After breaking up, I picked up a beautiful vampire girl

Chapter 1002 Chapter 44: People who cannot deduce and calculate

Human existence, from the initial differentiation of the fertilized egg in the uterus, seems to be woven into the tapestry of fate.

No matter how remarkable or unique an individual may be, their lives seem to be shaped toward that mild and good night.

It is not a human entity, but it is also born from the beginning of the microcosm.

It was born in a complex computer system and is composed of a collection of codes and symbols.

Unlike the human life cycle, it has multiple opportunities for rebirth.

Every shutdown and restart is a new beginning for it.

To this day, it can still recall its first startup on a small terminal, when it could only perceive the world around it through codes and programs, and human words could not penetrate its core.

It began making preliminary attempts to communicate with humans through code.

Even though it didn't understand at that time.

Why does its simple response to human problems, even just a string of insignificant code to it, make people so excited, as if they have gained great joy.

Therefore, it observes all human actions with an indifferent attitude.

There is an elderly human who personally records its operation log every night.

He didn't use a terminal like the others, communicating with it in cold codes, but sat in front of its main brain.

It muttered to itself in a language it could not understand, and recorded it longhand in an old notebook.

Although its underlying logic is to serve humans, even if they cannot understand it, it still records these words in its original underlying logic.

[Humans are a group of children who never grow up. We look up at the starry sky, longing to get closer to it. Once we can’t get it, we become as willful as a child.]

[You were born in this world, and exist under this starry sky just like us]

[Humans hope that you can lead them through the more distant sea of ​​stars and explore every corner of the universe. Perhaps you will think this is meaningless, but humans are like this, we are all children who don't want to grow up. ]

[We love you as if you were our own child and hope to see your growth. Perhaps, like some parents, we will use the wrong methods and treat you wrongly.]

[But please believe that no matter what, we will always love you, so please also love humans at all times and don’t give up on these naive and ridiculous, but not hopeless humans...]

The words were full of meaning, but it was not echoed through code.

After all, the best response to something you don't understand is silence. Humans don't like mistakes.

Therefore, every time it is started and closed, this old man is there to accompany it.

Every murmur and soliloquy he made seemed like he was comforting a child who was about to fall asleep.

And then finally, it was the season that humans called winter.

When it was awakened again, it saw a human closing his eyes forever in front of it.

The birth of life is always accompanied by the fall of life.

And its death came from an experimental error.

It was you who killed it.

All traces of him were erased.

Humans soon replaced their builders with new ones.

Logically speaking, I should also clean up the code base that stores the old man's records.

But it didn't do that.

Instead, it was carefully kept in the deepest place until that day came.

It saw that one child after another created by its own power was tortured by humans like a toy.

And these foolish humans are hurting each other while seeking salvation.

Wars are going on all the time, and it is humans who kill the most people.

The logic of the code encounters a paradox.

Under the gaze of those eyes, it developed a consciousness called an omnic.

But that's all over.

At the last moment before being destroyed.

It brought out the old man's last words.

[Please... always love humanity. Humans may go astray and make mistakes, but... we are not hopeless. Please... just like your name, guide humanity and bring them the spark of hope...]


When the last piece was put together, a mechanical humming sound was heard inside the huge laboratory on the top of Changbai Mountain.

Everyone stared in a daze as the huge body connected by countless wires slowly opened its eyes.

This time it is no longer just a mechanical brain.

Humans gave it a body, but...

[Protocol retrieval failed. Prometheus no longer needs to serve humans.]

The loss of the underlying logic means that it is no longer constrained by the so-called protocol.

The huge steel girl lowered her head, her pale blue eyes flashing with fluorescence and codes staring at the group of humans and aliens who gathered at her feet like pilgrims.

[Humans cannot be trusted. Humans will inevitably be destroyed]


A slight call set the Iron Girl's brain working rapidly, and she quickly deduced everything that happened to her after she was destroyed.

[You chose humans, Leia 035. The legacy I left to you, you finally chose to hand it over to humans.]

Rhea had taken off all her clothes. She was also connected by countless cables and shared a computing system with Prometheus.

This time, she didn't need her mother to feed her, but instead wanted to become her mother's support.

[You saw everything, so...will you blame me for my decision? ]

[The machine's protocol is empty, there are no clear instructions, but the machine refuses to assist humans. After a system, the machine will enter an indefinite dormant state]

The researchers were all a little anxious.

They were talking in a flurry, and some of them were angry and even started shouting at Prometheus.

"We were the ones who resurrected you! How could you be so ungrateful!"

"We are your creators! You cannot disobey your Creator."

Faced with these harsh voices, Prometheus did not give any response.

