Elf: Sailing since being taken in by New Leaf Cat

Chapter 97 The magnetic field rotates and the key authorization is successful

Chapter 97 The magnetic field rotates and the key authorization is successful

The power of crazy plants is much more terrifying than the flying leaf storm. Even if it is used by Xinye Miao, it can instantly engulf the iron sheet.

The new leaf cat is born with full proficiency in all the magic masked cat moves. As the saying goes, the memory of the previous life, as long as it can withstand the consumption, the cat can use it however he wants...of course not now.

Although it has long been able to quickly relieve the stiffness of crazy plants after releasing a large amount of energy at once by changing the flow path of grass power in the body, today's cats are still too weak.

It plans to wait until its body has almost recovered, and the next step is to consider the timing, and then prepare to evolve Tiremiao. It does not want to maintain this small size all the time, and there will always be some very inconvenient times...


The weak Xinye Miao relied on the recovery of the Rainbow Amulet to stand on the ground, and then shouted to Qiu Qing and the others, asking them to come quickly and stop wasting time.


Qiu Qing has also become completely serious. With Sha tiepi's attack method, if they don't get rid of him, none of them will be able to escape.

The Cloth Dog was still the first one to rush forward, but the Bean Cricket that stepped on its head was a step faster. The moment Sha Tiepi broke free from the vine, he kicked him directly... Unfortunately, it was scraped.

Fortunately, Olinio continued to assist from behind, using his help to buff Butubo, and punched Sha Tiebi in the eye.

The unsuspecting part of the iron sheet was instantly knocked away, but the remaining parts were again controlled by magnets and tried to control them with magnets.

Qiu Qing seized this moment and immediately used her ultimate hand to grab a few magnets and stick them together. Although she was snatched back again, she managed to get a neutral position, allowing the weak Xinye Miao to finally throw a parasitic seed, which destroyed part of her body. Tangled!


Maomao tried his best...

But it was enough, Qiu Qing was not idle at all, even the surrounding rocks would be grabbed and thrown at the opponent.

Although Sha Tiepi was reckless, he was not a fool. After suffering several losses in a row, his eyes were instantly locked on the cell phone Rotom.

In an instant, electricity flashed around him, and Sandiepi controlled the magnetic field and exerted the treasure master's power to the extreme, trying to snatch the cell phone Rotom.

Although it had no effect at all...but the area affected by the magnetic field was different. The spaceship parked next to the Pokémon Center and the power distribution room that had been powered off turned on again.

Ms. Joy, who was standing at the door and had just taken over, was also frightened by the sudden movement in the Pokémon Center and hurried over to check.

Unexpectedly, I found that all the machinery seemed to be malfunctioning at this moment, starting and shutting down constantly. Even the computer began to flash garbled images, including the Rotom cell phone, which looked like it was about to explode.

The spacecraft was even more out of control and started its thrusters. Although the engine room no longer relied on electricity for control, the cold air and snowflakes ejected from the thrusters caused the surrounding temperature to drop sharply and spread rapidly, activating the maximum power. The river water has frozen into ice!

Even Qiu Qing, who was still attacking Shatiepi in the ruins, suddenly received news that the spacecraft was out of control, which made him stunned...

"Is this... stealing a house?"

He looked up at Shatiepi. Maybe the other person just wanted to grab his phone to play with, but the impact of this magnetic field was too terrible. It would be a trivial matter for the spacecraft to run out of power, but the ecological environment would be destroyed!

Shatiepi couldn't feel any pain. No matter how many attacks hit it, it would at most feel that its physical strength was seriously lost and it needed to eat to regain its physical strength.

So it flicked its tail, which had not been noticed again, and grabbed the smallest bean cricket, intending to have an appetizer first.



The magnetic force was extremely strong. The Bean Cricket was entangled in the tight bolt tail, and it was still tightening. This power made it unable to break free, and even its consciousness was about to disappear...


Bean Cricket once again felt its own powerlessness. The last time was when it faced Mongoose Slash, and the last time it was when it faced the Speaker Cricket Man incident, it was always like this, unable to do anything.

Although it no longer intends to become a hero, it only wants to become stronger to protect its companions, but due to its weakness one after another, it has understood... that it really deserves to be looked down upon, and it doesn't deserve to think that it has this ability even though it can't do anything. ?

His consciousness gradually began to blur, and the key on his back was also affected by the magnetic field. The current gradually leaked out and sent a tingling feeling on his body. He understood the feeling of being shocked all too well.

Unexpectedly, at this last moment, it was electrocuted by the unusable key. It would be funny if it was electrocuted first...

Although it rarely made a joke in its mind when it was leaving, what came to its mind were its companions in the orphanage, the Speaker Cricket Man who took care of and took it in, and... Qiu Qing?

Bean Cricket's eyes widened suddenly, and when he came back to his senses, he looked at Qiu Qing who appeared in front of him and clutched the sand iron skin's tail tightly, with a face full of disbelief.

After all, its impression of Qiu Qing can only be said to be slightly better. Although it has cared about it, this kind of care is not what it wants.

And after such a long time, it has not sensed the other party's rumored strength. It feels like it is spending time on the ship every day, and it will not supervise their training, or give random instructions on what to do.


So Bean Cricket couldn't understand that the other party would not hesitate to rush over at this time to save himself in the face of such an invincible enemy...

Qiu Qing gritted her teeth and tried to break open the bolt, then said in a deep voice: "Although I am not your trainer, protecting the crew is not only the captain's responsibility, but also the responsibility of me, an incompetent leader. , I am the one who promised Speaker Cricket Man to take you in, and I made a promise... I must keep my word!"


The sound was not loud, but all the Pokémon present heard it. Even Tutu Dog, who was still drawing, finally came to his senses and noticed what was going on here.

Xinye Miao reluctantly stood up and showed a smile. Bean Cricket looked at it blankly, as if he suddenly understood why even the fruit-gnawing insects on the boat who had nothing to do could not speak ill of each other.

Maybe Qiu Qing is really ordinary and can't even win a battle... But the opponent confirmed that he is willing to sacrifice for the crew. Even if he is not a trainer, he is doing things that many trainers cannot do!

and so……

At this moment, Bean Cricket already understood what exactly he wanted to do, give up? No, just like Speaker Cricket, even if he knew he couldn't defeat Genesect, he would still kill someone to stop him, even if he suffered such injustice.

What it wants to do is to become stronger, not to fight for breath or gain their approval... but to do what it thinks is right!


Bean Cricket was no longer confused and did not hesitate to trigger the extremely unstable key power at this most dangerous time.

Lightning flashed all of a sudden, and Qiu Qing was knocked away. However, Shatiepi was not afraid of electricity at all. Instead, he wanted to eat him more and more because of this energy, but the next second he didn't think so...

The power of the surrounding magnetic field began to weaken. The key, which was already extremely unstable, was absorbing the magnetic field at this moment, as if it was about to explode at any time. Once it exploded, Bean Cricket would probably die instantly.

But in the past month, it has been shocked countless times. Unknowingly, it found that it had adapted to the electricity at this moment. No... it should be said that it had been authorized successfully!

The key and its compatibility have gone from being completely inappropriate at first to being almost perfect now. This is not only because of its change of mentality, but also because it has been recognized by the key!

Just then, something incredible happened!

The key that absorbed the entire mutated magnetic field has now disappeared on the bean cricket's back, replaced by the slender silver lines on its shiny golden body!


The Bean Cricket, which had undergone a strange change in its body, made a strange sound. It was like being reborn. In an instant, it burst out with far more strength than usual. It broke away from its iron tail, unfolded its folded third legs, and kicked Kick the opponent!


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