Shenhao: I can see the goddess’s wish list

Chapter 128 Dad was shocked! How many cars did this guy buy?

Chapter 128 Dad was shocked! How many cars did this guy buy?

"But, this kid, isn't it about Lin Wanting?"

Lorraine saw that her son was mysterious.

Bad associations quickly arose.

So when the time comes, what should that group call itself? grandfather?

Call Luo Feng daddy?

Thinking of this situation, Lorraine felt a little numb.

Although Lin Wanting's family is indeed good.

To put it bluntly, if it weren't for Tuan Tuan, he felt that this marriage would definitely be a first-class marriage.



forget about it.

Let's see what tricks my son wants to play.

About 20 minutes.

Luo Feng drove his Audi R8 to his father's Jiamei Construction Company.

Before I even got out of the car, I started calling my dad, "Hey, dad, I'm downstairs. Come down."

"Oh, here we come."

Lorraine replied and hung up the phone directly.

As the saying goes, it is a blessing, not a curse, but a curse cannot be avoided.

He prayed that his son would never frighten him.

"Drip drip drip!"

Seeing the passing father coming, Luo Feng pressed the dart a few times.

"Get in the car, Dad!"

"Son, what's going on?" Lorraine sat in the passenger seat and asked again curiously.

"Dad will know after a while." Luo Feng smiled.

But dad's mood became even more depressed.


Luo Feng drove the Audi and came to the Porsche Center.

Lorraine just stared at her son in deep thought, not looking at the situation on the roadside. She didn't even know where the car was.

Luo Feng sent a message to Li Gaohua in advance.

The other party said that he was already waiting for Luo Feng.

"Hey, son, what are you doing at the Porsche Center?"

Lorraine still saw the scene on the side, and suddenly became puzzled.

"You'll know soon."

See here.

Lorraine was actually relieved. Didn't you come here to buy a car? what is it then?

Lorraine knew in her heart that this kid was up to no good.

Are you interested in a Porsche car and want to pay for it yourself?

This guy has money of his own, so why not solve it on his own?

As long as it's less than 100 million, grit your teeth and give it to this naughty kid.

After all, my son helped a lot with the recent contract.

In addition, the old couple also received many gifts from Luo Feng recently.

A son is filial to his father.

Fathers must also be filial to their sons.

bah bah bah.

What the hell.

That hurt.

"Dad, get out of the car."

When he arrived at the parking space, Luo Feng asked his father to get out of the car.

But Li Gaohua came over and said, "Hello, Mr. Luo."

Li Gaohua looked at Lorraine and said hello, "Hello, Mr. Lorraine!"

"Well, hello!" Lorraine nodded.

"You two, please come this way." Li Gaohua made an invitation.

Soon, Luo Feng and Lorraine entered the Porsche Center.

Originally, various Porsche luxury cars should be parked here.

But today the entire hall was empty.

There was only one car of unknown model, covered with a big red cloth.

Li Gaohua: "Mr. Lorraine, please come here."

Lorraine nodded and looked curiously at the car covered with red cloth.

Damn it.

It's like opening a blind box.

Wouldn’t my son order a high-end Porsche 911?

In the eyes of young people, this car should be very popular, but high-end models cost more than three million.

But dad didn’t know that Luo Feng had already bought it, but it was just on the way. I believe it will be there tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.

"Dad, I wish you a happy birthday in advance."

Luo Feng winked and asked his employees to lift the red cloth on the Porsche.

when opened.

Dad, who has always been calm, can't help but be a little shocked at this moment.

And the expression is very moving.

He sniffed. Although he didn't cry, he was still very moved. He pretended to be solemn and said, "Son, you've spent money recklessly again."

"Dad, my previous investment company received another dividend, which totaled more than 911 million yuan." Luo Feng explained with a smile, "I will show you the dividend record when I get home later. So in the capital I bought a Panamera. Of course, Tang Tian also told me in advance that there would be a million dividend, so I also ordered a Porsche in advance, but it is still on the way. It will come tomorrow and the day after tomorrow."

Hear this.

The surrounding employees could only gasp.

Two cars?

Add up?

Almost six million, right?

"270 million? Plus 300 million."

Lorraine didn't know what to say, but it wasn't appropriate to lecture her son in front of so many people.

"Do you know this car? Dad?"

Lorraine said directly, "I don't know anyone. The high-end version of 4.0t is a station wagon comparable to a sports car!"

He's just a Porsche fan, okay?

In fact, Luo Feng really got rich.

Only then did I realize that my home was actually not as bad as I thought.

Dad doesn’t make a million a year.

But almost 200 million.

Plus investment and financial management.

Luo Feng had no idea about the family's hidden assets.

Of course, there are no tens of billions or billions.

But there should be tens of millions of dollars.

But Luo Feng thinks, the past days? It doesn’t feel like your family has tens of millions, right?

I always feel that apart from the house, my family cannot even afford five million.

But none of that matters anymore.

Perhaps they knew that Luo Feng didn't need their money, so they slowly showed their cards.

It’s not that you are reluctant to spend money on yourself.

But do you think tens of millions is a lot? Once you develop the habit of lavish spending in your son, gold and silver will be lost.

"Dad, are you going to give it a try?"

Luo Feng nuzzled at Porsche.

Li Gaohua on the side also said, "Our Porsche Center has cleared the test drive ring outside for Mr. Lorraine, you can experience it to your heart's content."

"Thank you very much."

Dad excitedly took the car keys and opened the door.

Luo Feng sat in the passenger seat.

Lorraine carefully clicked on the accelerator and drove towards the test drive ring outside.

The powerful 4.0T engine explodes out to 550 horsepower.

Coupled with Porsche's proud PDk gearbox.

That feeling.

It came up immediately.

As for the zero-hundred time of less than four seconds?


The test drive circuit didn't work out at all, but my dad didn't care too much about it. Those are things that young people care about. What they care more about luxury cars is the driving experience and comfort.

"Is this car really well equipped? 270 million is really worth it."

When Luo Feng heard this, he almost vomited.

This is the configuration.

If he didn't think it suited his father, Luo Feng wouldn't insult his IQ at all, right?

However, I like it.

Since dad likes it, it’s worth the price.

After all, when Luo Feng bought it, he thought it was very suitable for his father.

"Dad, I think you shouldn't be too happy now. You need to give mom an explanation."

Seeing this, Lorraine held the steering wheel and asked, "Isn't it your responsibility to explain?"

"What should I explain? My explanation is that you gave me money and then let me take the Porsche home."

Lorraine almost hit someone for a moment.

Is it such a trap?

Why did he ask his son to mention a Porsche?

However, Lorraine said there was no way around this conspiracy.

I can only bite the bullet and take this big blame.

"By the way, Dad, I almost forgot to tell you, I also bought a 488 Ferrari!"

Luo Feng said this.

Lorraine stepped on the brakes.

"What? Ferrari? 488?"

"Yes! See what I tell my mother?" Luo Feng said with a smile.


Lorraine was speechless.

I haven't figured out what to say about my 270 million Porsche.

You have a 600 million Ferrari, you should figure it out on your own.

"Son, how about we hide this from your mother together?" Lorraine suggested.

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