Konoha: The road to the gods starting from Kannabi Bridge

Chapter 2 The man nicknamed ‘Obito Killer’ (laughs)

Chapter 2 The man nicknamed ‘Obito Killer’ (laughs)

"somebody is coming."

Koeda Seinosuke suddenly spoke, forcing Yuzhang to swallow back the words that he had not yet had time to say.

The next moment,

Everyone felt that the barrier erected by Kiyoshinosuke was shattered.


The undisguised heavy footsteps sounded from outside the door.

"Hey, everyone in the Huzhi family, what secrets are being discussed behind closed doors? Let me listen in!" The door was roughly pushed open, and the man's condescending words mixed with teasing were clearly conveyed. It entered the ears of the jounin of the Kozhi clan.

Appearing in front of Yuzhang and the others was a man with an afro haircut and sharp eyes that were as menacing as swords. He was wearing a taupe tight-fitting combat uniform and a vest of the same color. He held his hands in front of his chest and looked confident. He looked down at the jounin of the Koeda family with a arrogant attitude.

behind him,

There were also two men who were also wearing taupe tight-fitting combat uniforms and vests of the same color.


Dashan's eyes turned cold.

He raised his hand to stop Seinosuke who was about to yell and scolded, and said in a calm voice that could not detect any abnormality: "It's not Huoguang's turn to do what our Kozhi clan does, and you, a junior, are dictating and trying to control us Kozhi." The Branch Clan, wait until you become a Tsuchikage."


The man named Huoguang sneered, "Chief Huzhi, I really don't have the power to control your Huzhi clan. To be honest, I don't care whether you are engaging in some shameful conspiracy or not, but... ··Lotus-sama has an order, and your Huzhi clan needs to send a jounin to accompany us to carry out the mission."

He paused,

Looking around with a superior attitude, he sneered: "Whoever it is, come with us quickly!"

"What mission?"

"I have no comment other than those involved in the mission."

Dashan stared at the fire for a few seconds, with an undisguised evil smile on the other person's face. If both parties were not constrained by their identities as companions, maybe the other party would point the blade directly at him without hesitation. Thoughts can't help but emerge.


There is nothing to be resentful about.

In the final analysis, it is only the fault of the Huzhi clan that they have fallen to this point.

It is natural for them to be hostile to the staunch supporters of the Sandaime Tsuchikage like Huoguang. Who allowed them, the Kozhi clan, to participate in the coup that overthrew the rule of the Sandaime Tsuchikage? What's more terrible is that their action ended in failure.

From a third-party perspective,

Everyone should think that the Kozhi clan was extraordinarily merciful for not being directly ordered to be exterminated by the Third Tsuchikage. If Yuzhang did not have a surname like Kozhi, he probably had similar thoughts. However, there was no other way. Who allowed him to be reincarnated? Arrive at the Huzhi clan.

Unless you choose to kill your relatives for justice,

Otherwise, he would not be able to look at this matter fairly from a third party's perspective, and Dayi... Yuzhang did not think that the Sandaime Tsuchikage had the so-called Dayi. In the final analysis, this coup incident was about the village. The meat-eaters are just fighting for power and have nothing to do with righteousness.


Yuzhang must make his choice from the standpoint of his family!


He didn't have a choice.

Blood is original sin.

Even if he is willing to surrender to the Sandaime Tsuchikage, there is no reason for them to accept him as a traitor who can even betray his own clan!

"Divide and conquer, defeat them one by one?"

Yuzhang looked up and down at the fire standing at the door.

It is obvious what the other party is planning. They are obviously planning to split the power of the Huzhi clan, and then use it as firewood to fill up the raging fire called war and burn it up, just like the mastermind of the coup. The last remaining jounin of the two families had all died on the battlefield encircling and suppressing the Third Raikage.


He will die there too.

Fortunately, the Eye of God suddenly appeared and saved his life.

"Seinosuke is a medical ninja. Yuzhang and Yousuke have only just returned from their mission. Are they not even willing to give them time to breathe?" Dashan's face was gloomy.

<divclass="contentadv"> "Don't say that these are some or not, orders are orders. Chief Huzhi, Lord Huangtu has been tolerant enough to allow you to decide who will be sent to participate in the mission. You'd better not waste time, hurry up Let’s decide who will be selected soon! We will set off soon! If we are late and fail to catch up, resulting in a big defeat on the front line, then it will be your Huzhi clan’s responsibility.”

Huo Guang refused to show any mercy at all, he just kept pushing and urging.

He didn't think he had to give any face to the Huzhi clan.

this family,

They are just a group of shameless betrayers.

It's just that because of the needs of the war, these traitors were not allowed to be exterminated directly, but this does not mean that the past mistakes have been written off. These traitors need to use their blood to atone for their sins! Whether it's the enemy's or the betrayers' own.

Dashan frowned.

His heart felt heavy, as if he had swallowed a fist-sized piece of Coptis chinensis, and it was so bitter that he could hardly open his mouth.

He couldn't think of any way to solve the situation in front of him. As long as their clan had not removed the forehead protectors of Yanyin Village, they could not refuse to carry out the orders of Huang Tu, the supreme commander of the frontline battlefield. However, if they chose to carry out the orders, it was very likely that their clan would There will be one less jounin again.

This was not a delusion of persecution, but a fact inferred from Huo Guang's words.

Giving a task to someone to perform is not something that can be decided casually. As the person responsible for issuing the task, you must consider whether the selected executor is good at ninjutsu? Physical skills? Illusion? Whether it is suitable for this task, the probability of task failure, etc., to ensure the success rate of the task.

And without telling them the details of the mission, they were asked to select any jounin from the clan to participate in the mission. This was clearly intended to use the jounin of their clan as cannon fodder. If it was cannon fodder that could be discarded at any time, it was indeed true. No need to consider whether you are suitable to perform the corresponding task.

Just when he was in a dilemma,


Seinosuke couldn't stand it anymore, so he slapped the table and prepared to volunteer.

"Chief, let me go!"

Yuzhang was one step ahead of Kiyosuke and stood up first to ask for help.

"Yu Zhang."

Dashan looked at Yuzhang with complicated eyes and asked, "Do you understand what you are saying?"

"Someone has to carry out Lord Huangtu's orders, right?"

Yu Zhang walked to the center of the room, facing the patriarch Shan Shan, with his back to Huo Guang and others. He clenched his right hand and put it on his chest, and said seriously: "Although this disciple has not learned one tenth of your skills, the secret skills passed down from our family are It is the seven orifices that open up the six, but... the disciple only has a little experience in the earth escape technique. Even if it is difficult to achieve meritorious service, it will never bring discredit to the family."


Dashan looked at Yuzhang's dark right hand resting on his chest. He was shocked at first, and then turned to relief.

it turns out,

He has mastered this high-level earth escape technique that even he has not been able to master so far.

No wonder Yuzhang is so confident,

If he does master this earth escape technique, if nothing else, at least Yuzhang's hope of survival will immediately increase exponentially. Even if he goes there in person, he may not be more sure of coming back alive than Yuzhang.

"Firelight, Yuzhang will go with you."

Dashan said in a deep voice.

"Huzhi Yuzhang? Yes!"

Huo Guang glanced at Yuzhang who turned around indifferently, and nodded casually. As he said, no matter who the Huzhi Clan sent over, there would be no problem, because they were planning to send the Huzhi Clan over. Used as cannon fodder!

Dead and pulled down,

If you are not dead, continue to throw yourself into the next 'meat grinder' until all the jounin of the Kozhi clan are dead!

And this time the ‘meat grinder’ is called——

Kannabi Bridge!

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