After breaking up, I picked up a beautiful vampire girl

Chapter 194 Master, what kind of devil are you?

When the first ray of sunlight at dawn hits...

The Special Administration Bureau is underground and cannot be reached by sunlight.

When the alarm clock on her phone rang for the fourth time, the six-tailed fox got up. She yawned and started to get dressed and wash herself. Then she went straight to her workroom, the logistics and catering department of the Special Administration Bureau.

Don't look at her like this, in fact, when this demon fox first transformed into a human form, she learned a few songs from the royal chef in the palace. This skill of shaking the spoon can be said to be quite powerful, so after being captured by the seventh team and brought back to the Special Administration Bureau, she volunteered to enter Got a meal group.

When someone guessed her job in the Special Administration Bureau because of her beauty, she would proudly take out her chef's hat and put it on the other person's table, smiling.


This is the record from the Six-tailed Fox File No. 1425. Of course, if you want to ask the Six-tailed Fox in person, Master, what do you do?

She will definitely stare at you and send you a kind telegram: "Do you#!$@#, crawl@!¥@@¥."

The first person to receive this telegram was Chang Yue. He was just confused as to why a good-looking girl came to the Special Administration Bureau and wanted to strike up a conversation, but he was scolded and made him doubt his life.

At this time, the six-tailed fox tied her long hair behind her head, then put on her apron and started preparing breakfast.

Today she only had to cook breakfast for one person. She heard that some guests were coming from afar, so she was asked to cook it herself.

Look, I've only been here a few days, and I'm already the secret weapon of the dining group. Otherwise, how else can people say that learning to be a chef will help you get a job.

"Eat you!@@#, you eat it early in the morning! @¥!, I will watch you eat it today!¥!@."

She was wearing a mask and cursing while cooking.

Although his mouth is not clean, his cooking skills have really taken off.

Along with her Morse code, a hearty Western breakfast was soon placed on the plate in a very elegant way.

"Western food, you! ¥! Are you worthy of eating Western food? You, you eat! @¥@#¥."

No one knew why this girl was so irritable. No one was afraid of this fox demon. Even people from the Overwatch Council had to be scolded by her when they came to eat in the cafeteria. Yan Yu even gave her several punishments for this.

But Cen Lin from the Human Resources Department once observed that only the captain of the seventh team came to eat, and the fox demon was very quiet. Although his face could not be seen with the mask on, Cen Lin concluded based on his own experience that it must be Blushed.

"Anyway, I don't know what's going on. After Captain Li came, the quality of the female heterosexuals in our Special Administration Bureau has gone up. You said I'm in human affairs. What I mean is that I'm in human affairs. He is not so diligent. He works in the field and delivers women to the Special Administration Bureau every three days. Look, look, he is the one who caught that fox monster. Don’t believe it. That fox monster scolds everyone he sees. , just when I saw Captain Li, he behaved obediently, oh, like a little wife."

"Who is Captain Li and why he is so charming? The Information Department of the Special Administrative Bureau will continue to follow up and investigate for you."

At this time, the six-tailed fox carried the dinner plate to the guest room on the second floor of the underground special administration bureau. She found the corresponding house number, pushed the door open without knocking, and put the plate on the table.

"I worked so hard to make it. Eat it all for me and don't leave any leftovers."

In the room, the nun was praying during the day. Although there were windows, there was no sunlight, but it was just right for her. Praying in the dark and silent darkness was what she wanted to do most every morning. thing.

The six-tailed fox looked at the nun's back, cursed "@¥!@%" in a low voice and left the room.

Today is a special day and the nun is in a good mood.

Because she was about to sacrifice a filthy vampire heart to the Blood Moon Mother.

All vampires should be noble and perfect, and such impure creatures should die in the sewers.

After enjoying the extremely delicious breakfast, the nun hummed a little tune and left the room with light steps. At the door of the room, several staff of the Overwatch Council had been waiting for a long time.

"Please, the Forestry Bureau is already waiting for you."

There was a hint of urgency and respect in his words that could not be ignored.

The nun lightly lifted her skirt, not surprised or disturbed by the wait. She smiled and expressed her gratitude to them: "Thank you for your help." Her polite and kind attitude made these staff a little too serious.

Several people took the nun into the car, and then left the headquarters building of the Special Administration Bureau. After twists and turns, they came to a building that was not high but covered a large area.

"Please, the Forestry Bureau is already waiting for you."

"A few of you are busy."

The nun lifted her skirt and thanked a few people, but they didn't respond and led her out of the VIP resting area.

Several people took the nun into the car, and then left the headquarters building of the Special Administration Bureau. After twists and turns, they came to a building that was not high but covered a large area.

"This is the trial court of the Tianhai City Special Administration Bureau. It has been approved and will be used by the Blood Moon Church today."

The people from the Overwatch Council politely welcomed the nun out of the car and said to her.

"Well, thank you very much. China is indeed a country of etiquette."

The nun also smiled at a few people very politely, and then followed them into the courtroom.

At this time, in the main court, Lin Ze, Li Muhan and Xia Yue had been waiting for a long time.

Also present were Yan Yu, the executive captain of the Supervisory Yuan, and Cen Lin from the Personnel Department.

There were not many people, and the Tianhai City Special Administration Bureau did not want this duel trial to become the focus of attention. Even the people from the Information Department were not authorized.

The nun walked up to Lin Ze, raised her skirt and saluted.

"Thank you to the China Special Administrative Bureau for their generosity in providing us with a place of trial."

"No more polite words."

Lin Ze still kept smiling. She raised her hand slightly to interrupt the nun in front of her. Of course, she knew that the nun in front of her was actually a demon, so she had no intention of saying anything more to her.

She just wanted to use this trial to let her two children learn something.

As for the Irish Special Administration, the Blood Moon Church, and the wanted blood family member, she didn't really care.

"Now can you tell us the rules of trial duels of the Blood Moon Church?"

Lin Ze asked with a smile. She deliberately emphasized the words Blood Moon Church. Her purpose was very clear. She wanted to tell the nun that she knew that the duel trials of the Blood Moon Church were very different from those of the Irish Special Administration. Now, she just wanted to Let this nun and the Blood Moon Church behind her completely reveal their cards.

"Yes, Forest Bureau, please wait."

The nun slightly adjusted her skirt and hat, and then took out a round device from her clothes.

That device looked similar to the new realm order she had laid out before... In the Blood Moon Church, it was called Limbo.

In short, it is somewhat similar to holding something, but the size is smaller than Limbo.

"I am the ninth seat of the Thirteen Cardinals of the Blood Moon Church. My name is..."

The ball in the nun's hand began to rise slowly, and then began to rotate, spreading out a burst of scarlet mist. What also changed at the same time was the nun's eyes, which were still golden at this time.

Li Muhan looked at this scene, feeling the power of the demons around him gradually getting stronger, and suddenly felt a little thirsty.

As he picked up the water cup and drank water, he was thinking about what kind of devil this guy was? It's really a bit curious.

"My name is Nyarlathotep."


Li Muhan squirted out a mouthful of water and cursed your mother in his heart.

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