Hello White-Eyed Wolf from Quick Travel

Chapter 1 The family adopted a white-eyed wolf (1)

Office of the Director of the Quick Travel Bureau

The director looked at Yu Guang, who was sitting opposite him, with gentle eyes: "You had good results in the Notre Dame group, and the task completion rate reached 100%, so we decided to transfer you to the White-eyed Wolf group. What do you think?"

Although it was a question, the director's voice was filled with unquestionable affirmation, as if he was sure that Yu Guang would not refuse.

Yu Guang was previously sent to the Notre Dame team that no one wanted to take over. I thought that Yu Guang would cry and beg him to adjust the team. Unexpectedly, this girl not only completed the task, but also achieved perfect standards for everything.

Therefore, the director had the idea of ​​transferring Yu Guang to the White Eyed Wolf Group.

This is also another painful task group in the bureau. Every person who took over the task cried and complained that they couldn't bear it mentally and were so disgusted that they wanted to destroy the world.

Because the white-eyed wolves are unreasonable at all. They only use those weird and self-interested ideas to lower the IQ of others.

The director looked at Yu Guang with a kind of kindness in his eyes. He felt that Yu Guang would be able to complete the work smoothly.

Yu Guang smiled and pushed the golden mirror on his face: "I obey all the arrangements of the director."

He obeyed the director rather than the bureau. Yu Guang's sensible attitude made the director more and more satisfied: "You have always been the one who makes me worry the most."

Yu Guang meekly lowered his head and passively accepted the director's CPU.

Seeing Yu Guang's lowered eyebrows, the director smiled kindly and said, "If you need anything, please ask me."

Yu Guang showed an expression of surprise appropriately: "You are so generous. Can I bring my glasses to the mission world? This is my habit."

Finally, he lowered his head and said awkwardly: "My previous system was too useless. I would like to apply for a replacement with one with more comprehensive functions."

As if he felt that his demands were too much, he lowered his head and rubbed his hands uneasily out of the corner of his eye.

The director's eyes gradually changed from inspection to satisfaction: "I can promise you the glasses, but the system is not rich in the bureau, so you just have to wait."

The time limit is forever.

Yu Guang lowered his head in disappointment and sighed softly: "I will follow the director's arrangements!"

Seemingly pleased by Yu Guang's aggrieved look like a little daughter-in-law, the director spoke generously: "You were the acting team leader of the Notre Dame Group before, and then you went to the White-Eyed Wolf Group, and your position is still the same as before. Work hard and strive to retire early. "

Their treatment is very good.

Yu Guang's lips were slightly opened, showing an expression that looked both shocked and excited: "Don't worry, I will definitely work hard."

Satisfied, he returned his peripheral vision to his own system space. The director adjusted to a comfortable sitting position and said to the person on the other end of the communicator: "She proposed to replace the defective system 08. It seems that she found nothing, so continue. Just observe.”

Yu Guang returned to the system space, and 08 was already waiting here. Seeing Yu Guang's return, he immediately rushed towards him affectionately: "Host, have we adjusted the team?"

Out of the corner of his eye, he grasped his fat white steamed bun-like system in his hand: "The team has changed, let's continue working."

08 looked at his peripheral vision dullly: "Host, you look strange."

Although he is a defective product, he can still tell that the host's expression is a bit strange.

Out of the corner of his eye he pushed up his glasses slightly: "It's okay, I just ate too many cakes and am a little full."

The director's ability to draw cakes was so good that she almost believed it.

08: "..." Didn't I go to the director's office? Why did I get the cake?


After receiving the mission, I heard a woman's cold voice: "There is no heartbeat. Send him to the morgue, prepare a death certificate, and ask the car to come and take him away."

There was a burst of applause from the side, and at the same time, someone expressed their heartfelt admiration: "Dr. Cai, thank you for your hard work."

Yu Guang: "..." If I remember correctly, the original owner probably didn't save him, so what are these people moving about?

Just as he was thinking about it, he felt a lightness on his body, as if a light figure was being helped down from the corner of his eye.

Then there was another noisy reassurance: "Dr. Cai, you have done your best."

"Dr. Cai, you have persisted for so long and you have been worthy of your patients."

"Dr. Cai, please sit down and eat a piece of chocolate and rest for a while."

"Dr. Cai, my condolences."


When the last words reached his ears, Yu Guang pondered in his mind: "08, who is this Dr. Cai from the original owner?"

A dead person can still receive flowers and applause. If it were the day of the funeral, would these people dance on her grave?

Unexpectedly, Yu Guang would suddenly ask himself, 08 was nervous for a moment and then quickly searched for the plot: "Host, this is the daughter of the original owner, but..."

Before 08 could finish speaking, Yu Guang suddenly sat up from the hospital bed.

The dull pain coming from the chest made Yu Guang frown subconsciously. This daughter must have just performed CPR on the original owner, and the original owner's ribs were crushed due to excessive force.

What a good boy with superb medical skills!

No one expected that Yu Guang would suddenly sit up. Several young nurses exclaimed but did not run away. Instead, they quickly walked towards the bed and prepared to press Yu Guang down.

This is a special reaction of the body after death, and it has not been seen before.

Cai Yun heard the sound and turned to look out of the corner of his eye, his eyes full of sadness.

If she hadn't just taken two sips of the mineral water in her hand and still had half a piece of chocolate in her mouth, maybe from the corner of her eye, she would have felt that Cai Yun was feeling sorry for the original owner.

Seeing that the hands of those little nurses were about to touch him, Yu Guang suddenly jumped out of bed and walked towards Cai Yun.

This is no longer something that can be explained by medicine. The young nurses’ voices were filled with panic: “It’s a fake corpse. Call the security guard.”

It's not that this kind of thing has never happened before, it's just the first time they've seen it in the hospital.

Cai Yun seemed a little scared, and subconsciously stepped back, realizing that Yu Guang's target was Cai Yun. The intern next to him hurriedly stopped him and tried to subdue Yu Guang.

However, Yu Guang dodged it at a weird angle, and then grabbed Cai Yun's hair. Cai Yun was in pain and finally couldn't help but scream.

However, Yu Guang's slaps fell on her face one after another: "I sent you to study, let you study medicine, and found a job for you, just to let you get away with it, and tell others that I am dead when I am unconscious. .”

"There are so many instruments in the hospital, but you don't use any of them. Are you worried that I won't be killed by you?"

"Sit on me and perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Are you afraid that I can breathe normally?"

"You broke my ribs while I was unconscious. Your books for so many years have taught you how to kill people."

Cai Yun could hold it back at first, but then he started screaming: "Mom, let me go, it was just an accident."

08 couldn't help but remind him: "Host, I don't know the plot yet, why don't you wait and fight again."

The corner of his mouth raised slightly from the corner of his eye, and even if he was beating someone, he still allowed himself to firmly occupy the moral high point: "An accident can allow you to send me to the crematorium alive, and an accident can allow you to save me without any instrument testing.

After an accident can take away a life, countless people cheer next to the deceased.

Didn’t you know that you used his name to cheat and harm people’s lives? "

The plot is not important, let’s fight first and then talk about it.

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