Konoha: The road to the gods starting from Kannabi Bridge

Chapter 65 Its name is Sansho Fish Hanzo

Chapter 65 Its name is - Sansho Fish Hanzo


The power of the explosion when more than twenty detonating talismans were triggered was quite powerful. It blew up Akaishi, who had completely given up his protection, and even Yuzhang was reduced to ashes. Fortunately, he had Earth Escape. ·The protection of the earth spear, the top earth escape and hardening technique, only made him a little embarrassed.

Also, it's a bit of a pity,

Akaashi's body could not be obtained.

That was the Sandaime Tsuchikage's right-hand man, his confidant. If he could get Akaashi's body... Not to mention how much information could be mined from it, even if he sold it on the black market, it would be an astonishing sum. income.


This feeling of regret was also fleeting.

There was no need to dwell too much on things that were irreversible. It was not the time for him to relax in a daze yet. The battle did not end here. Under Akaishi's desperate cover, Iwami had already escaped. It's quite a long distance, but it's a bit difficult to catch up.

"Tsk! There's no way to eradicate it!"

Yuzhang stared at the west for two seconds and frowned.


Suppress the unhappiness in my heart.

Then turn your attention to the north

Iwami couldn't catch up, but Sansho Hanzo couldn't escape from Nagato's hands. He was already caught up by Nagato, and the two fell into a fierce fight. Yuzhang didn't hesitate and started to rush. After passing by, I had promised to help Nagato kill Sansho Hanzo, but I couldn't go back on my word.

"Immortal Technique·Earth Release·Mud Master."

As soon as Yuzhang took action, he acted like a rock ninja and directly modified the surrounding terrain. The good land turned into a quagmire.

Even Nagato was within the attack range.

But obviously,

It is impossible to say that this kind of attack has any effect on Nagato. With a wave of his hand, under the repulsive force, the whole person flew up unreasonably, as if he was a god and not stained by any dirt.

As for Hanzo, who was the main target... this old man was very powerful and reacted very quickly. He formed the seals with his hands so fast that it was hard for the eyes to keep up. He had already completed the seals before he fell into the quagmire. and chakra refining.

The ninjutsu was released smoothly.

Its name is——

"Water Release: Takitsubo Jutsu!"

The turbulent torrent suddenly gushes out from under the feet, as if a spring was dug out of thin air. The endless water gushes out and covers the top of the mire. Even though the mire has the ability to absorb and store water, it can't. He is not so overbearing that he can swallow up all the water that appears out of thin air in one breath.

This takes time and process.

And it just so happens that Hanzo needs just this little time, so that he can have a foothold in this large swamp, so that he will not be swallowed up by the swamp.

after all,

The scope of this swamp is really ridiculously large. Hanzo also judged at the first moment that he could not escape from the scope of this swamp by means such as the teleportation technique, so he used the Takitsubo technique to create a foothold above it. Don't let yourself fall into the quagmire.

To deal with this,

It is enough to prove that this man who once stood at the top of the ninja world is by no means a person with no reputation. He made the most appropriate reaction in that moment. Not everyone can have such an ability. Just before, Slate in the Iwagakure Village The Jonin elite of ANBU misjudged the scope of the quagmire and fell into it, losing their lives.

And Hanzo's response doesn't stop there.

"Water Release: Wave Riding Strike."

After Hanzo released the Takitsubo technique, he continued to form seals and used the endless stream of water under his feet to launch a fierce counterattack towards Yuzhang, the caster. He rode the flowing water like an arrow from a string. He killed Yuzhang at an extremely fast speed!

Speaking of,

This move, 'Wave Riding Strike', is derived from the imitation of the second-generation Hokage of Konoha in the past. When he was just a child, he saw the second-generation Hokage Thousand-Hand Tobirama walking on the water on the battlefield and killed him. The sight of the rain ninjas bleeding into rivers left an indelible impression on him.

Later, he spent a lot of effort to create his own 'wave riding attack'.

Even his fighting style can be said to be an imitation of the Nidaime Hokage.

His 'Water Blinking Technique' is an imitation of the Nidaime Hokage's 'Flying Thunder God Technique'.

His 'Fire Release: Exploding Flame Formation' is also derived from the Nidaime Hokage's 'Character Detonation'.


The list goes on and on.

However, imitation is imitation, but Hanzo did not fall into the situation of 'those who look like me will die'. Instead, he walked out his own path in imitating the second-generation Hokage. After his death, he, Sanshouyu Hanzo, stood at the top of the ninja world! !

"You kid, you want to kill me? You are so naive!!!"

Hanzo roared angrily.

The next moment,

He didn't know when the chain in his hand was suddenly thrown out, and a heavy iron weight hung at the head of the lock. If it hit an ordinary person, even if he was lucky enough to survive, he would end up with broken bones and tendons. It was strange. What was unexpected was that Yuzhang discovered that the iron weight was not coming towards him, but was passing by him.



Hanzo's right hand holding the chain pulled and pulled, and the iron weight flew back, pulling the chain and wrapping it tightly around Yuzhang's neck.

all of these,

It all happened in a flash of lightning.

It’s Yuzhang,

His reaction speed was also a bit slower, so he fell into Hanzo's move.

"Fire Escape: Exploding Flame Array."

Hanzo's free left hand formed the 'Yin' seal with one hand.

I saw detonating symbols one after another suddenly appearing on the chain. These detonating symbols disguised as chains were now swarming along the chain like snakes and swarming towards Yuzhang's head. In just an instant, It covered Yuzhang's head and shoulders like a mummy.



These more than forty detonating symbols were detonated together.

More than 20 detonating talismans had previously destroyed Akaishi's body, so the power of these 40 or so detonating talismans was naturally even more terrifying.

Even high-level earth escape hardening techniques cannot withstand such a fierce attack.

at this point,

Hanzo was sure.

Back then, he competed with Konoha, Sand Ninja and Iwa Ninja for supremacy on the battlefield. He had seen the power of the high-level earth escape hardening technique in Iwagakure Village, and had personally killed Iwa who had mastered this high-level earth escape hardening technique. Ren used this large-capacity 'explosive flame formation' to blow it to pieces.


It's just a repeat of the same old tricks.


Getting rid of this Iwa ninja traitor was nothing, the problem was still the freak Nagato.

Hanzo rode the rapids out of the swamp and stepped on solid land. He looked up at Nagato flying in the air and frowned unconsciously. He had a way to deal with the Iwa Ninja who was harder than stone. , but when it comes to this weirdo Nagato, he is really like a tiger eating a hedgehog - he can't find a place to bite.

at this time,

His heart suddenly hurt, and a bloody long knife came out of his chest.

There was a chuckle behind the ear.

"Hanzo-senpai, you are too careless!!!"

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