After breaking up, I picked up a beautiful vampire girl

Chapter 263 Unshirkable Responsibility

After learning that the real Huang Yujie did not appear in the building, Li Muhan and Yin Qi immediately contacted the Luobei City Special Management Bureau, and they contacted the director directly, because Li Muhan knew the urine properties of the Luobei City Special Management Bureau.

The Luobei City Special Management Bureau is not as "arrogant" as the Tianhai City Special Management Bureau. It can even dictate some municipal matters. If this incident had happened in Tianhai City, the entire city might have been cooperating with the special management bureau. The bureau took action against the Huang family.

But in Luobei City, even if an explosion of this scale occurred, the Luobei City Special Management Bureau still did not come forward, so Li Muhan asked Lin Ze for the phone number of the director of the Luobei City Special Management Bureau.

I thought that Lin Ze would refuse, or that she would contact him, but I didn't expect that Lin Ze called Li Muhan without saying anything and told Li Muhan: "Just do it, I will be there if anything happens."

This made Li Muhan feel for the first time how important it is to have a reliable leader.

"Hello...who is this?"

After the call was connected, Li Muhan heard a timid voice that sounded like an underage girl. At first he thought he had made a wrong call, and then he thought it was the director's child.

"Little sister, I'm looking for the original owner of this phone."

"I...I'm not a little sister. Besides, this phone belongs to me. Who are you?"

After Li Muhan was stunned for a moment, he realized that the little girl on the other end of the phone was the director of the Luobei City Special Management Bureau.

"Director Fang?"

"...Where did you get my phone number? What do you want from me?"

"I am Li Muhan, captain of the seventh team of Tianhai City Special Administrative Bureau. I am currently investigating the recent incident of a female online anchor in Luobei City. You should be aware of this matter, right?"


There was silence on the other end of the phone.

Li Muhan asked doubtfully: "Director Fang, are you listening? There has been a serious explosion in the Grand Hotel in Luobei City, and many people died. And I can prove that this series of cases was definitely not caused by humans. "

"...I, I am sick, I am resting at home, you, you, you come to our bureau..."

"Director Fang!"

Li Muhan sharply interrupted the female voice on the other end of the phone. He originally thought that the director was just a little afraid of trouble, but now it sounded from her tone that she seemed a little afraid of these cases.

"I don't know what's going on with you! But now that the matter involves aliens, it's your responsibility."

"I...I don't want to be the director! It's not of my own free will! Don't look for me! Look for someone else!"

Feeling that the other party was about to hang up, Li Muhan quickly said: "I know where your home is, Director Fang. I can go to your home immediately to interview you. You can't hide from me. I am also an alien. You should know that I have many ways to make you You cooperate."

Li Muhan guessed that the director should be about the same age as herself and had a very autistic personality. He dared to resist him on the phone, so she would be tortured as soon as they met.

This sentence really worked. The girl on the other end of the phone let out an exclamation, and then said tremblingly: "No, no, don't come to me! I, I'm on vacation!"

"You have no vacation in the face of emergencies! Director Fang! What I want you to do is very simple! Tell me where the young master of the Huang Group is. Don't tell me that you don't know. Your Special Administration Bureau and the Huang Family It’s too involved, don’t worry, I’m not looking for trouble with him, on the contrary, I’m here to save him, so don’t waste your time on me!”

"...This, I..."

Li Muhan became impatient, and said to Yin Qi on the side: "Get ready, we will go to visit Director Fang's home in person right away."

In fact, they didn't know where Director Fang lived at all, but it wasn't difficult to really check it. Lin Ziyu estimated that he could figure it out soon.

As soon as he heard that Li Muhan was really coming, Director Fang really relented: "Okay, okay, okay! I tell you, you, don't come to my house... The Huang Group has several houses in Luobei City. Huang Yujie was supposed to attend the company's annual meeting tonight, but due to some special circumstances, he is currently at his villa in the southern district of Luobei City. I will send you the address via text message. Can you please stop looking for me?"

Li Muhan quickly responded: "Hurry! Human life is at stake!"

The person on the other end of the phone was shocked again: "Um, okay, okay! I'll send it to you right away!"


Li Muhan hung up the phone, and Ma Jun stood aside and scratched his head and asked: "That Special Administration Bureau you just mentioned...what is it? And the person you just called is... .Director? Are you still so arrogant when talking to the director?"

Li Muhan rolled his eyes at Ma Jun and said, "Why are you still here?"

Ma Jun chuckled twice: "I am the real police. Even if you are a special department, the functions of the police will never change. No matter what you want to arrest or do, I have to be with you." "

The text message alert interrupted what Li Muhan wanted to say next. He picked up his phone, took a look at it, and immediately said to Yin Qi, "Let's go."

But Yin Qi shrugged and said, "...the car in Luobei City has already left. It's a mess here now and it's difficult to get a taxi."

The two of them stood there and stared at each other. For a moment, they couldn't find any other way. At this time, Ma Jun laughed loudly: "Little devils, you still have to look at the adults at the critical moment. Uncle, I'm open." The car is coming!”

So three minutes later, Li Muhan and Yin Qi got into Ma Jun's classic car, which almost screamed when it started, and drove towards the Huang Group's villa in the southern district.


Back in time, Li Muhan saw Mu Ya grabbing Huang Yujie's neck from a distance. He suddenly opened the Red Dragon Purgatory. This time he would not let this alien escape. As for Huang Yujie...

Although he wanted to burn him to ashes, Li Muhan finally controlled the angle and force. The flames did not touch Huang Yujie, but struck directly towards Mu Ya's body.

Mu Ya took a step back slightly and looked up at Li Muhan who broke through the window of the villa and entered the room.

"You came in time this time, Mr. Detective. Is this an improvement?"

The girl gently patted the flames on her body with her hands, but not only were the black and red flames not extinguished, but they continued to spread to other parts of her body.

"I see, are these flames... special?"

"That's it."

Li Muhan walked to Huang Yujie and protected him behind his back.

Huang Yujie was scared to death when he looked at Li Muhan, especially the dragon tail. He tremblingly pointed at Li Muhan and said, "You, you, you, you."

Li Muhan slapped him with his backhand and knocked him down on the sofa, knocking Huang Yujie unconscious. Then he looked at Mu Ya and said, "Don't waste your efforts. This is the devil's flame, with some Taiyin real fire added to it. It’s not something you can destroy.”

The girl's eyes sparkled with curiosity, and suddenly she chuckled, as if she had discovered some secret.

She deftly raised a slender finger and pointed it in the air, as if to reveal an incredible fact: "So that's it! I knew this kind of flame was different."

Then, she elegantly lifted the tulle-like skirt, and the black and red flames dancing on it were reflected in her bright eyes.

She continued with a playful smile: "But ~ I think these flames are more like a unique embroidery, or exquisite patterns drawn with heat on my skirt. Don't you think they are like bronzing patterns? , gives life to my dress?”

Li Muhan looked confused and was about to ask, but was interrupted by the next change that happened to the girl.

His doubts were instantly replaced by a hint of chill. The girl's eyes suddenly became deep and cold, and the atmosphere in the surrounding air suddenly became weird.

Incredibly, those burning flames seemed to be guided by some mysterious power and slowly penetrated into the hem of her black satin skirt.

The shape and color of the flame gradually solidified, and finally turned into exquisite black and red hot stamps, cleverly inlaid on her skirt, like a magnificent totem in the dark night, both strange and charming.

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