It turns out that Lin Ziyu's drone has been hovering near Zhou Zhiguo because its paint has been specially treated.

Under the cover of night, the drone did not attract anyone's attention.

"Zhou Zhiguo drove his own taxi."

After listening to Lin Ziyu's report, Haotian also returned to the car, and Li Muhan quickly sat in the passenger seat.

"Is he going to get out of the car?"

Li Muhan asked.

"No, he didn't leave Laojie."

Su Xue's voice came from the headphones.

"The car made a circle and drove deeper into the old street."

"Taozi, what's your position?"

Haotian asked.

"The view is good, but I have to say that it is quite difficult to find the high ground in this old street."

"Stay alert and don't get caught."

"Captain, the direction Zhou Zhiguo's car is driving is an abandoned factory."

Lin Ziyu continued to report, his drone following closely behind Zhou Zhiguo's taxi.

"This kid can't hold it in anymore."

Haotian took a deep breath from the cigarette and exhaled a puff of smoke. The thick smoke lingered in the car for a long time before quietly dissipating.

"The car stopped in front of the warehouse of an abandoned factory, and Zhou Zhiguo got out of the car."

"Don't worry, Taozi, can you see the factory clearly from your position?"

"no problem."

"Yin Qi."

Haotian continued to issue instructions. With just a simple name, the other party immediately knew what she was going to do.

"Has sneaked into the warehouse and is following the target."



Time passed by minute by second, and no one spoke during this period. Li Muhan felt that his heart was about to jump into his throat.

It was already 1 o'clock in the evening, but Li Muhan was not sleepy at all. During this period, he also received a text message from Xia Yue.

The first text message had no content, just a cute expression of a kitten.

Just when Li Muhan was confused, the second text message came.

"Sorry, the first time I texted someone, I pressed the wrong button."

It has to be said that although Xia Yue seems to have been a vampire for a long time, her common sense of life is still a mess.

But thanks to this incident, Li Muhan's tense nerves relaxed a little.

But before the string was completely loosened, Yin Qi's voice came from the earphones again.

"Hit the jackpot."


Haotian threw away the cigarette butt and started the engine. The car roared and rushed straight into the old street.

The huge inertia made Li Muhan, who was not wearing a seat belt, lean back on the chair suddenly and almost bite his tongue.

The specially modified car was traveling at lightning speed, and in a short time it passed through the old street and rushed to the gate of the abandoned factory.

But the moment they drove through the gate, the voices of Lin Ziyu and Su Xue came from the headphones almost simultaneously.

"There's an ambush."

"This is a trap, Captain! There are more than ten vans surrounding us from all directions!"

Lin Ziyu's voice started to sound a little panicked, while Haotian sneered, as if he had expected this.

"This kid is basically asking you to go into trouble. He is not afraid of us at all. He understands the way the Special Administration Bureau operates. To deal with such a chaos-level alien, the Special Administration Bureau will not send too many manpower at all."

At this time, the car was parked on the ruins of the factory, and the sound of vehicles roaring from all directions could be heard.

Li Muhan felt very confused.

"But how can Zhou Zhiguo persuade these gang members? Hasn't he been bullied by them?"

After saying this, Li Muhan suddenly realized something.

Then he looked at Haotian and asked tentatively.

"Is Zhou Zhiguo the boss of this street?"

Haotian nodded coldly, with a half-hearted smile on his face.

"He must have sensed the alien aura in you, but it was very weak, so he didn't take you seriously. Mu Han, it doesn't feel good to be looked down upon."

Li Muhan knew what Haotian meant. He didn't say anything, but nodded heavily, and at the same time touched the pistol at his waist.

Within a moment, vehicles were pouring into the abandoned factory from all directions, and the headlights suddenly illuminated the night like day.

More than a dozen gangsters with weapons got out of each van, and they quickly surrounded Li Muhan and Haotian's car.

"Get the fuck off!"

"Hurry! Get out of the car!"

"Fuck you! Get off here!"

The gangsters began to beat the car windows with sticks, but the special glass did not show any cracks.

Haotian lit up another cigarette nonchalantly, and even raised an eyebrow at the gangster knocking on the glass.

His move made these people extremely angry, and several people even jumped on the roof of the car and started smashing it.

The scene became very chaotic at one point. Li Muhan was lying when he said he was not afraid. He had lived in an orphanage where the fittest existed since he was a child.

But he had never experienced this kind of scene of being surrounded by hundreds of people and smashing cars. The most exciting one was the man who was pinched by the neck by Haotian during the day and smashed the glass with his face.

At this time, he seemed to be crazy and kept slamming the car window, yelling at Haotian while doing so.

But Haotian just sneered at him through the glass, spitting out his eyes from time to time.

"Captain, what should we do now?"

"Why are you panicking? Look at them dancing like monkeys. How beautiful they are."

Li Muhan didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but he could already see several gangsters gasping for breath from exhaustion.

I have to say that the Special Administration's car is really resistant to damage. So far, it only has a few extra marks, not even a dent.

At this moment, this group of gangsters seemed to have received some order, and they slowly began to retreat, leaving some space.

"Okay, the show is over, the big one is coming."

Haotian also threw the cigarette butt into the ashtray in the car. Sure enough, a stooped man walked up the road vacated by these gangsters.

Zhou Zhiguo.

Li Muhan saw that Zhou Zhiguo seemed to be the same as he had during the day, a little hunched over and looking tired, but the only difference was that there was a fierceness in his eyes.

That kind of ruthlessness is not a pretense without reason, but an aura that can only be obtained through killing.

dong dong dong.

Zhou Zhiguo knocked on the window.

Haotian lowered the window glass.

"Leader, you haven't gone back so late."

"We can't do business without taking you back. Zhou Zhiguo, I don't see it. You are quite capable. Have you become the boss?"

Haotian rested his elbows on the car window and chatted with Zhou Zhiguo.

"The leader was joking. He took the brothers to make a living. The brothers also gave me face. Why don't the leaders go back? I don't want to make trouble with the Special Administration Bureau."

"Okay, then you return those women you captured to us, and I'll leave."

"Hey, leader, please be considerate of a little monster like me. It's already difficult to live in the human world. How can I survive without a woman?"

"It's not shameful for you to spend some money on this kind of thing."

"Leader, these women are different from those whores. They are all tender and pampered. Every time I hear their screams, I get immense pleasure. Can you understand?"

Zhou Zhiguo turned away, sneered, and spat on the ground.

"Boss, I want to ask you one last time, do you want to go back, or... forget it, you probably won't let me go if you go back. Leader, I'm really sorry."

After speaking, Zhou Zhiguo had a trace of guilt and apology on his face.

Li Muhan could even see the embarrassment of an honest middle-aged man in this smile.

But what he said next gave Li Muhan a chill down his spine.

"Chop them all and feed them to the dogs."

Then Zhou Zhiguo turned around and wanted to leave. At the same time, a tall gangster took out a homemade spray gun and was about to shoot at the car window.


A gunshot pierced the night sky, and the bullet was shot from a distance with great accuracy, smashing the hand of the gangster holding the gun to pieces.


The gangster screamed and fell to the ground.

In the distance, the only high-rise building in the old street, no, it should not be considered a high-rise building, because it was just a landmark erected during the old street reconstruction plan.

A sculpture seven or eight stories high.

At the top of the sculpture, in the open palm of the sculpture, Su Xue half-crouched while driving a sniper rifle and said something into the earphones.

"Captain, do something?"

"Do it."

Haotian nodded and prepared to open the car door.

Li Muhan was also eager to try, but Haotian held his shoulders.

"Don't worry, wait a moment."

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