Konoha: The road to the gods starting from Kannabi Bridge

Chapter 158 The 4th Mizukage seeking change

Chapter 158 The Fourth Mizukage seeking change

"It is a matter of course that you should be in your position and pursue your political affairs. As a guard, I will naturally do my best to protect the safety of Elder Anzhao, even if you really intend to use your own life as a bargaining chip to complete this time with Konoha. negotiations."

Yuzhang replied calmly.

He could think of a possibility of what Ghost Yuzu Anzhao said, "It depends on man-made things".

That is to use his own life to frame the collusion between Orochimaru and the Mist Ninja. This will very likely directly eliminate Orochimaru's qualifications to compete for the Fourth Hokage. And when the yellow flash comes to power, then naturally he will be a big help. The mist ninja repays...

To be honest, this method is not very clever.

But if Yellow Flash is really the kind of person who will do anything for power and status, then it will definitely be an effective method, although this does not guarantee that Yellow Flash will not go back on his promise after taking the position.


This assumption makes no sense at all in Yuzhang's opinion.

Because the Yellow Flash that I know from memory or from actual contact is not the kind of person who would do anything for power. It is impossible to win over Yellow Flash... that guy is absolutely impossible. Will harm the interests of the village for personal gain.

This kind of thing,

In fact, we should go to Danzo!

That person is the one who will do whatever it takes for 'Konoha in his heart'.

"...Yuzhang, I think it is a complete waste for you to join the Seven Ninja Swordsmen." Oni Yuzi Anzhao stared at Yuzhang for a long time and let out a long sigh, "I must admit that I have Your judgment is wrong. You have the brains to work in the administrative department. After a few years of training... you will have no problem taking over from me, the consultant elder."

"It would be the biggest waste if it really went to the administrative department."

Yuzhang replied unceremoniously, "For us ninjas, the strength of force will determine everything. Why didn't Konoha send people to our Kirigakure Village to negotiate this time, but we came all the way to Konoha to negotiate? Why? Isn’t it just because they are stronger and we can’t beat them, so we can only come to their territory and bow our heads and admit our mistakes.”

"You kid... you're so rude in what you say. What do you mean by bowing your head and admitting your mistake? Can't you put it in a more pleasant way?"

"Whether it pleases your ears or not, the fact is this fact, and it will not change just because of what you say beautifully. Only power, having power stronger than Konoha can truly reverse the unequal relationship between us and Konoha. "

"...It's great to be young!"

Ghost Yuzu Anzhao sighed heavily.

If it were thirty years ago,

He also holds the same attitude and views as Yuzhang, believing that strength determines everything.

of course,

Even now, he still agrees with the saying that strength determines everything, but it must have absolute overriding power. Then strength may not necessarily determine everything. Konoha will agree to negotiate with the Mist Ninja. It shows that Konoha does not have overwhelming power.


Everyone can talk about it, and there will be room for things other than strength to come into play.

"Tama Zhang, your views are exactly the same as those of Mizukage-sama. Mizukage-sama also believes that the failure of our war with Konoha is not only because we made a bet at the wrong time, but more importantly, we miscalculated our relationship with Konoha." The comparison of strength between them... To put it bluntly, Konoha is far more powerful than we judge."

Oni Yuzu looked at the coastline that was gradually becoming clearer in the distance, paused for a few seconds, and then continued: "So... Lord Mizukage asked us to complete negotiations with Konoha as quickly as possible, Solve the sequelae caused by the failure of the previous war."

"Then... we can concentrate our efforts to make changes and make Kirigakure Village stronger!"


<divclass="contentadv">Yu Zhang thought thoughtfully, "In that case...Mizukage-sama would agree to our Kozhi clan joining Kirigakure Village because Mizukage-sama wants change?" ?”

"No, accepting your Huzhi clan is part of the change."

Oni Youzi Anzhao replied, he looked at Yuzhang and said: "To be precise, your Huzhi clan's joining Kirigakure Village is the beginning of change. There are only two ways to strengthen your own strength. One is to find ways to improve education methods. , to cultivate more strong people, but it is difficult and takes a long time and cycle.”

"The other way is to absorb external forces. This way is not that difficult, and the time and cycle required are also very short. The disadvantage is that it may not be reliable. Of course, this does not mean that you, the Huzhi clan, are unreliable, but that no one is reliable. I can guarantee that the power absorbed from the outside will be as reliable as your Huzhi clan. Once someone with evil intentions sneaks in... it is likely to bring huge harm to the village."

"...Elder An Zhao, why are you telling me this? Are you really planning to drag me into the Ministry of Administration?"

Yuzhang looked helpless.

"Haha! Aren't you interested in these things?"

Ghost Youzi Anzhao looked at Yuzhang with a smile.

"Not interested."

Yuzhang answered calmly: "I still have the same point of view. Strength determines everything. As long as you are strong enough, even if you cannot solve the problem, as long as you solve the person who created the problem, you will have solved the problem."

"Strong enough... There is no problem in saying this. The problem is how powerful does it mean to be strong enough? A strong man like the first Hokage or Madara Uchiha may not be able to emerge within a hundred years..." ···”

Guiyuzi Anzhao still wanted to persuade him. He now truly felt that Yuzhang was a talent suitable for the administrative department.


There are too many experts in killing people in Kirigakure Village.

However, the administrative department has always been lacking in talent. According to Oni Yuzu Yasuteru, this is the reason why the development of Kirigakure Village is very slow. And the reason why he supports Gotachibana Yagura to become the fourth generation Mizukage is because of Gotachibana Yagura. Unlike the third generation Mizukage, Goju Yagura is unwilling to continue to follow the rules and continue to manage the village according to the policies left by the second generation Mizukage.

He wants change,

But it is obvious that change cannot be accomplished by Mizukage alone. It requires enough talents to unite with Mizukage-sama to achieve such a thing, especially talents who can do administrative work well. That is Really scarce.

"I think I can."

Yuzhang interrupted Oniyuzu Yasuteru's words, and he said seriously: "The first generation Hokage and Uchiha Madara are the targets I am currently chasing. Sooner or later, I will catch up with them, and then... Surpass them!"

Ghost Yuzi Anzhao opened his mouth,

But did not speak.

Because Yuzhang's eyes were very serious, it didn't look like he was joking at all... This made him not know what to say for a while.


I can only shake my head helplessly, thinking that I am still a young man after all. After experiencing setbacks in the future, I will understand that 'there is an upper limit to personal power after all, and not everyone can become the first Hokage or Uchiha Madara'. Will mature later.

And before that,

It is impossible to convince Yuzhang.

"Yuzhang, can you feel anything from this distance now?" Ghost Youzi Anzhao changed the topic.

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