puzzle.

When the complete image finally appeared in front of everyone's eyes, everyone gasped involuntarily.

"...This is...Mu Ya."

Xia Yue frowned and said.

Lin Ziyu scratched his head and suddenly felt a chill: "My dear... no wonder she has always been able to control the actions of the captain and Yin Qi. She has always been by your side."

The combination of Lu Xian's lips, Ren Su's nose, and Qi Jia's right eye turned out to be the alien Mu Ya who gave them a huge headache.

Li Muhan also understood why he felt strange for no reason when he saw the mirror in Qi Su's room, because Qi Jia was facing him from the side, and through the mirror, Li Muhan saw Qi Jia's side face. The eye revealed was exactly the same as Mu Ya's, but even he didn't react to it at the time.

And the reason why he noticed this was because of the explosion. Through the broken glass, he saw his broken facial features, and at this moment, Li Muhan understood where the sense of dissonance came from. , the reason why each of these three people makes Li Muhan feel extremely familiar.

It's because part of the facial features of these three people come from Mu Ya.

"This alien is so interesting. Not only does it have abilities that we can't understand at all, but it can also peel off its own facial features? It's really interesting."

Xingfu looked at the fragments of these photos. Although her expression couldn't be seen clearly with the mask on, it sounded like she couldn't wait to check out this alien's body.

"Then why Lu Xian and Ren Su both have complete facial features, but Qi Jia only has one eye left? And looking at this photo, Qi Jia's other eye is indeed her own. If she could not simulate it at all If you can’t see the other person’s appearance, why go to the trouble of adding your own facial features?”

Lin Ziyu looked at the photo with some confusion and asked.

Li Muhan pondered for a moment and said: "She is not an omniscient and omnipotent existence. These people must have one of her five senses to help her understand our actions."

At this point, Li Muhan turned to Yin Qi and said, "That thing may still be at Qi Su's house now, and her mother is in danger!"

Lin Ziyu understood what Li Muhan meant and immediately called Lin Ze to explain the situation.

"The Forestry Bureau said they would immediately send people to protect Qi Su's mother."

As they were talking, support from the Special Administration Bureau also arrived. Two members of the Special Administration's medical department drove away Ma Jun's body in a car and said they would send him back to Beiyuan City.

And now Qi Su is still sleeping due to the effect of Xing Fu's tranquilizer. The time has reached 11 o'clock in the middle of the night. The members of the sixth team are also joining the seventh team at this moment. After all, the other party has the ability to move in space within the realm. Then spreading the force might not be a good idea.

"I said Captain Li... Where is the food you brought?"

Lu Mang held his stomach and looked at Li Muhan with resentment and said.

"Sorry, I was attacked on the way."

Li Muhan explained that even if there was no attack, he had completely forgotten about buying food. Fortunately, the people from the medical department brought some dry food when they came to help Ma Jun collect the body. I just made do with it and started eating.

Lin Ziyu had been playing with the computer. Li Muhan put the food on the table and asked, "How is it, Ziyu, is there any progress on Qi Su's computer?"

"This senior of yours can be said to be very powerful. The security level of his computer hard drive is almost as high as that of the Special Administration Bureau. Humph, but I like challenges. Don't worry, it will be over soon."

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