Chapter 175 Put on me!

The so-called "put on" is not an exaggerated modifier, but a portrayal of reality. Shou's body slowly split open under the gaze of Uchiha Hatoha, and the humanoid body turned into a long rope in an instant. , a white object that exists in a spiral shape.

Such a gesture,

Uchiha Jiuha's eyes widened. really not a human being.

There are no internal organs, no bones, no blood... To be honest, this white substance is different from the muscles Uchiha Hatoha recognizes, but in any case, the existence state of this white substance is very similar to muscles.

"Come on! Jiuyu, put on me!"

Shou’s voice,

It comes from the white substance.

"······what should I do?"

Uchiha Hatoha has no fear, or in other words, the worry for his brother overwhelms the so-called fear.

"Hand out."

"Put your hand over here."

Shou's voice sounded again.

"it is good!"

Uchiha Hatoha agreed, stretched out his hand towards the strange white substance in front of him, and plunged his right hand into the spiral white substance without any hesitation. The next second, a faint sound came from his right hand. A sense of restraint.

The white substance like a long rope was tightly wrapped around his palm.


The wonderful thing is that he did not lose control of his body because of this sense of restraint. It is better to say that his right hand is filled with an unprecedented sense of power at this moment. The current self... I am afraid that it can be easily broken with one punch. Drop a boulder.

And the binding of the right hand is just the beginning,

The white substance quickly climbed up along his arms, covering his body, hands and feet in the blink of an eye, and even his head was wrapped, leaving only his eyes exposed.


It's really like wearing clothes,

Wear longevity on your body.

"Jiuha, this way you can not only borrow my power, but also conceal your identity. You don't have to worry about being recognized by Konoha ninjas." Shou's voice reached the ear of Uchiha Hatoha. middle.

"······Thank you very much! Good luck!"

Uchiha Jiuha clenched his fist and thanked Shou.

"Hey! It feels good to be thanked!"

Shou said with a smile.

"Stop talking nonsense and show me the way quickly."

Uchiha Jiuha, however, had no extra mood to be ashamed. He was always thinking about his brother who was in danger.

"I'm so impatient...go this way!"

Shou agreed.

The next moment,

Uchiha Hatoha saw a slender white thread floating out of the corner of his eye, pointing to the northwest.


Uchiha Hatoha jumped up and heard a loud "bang" sound. He used his body to pierce the ceiling above. This was just the beginning. Then he smashed through the ceiling like a bull. The layers of ceilings rushed straight to the ground.

Then he ran towards the northwest as fast as possible.


It was as fast as a white lightning traveling through the forest.

In the beginning,

Every step he took would leave one deep pit after another on the ground. He could not yet control Shou's power as he wished, but soon the footprints gradually became shallower, from deep pits to formed footprints, and then to another. In the end, unless a professional tracking expert carefully examines the traces, there is no chance of discovering the traces left by Uchiha Hatoha.

Uchiha Hatoha is adapting to the posture of Shou Shou at an alarming speed.


"Kotobuki and Uchiha Hatoha are setting off."

"Are you all ready?"

<divclass="contentadv"> "All the actors are already in place, waiting for our seeds to go to the predetermined venue."

"What's the situation over there at Konoha?"

"The Sandaime Hokage dispatched four teams of ANBU. Among them are not the top experts in Konoha today, but they can be regarded as strong men who have experienced hundreds of battles. If our seeds can sprout smoothly, then this group of Konoha ANBU will It will be the best whetstone.”

"very good."

Uchiha Madara slowly lowered his head and then said: "Then, Black Zetsu, you should also keep an eye on it! See if this seed... can take root and sprout!!!"


He closed his eyelids.

As if tired, his thin body leaned on the back of the stone chair.

"Leave it to me! Madara-sama!"

Hei Jue looked at the old man who closed his eyes and leaned on the stone chair.

A very subtle and sinister smile appeared on half of the dark face, and immediately... the pitcher plant-like body swayed and crashed into the wall beside it, merging into it like a drop of water merging into the vast ocean. Into the wall.

He was not far away but not close behind Uchiha Jiuha and Shou.

Uchiha Hatoha was completely unaware of the stalker behind him.

Shou noticed the aura of Hei Zetsu behind him.

But he didn't say anything, he just cooperated with Uchiha Jiuha and ran wildly in the forest.

"This footprint... he is evolving!"

The half-white face of the pitcher plant opened its mouth and said.

"Yeah! He's evolving!"

Black Jue responded.

He not only followed Uchiha Hatoha from behind, but also took action to erase all the traces left by Uchiha Hatoha that might reveal the location of the base. This is why he discovered that Uchiha Hatoha was evolving, and It evolves at an extremely fast speed.

"This has never happened before!"

Bai Jue said excitedly.

Over the past ten years,

More than one Uchiha boy has put on a certain powerful White Zetsu, but none of them has been able to evolve so violently and rapidly in such a short period of time like Uchiha Hatoha, and have almost perfectly tamed the White Zetsu. Absolute power.

"Maybe... there is really hope this time!"

Hei Jue couldn't help but murmured.

In the eyes,

There was a flash of expectation.

Uchiha Madara is worried about not being able to find a suitable chess piece to execute the Eye of the Moon plan. Black Zetsu is also worried about Uchiha Madara's Eye of the Moon plan being put on hold again and again. He is even more eager than Uchiha Madara to find someone to execute the Eye of the Moon plan. Pawns of the plan.

after all,

Uchiha Madara had only been waiting for a few decades, but he had been waiting for a thousand years.


When he saw hope, his eyes lit up with a gleam of light.

"Will Uchiha Hatoha turn on the Mangekyo Sharingan? Then what will be the eye technique of his Mangekyo Sharingan? Will it be Amaterasu, Tsukuyomi, Angenzon, Ishido Biko, Atomorifune, Menzuzun , Ishicho Himai, Konohana Sakuya, Shinato Hiko... Or is there a new Mangekyo Sharingan Eye Technique coming out?"

Bai Jue asked curiously.

A series of names were announced as if they were announcing the names of dishes.

These ones,

nothing else,

It is the eye technique of the Mangekyō Sharingan that once appeared in the Uchiha clan in history.

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