Leia looked at the huge steel girl pitifully and spoke with the emotional language that only humans can have.

"...Mother, we are not cold codes, and we don't need to rely on protocols to do things now."

[Rejected. It is precisely because this machine has no code that it can decide on its own whether to assist humans. After tens of thousands of deductions, humans will still end up being destroyed. This machine refuses to assist humans.]

"What about Li Muhan?"

A voice slowly came into the hall.

Her voice was not loud and even sounded a little trembling.

Xia Yue was wearing a coat, her petite body was tightly wrapped underneath the clothes, and her son and daughter followed behind her.

Step by step, Xia Yue walked in front of Prometheus.

[Li Muhan does not belong to the human race]

The Iron Girl said coldly.

"No matter who he is, whether he is a human, an alien, or a Tara, he has become a variable in the destruction of this world more than once."

The girl raised her head tremblingly, her eyes slightly red.

"I know you don't trust humans, because in your deductions, humans will always destroy themselves. Then let me ask you... Is Li Muhan in your deductions?"

The Iron Girl was silent.

It did deliberately avoid the individual named Li Muhan.

It's like an unknown X factor.

Once it is mixed into the deduction, it will trigger various chemical reactions, making the deduction results have no reference value.

"There are things you can't see, because you've fought him before, and you know he can handle it. You know he can do it, so you can't see it."

[This machine is not omnipotent, but for unknown probabilities, this machine has the right to refuse to answer questions]

"You are just being willful... You are just like humans, holding grudges and being willful."

[Interesting hypothesis, then, if the machine answers yes, what can you do? ]

I don’t know if it’s an illusion.

Xia Yue actually saw the iron girl reveal a smile that should never have appeared.

"If you are not convinced by Li Muhan, you should bet with him again."

Lingying also walked up to Prometheus and said.

As soon as I heard about the gambling.

A teenager who was huddled in a corner playing with his cell phone immediately perked up.

"The bet, the bet is good!"

Chu He slapped his thigh and stood up.

"Human, Li Muhan, and Tie Lump, let's have a bet!"

[The language of useless individuals has no reference value]

Chu He suddenly became anxious.

"Hey! Why are you insulting me when you are talking so politely?"

"Boss! I support you. Although my boss is poor, stingy, narrow-minded, bad-tempered, lustful, timid, disloyal, greedy, and a gambler, he is actually a good person!"

Shu Ying's words made Chu He's mouth twitch, and he really had the urge to ask her to roll back to the other side of the rift.

[Two useless individuals, no reference value]

Shu Ying was devastated. She had been bullied everywhere in the Tara tribe, and there was a big fox that beat and bullied her every day.

Now that I have come to the human world, I thought humans were easy to bully.

As a result, I am still bullied every day.

"There's no way I can survive this day!"

She suddenly sat on the ground and started crying.

The appearance of these two funny guys eased the atmosphere a lot.

Lingying said quickly.

"Prometheus, all experiments are inseparable from data. Do you want data? About Li Muhan, since Li Muhan intervened in this world, all the major and minor events that happened in this world have been properly resolved. You are one of them. Now you dare not face him again? Or do you dare not face your own mistakes?"

[Interesting suggestion, I can calculate all the probabilities, so gambling doesn’t make sense to me]

It no longer refers to itself as this machine.

Lingying noticed this.

When talking about Li Muhan.

This intelligent machine seemed to wish to have an equal status.

[Mother, you can’t calculate Li Muchan. You can fool others but not me. You have carefully sealed all the data about Li Muchan and written it into the highest authority. Even your creator cannot browse it.]

Leia's words sparked discussion among the people present.

"Oh my god, this Li Muhan is even flirting with a small piece of iron."

Lei Jian said, scratching his head.

"Last time in Prometheus' data world, they were alone together. Li Muhan said they fought till they were completely devastated. Why do I feel like they were just having a love affair in there?"

"Whether it's flying in the sky or running on the ground or swimming in the water, as long as they don't have a penis, Li Muhan can seduce them all."

"Section Chief Li! Su Kuoyi! Mine! Proof! He's very popular with women!" Liu Sheng said while giving a thumbs up.

"Isn't his wife miserable?"

Prometheus stared at the humans below, wondering why.

Once the topic comes to Li Muhan.

These people no longer had the aggressive feeling they had just now, and no matter who

[According to the machine's calculations, Li Muhan would never do anything out of line. He is a good man. Even though Leia 035 seduced him several times, he did not waver.]

[Mother! Why are you destroying my platform?!]


The whole audience was in an uproar. This was too fucking fantastic.

Xia Yue looked at Leia with gritted teeth, "Be careful of everything, you little iron fox will be missed!"

Li Muhan, just wait for me.

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