West Coast American Iai

Chapter 83 He can, but you can’t find a gang?

Chapter 83 He can, but you can’t find a gang?

"That's what it is, but we are a police department after all, not a gang. How can we directly confront the city hall?"

Although Williams also wants to directly confront Brian, both parties are still the mainstay of maintaining Long Beach City. If they both directly confront Brian, it will not be long before they will have a crisis of trust in the hearts of Long Beach citizens.

If Brian steps down, he can still be his capitalist, but if Williams steps down, he can only be an ordinary police officer.

The capital of the two people is different, causing Williams to waver between confrontation and non-confrontation, and his will is not particularly firm.

Luo Su also saw Williams' hesitation, but at this time, hesitation would lead to defeat.

"Williams, now is not the time to think about it. The most important thing you need to consider now is how to bring down Brian. As for the other things, what are you thinking about so much?"

Williams has this idea mainly because of his change in position. From deputy chief to acting chief, his mentality has changed from taking a step further to how to keep his position.

These two mentalities are completely different, which is also the reason why Williams' mentality fluctuated greatly within a few days.

If Williams had been the deputy chief, he would never have had such hesitation and hesitation. At that time, he was even more decisive and ruthless than Sheriff Lori.

"Then what do you think we should do?" At this time, Williams felt that his thoughts were all over the place, and he had no clue for a while, so he could only ask his nephew Luo Su.

Luo Su looked back at the closed door at this time, and then took another step closer to Williams and said: "We can't take action directly, but someone can. He Brian can use black hands, and of course we can too .”

When Williams heard Luo Su's words, he felt enlightened. He had thought about cooperating with Sophia's 'boyfriend' Audrey before, but after all the things in the past two days, he had forgotten about it.

"You're right, I'm going to find Sophia right now." Williams felt that if he wanted to find Audrey to cooperate, then Sophia would definitely be a good matchmaker. As long as he found her, there would be a high probability that things would work out. .

But just when Williams was about to take out his cell phone and call Sofia, Luo Su lightly knocked on Williams' table and said: "Apart from Cordelli, you can't find anyone else? Now the Italian Mafia has already It’s not like before, if you want to do this kind of secret thing, you still need to find someone a little more muddled.”

"What do you mean?" Williams seemed to understand what Luo Su said, but he didn't say what he was thinking directly.

After all, this is still a police station, and no one knows whether the partition wall has ears, so it is better to say less.

Luo Su nodded and said, "Yes, who are you familiar with?"

Although Luo Su himself had dealt with Canela from the Crips Gang and Ismael from the Mexican Gang, after all, he had only dealt with them, but he did not have a deep friendship.Moreover, his contact with these two people was not friendly. Luo Su had fired guns in both the Lame Gang and the Mexican Gang's base camp.

"With whom? You don't need to know this. It won't do you any good if you know it. I'll ask someone to contact you." Williams did not tell Luo Su who he was contacting, but it wasn't that he didn't believe Luo Su. It is a kind of protection for one's informants.

Williams has been your Long Beach police officer for more than twenty years. The reason why his informant has never been exposed is because he has always been tight-lipped. Even Lowry has never known the identity of his informant. What.

"it is good."

For Luo Su, the less involved in this kind of thing, the better.

After speaking, Luo Su was no longer prepared to stay in Williams' office. He took a step back and when he walked to the door, he remembered something and turned to Williams and said, "I I need Lori’s phone, can you get it?”

Luo Li's cell phone was placed in the evidence room at this time. Of course, a police officer like Luo Su couldn't take out the evidence from inside.But if it were Acting Sheriff Williams, things would be much easier to handle.

"What did you do with his cell phone?" Williams seemed a little puzzled by Luo Su's sudden words. When he handed Lori's cell phone to Luo Su before, the guy treated it like a hot potato and wanted to return it to Williams immediately. It had only been a few days, but Luo Su's mind had changed?

Perhaps seeing Williams' doubts, Luo Su put his hand on the doorknob and did not pull it away. Instead, he continued to say to Luo Su: "We didn't find anything on Lori's phone, but you I also know that the Los Angeles Police Department is also interested in Lori’s mobile phone. If you want to know what’s inside, I think it’s a good choice to cooperate with the other party.”

"Working with Christian?"

The Christian Williams was talking about was the Sheriff of Los Angeles County, the guy who had to take Lori's phone away last time.

Williams didn't dislike Christian. Unlike Lori, he didn't have much to do with the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department.

But because Luo Su led the special operations team to chase the Los Angeles County police car last time and shot an opposing police officer, it would not be easy to cooperate with the other party now.

"I know it's a bit difficult, but it's not non-negotiable. I will go to Los Angeles tomorrow to meet Sofia and Avril, and I can drop by the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department."

Due to Brian's arrival today, Luo Su is not prepared to continue the action against the Blood Gang and the Aryan Brotherhood tomorrow. It is not that he is afraid of Brian, but after the continuous actions, the Blood Gang and the Aryan Brotherhood will definitely Will temporarily die down, and it is definitely unrealistic to obtain anything more from their residence or trading location.

"Are you going to see Sophia? Then let's go together tomorrow, and I'll have a few words with Audrey." Williams and Audrey didn't chat for too long last time, so the cooperation didn't make any progress.Since Luo Su wanted to take the initiative to go to Audrey's residence this time, of course Williams wanted to go with him.

"No problem, but don't forget Lori's cell phone."

After Luo Su finished speaking, he opened the door to Williams' office.

"Luo, what's going on?"

As soon as Luo Su walked out of Williams' office, Mobley, Selina and others came over and asked him.

They watched Mayor Brian leave, but they didn't know what happened in Williams' office.

But according to several people's guesses, the conversation between Luo Su, Williams and Brian could never be dull, and there might have been a quarrel in the office.

"It's nothing."

<divclass="contentadv"> After Luo Su glanced at the members of the special operations team, he finally laid his eyes on Selina's face and continued: "Tomorrow you keep an eye on the gangs in Long Beach City, don't let them have any Any chance I get to shoot, I’m going to Los Angeles.”

"Going to Los Angeles? Looking for Avril Lavigne?" When Selena mentioned Los Angeles, she immediately thought of her best friend Avril Lavigne.

"Yes, go find Sophia and Avril."

Luo Su did not mention the matter between Audrey and the Los Angeles Police Department, because among the members of the special operations team in front of him, there might be an informant from Brian.

The last time Luo Su received a search warrant to search Luo Li, the other party assassinated Luo Li in advance, with only half a day difference.

After a long time, if the other party knew about Luo Su's search, it must be because there was an informant around Luo Su or Williams. As for who the informant is, Luo Su is not sure yet, but for him, there is nothing wrong with keeping his actions secret.

"Don't follow me. There aren't many people in the action team, and there won't even be a few left if you leave."

Although Luo Su has left, the special operations team will not stop. They will still carry out the mission of the assassinated Sheriff Lori and suppress the gang shooting in Long Beach City.

In fact, with Luo Su's crackdown on gangs in Long Beach City, there are now fewer members of both the Crips and Bloods gangs wandering the streets, and they also do not want to continue to be the targets of Luo Su's attacks.

As for breaking up with Long Beach City, these gangs in Long Beach City have never thought about it. Because even if they were all added together, they might not have as much firepower as the Long Beach Police Department.

And if there really is a conflict with the Long Beach Police Department, there are state police, county police, narcotics police and other police departments. Although they have no affiliation with the Long Beach Police Department, none of them want to be the next target of conflict. Therefore, when faced with this situation, any gang that dares to come forward will receive a thunderous blow from all police stations until it completely disappears from the local area.

Of course, there are still people who do secret jobs like assassinating Lori, but the premise is that they will not reveal any tricks and are not afraid of being found by the real owner.

"Let's go back today. There won't be any action later."

Today's operations against the Blood Gang and the Aryan Brotherhood have been considered very successful. Of course, the special operations team can get off work early.

"Oh, that's not bad."

The police officers were very appreciative of Luo Su's words. Although they do not have fixed working hours, since they joined the special operations team, they have to always cooperate with Luo Su's actions, resulting in less rest time than when they were patrol officers.

However, although there was little free time, the police officers also enjoyed it very much.After all, even as a police officer in Long Beach City, it's not every day that you encounter a shootout as exciting as today.

Although most of the outstanding parts were taken up by Luo Su, they still had some sense of participation. The feeling of being shot in the head and bullets piercing the flesh is simply every police officer's dream.

After all the police officers were dismissed, Selina followed Luo Su to the white pickup truck outside the police station and asked Luo Su, "How many Colts did you buy?"

Just now when the special operations team was disbanded, Luo Su handed over a Colt to the police station for investigation into today's shooting. But just as Luo Su returned to the pickup truck, he took out a new Colt from behind the passenger seat and fastened it to the holster around his waist.

"You have to hand it in every time. Of course it's better to buy more." Luo Su fired more frequently, which caused the frequency of his handing in his pistol to also increase.

After handing in the gun, Luo Su couldn't just fight the gunmen on the road with bare hands.So after I handed in a Glock for the first time and got the 'Colt Iai', I went to a gun store and bought several Colts for rotation.

In fact, compared to Colt, Luo Su is more inclined to acquire the skills of Glock, Ruger and other pistols. After all, these guns have higher ammunition capacity and are more effective when facing a large number of gunmen.

"You did turn in a lot."

After Selina complained, she fastened the seat belt of the driver's seat, turned to Luo Su and said, "Are you going to my house today?"

"Yes, you won't come back to me for the time being." Since Luo Su bumped into Brian again today and had a fight with him here, he was not sure whether this guy would be hot-headed and look for someone else. Come.

Although Luo Su has the advanced skill of crisis perception and can 100% dodge the first bullet every day, the opponent will definitely not only release one bullet when he comes. Luo Su can prevent the first bullet, but there is no way to prevent it. The second one.

Even with a position as high as Kennedy's, wouldn't he end up becoming a Melaleuca?

"But before we go back, let's go to the Crips Gang." Luo Su got off work early today, not because he wanted to go home early, but because he wanted to go to the Crips Gang and exchange some information with Cannella.

"Go to the Crip Gang?"

Selina was a little confused about Luo Su's direction of action. What was the point of going to the Crip Gang at this time?

Luo Su didn't explain to the other party, but closed his eyes in the passenger seat and said, "Just drive."

Since Luo Su didn't say anything, Selina didn't ask any more questions. Instead, she drove the white pickup truck outside the lame gang's old-fashioned tavern in front of a driver.

The members of the Crip Gang were familiar with Luo Su's white pickup truck. When Selena stopped the car, the members of the Crip Gang just glanced at it and did not step forward to let her get out of the pub. Move away.

"Officer Luo Su, today's gun is quite accurate." At the entrance of the tavern, Cannella's right-hand man Mike was sitting on a bench at the entrance and said to Luo Su, who had already reached the entrance of the tavern.

Luo Su's performance in the abandoned warehouse today has basically spread throughout Long Beach City. Now anyone in Long Beach who has watched the Los Angeles TV station has seen Luo Su's heroic appearance.

Although Luo Su is a police officer, guys like Mike like to deal with strong people. Whether you are a gang member or a police officer, as long as you are strong enough, they will obey you.

But if it was a guy like Besley, even if he became the police chief or the leader of the Blood Gang, Mike would still not look at him even once.

I'm feeling better today due to the flu. I'll start working towards 1 words a day tomorrow! Can't do it without rest!

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