West Coast American Iai

Chapter 61 Lori, die!

Chapter 61 Lori, die!


When Luo Su was arranging his team members to surround Luoli's two-story house, another gunshot was heard from inside the house.

However, compared with the shotgun shot just now, the sound of this shot was crisper, and it was obviously a gun like a pistol.

"Long Beach PD, people inside, listen! Put down your weapons and open the door!"

At this time, Luo Su had already put his right hand on his waist. As for the AR-15, Luo Su didn't take it. Judging from the situation, there weren't many people in the room, and it was an indoor environment. The AR-15 really wasn't necessarily better than those 10 meters away. Good for Colt who hits % inside.



However, after Luo Su shouted, two more gunshots were heard in the house, and the sounds were still bullets fired from the pistol.


There was no response from inside the house, and shots were still being fired. Luo Su could only shout to Mobley in the direction of the door.

Mobley heard Luo Su's shout and slammed the door slammer into the door lock.

Since Mobley was quite strong, this impact directly knocked open Lori's door lock.

Mobley, who had opened the door, did not push the door rashly and enter. Instead, he ducked to the side to prevent sudden shooting in the house.

However, the shooting expected by Mobley and others did not appear. There was not even a sound in the house at this time, as if the previous gunshots did not come from inside at all.

After everyone waited for more than ten seconds, Luo Sucai waved to Selina and other police officers holding explosion-proof shields. Selina and another police officer holding explosion-proof shields kicked down the door of Lori's house. opened and rushed in instantly.

Luo Su put his left hand on Selina's shoulder. As the main attacker, he entered the room as the second batch and was responsible for getting rid of the gunman immediately.


A police officer walking at the front holding a blast shield had just stepped into Lori's hall with his left foot when he saw a figure emerging from behind the kitchen counter on the right.


Just as the police officer spoke to warn, the figure hiding on the right stretched out his left hand and fired at Luo Su and others.

Although the opponent's shot was fired somewhat casually, because the distance was close enough, the bullet still hit the right foot of the first police officer holding a blast shield.

"Ah!" The police officer screamed immediately after being shot and fell to the ground.

Selina, who was walking behind him, quickly followed him, preparing to squat in front of him and face the gunman with an explosion-proof shield.

But before Selena could finish this set of actions, she saw Luo Su, who was pressing her shoulders, quickly pulled out the Colt from her waist, and when the other party was about to shoot the second shot, he pulled the trigger directly. He pulled the trigger and shot the opponent in the left eye.


Because the shot was too fast and hit the opponent's vital point directly, the gunman didn't even make any sound and collapsed directly to the ground.

After dealing with the shooter, Luo Sucai put Colt back into the holster, looked back at the team member who was shot, and said: "Search! Don't miss a corner!"


After receiving the instructions, the several police officers behind Luo Su quickly spread to every corner of Luoli's house, preparing to check if there were any other gunmen here.

"Lo! It's Lori!"

While Luo Su was checking whether Selina had been shot, Mobley, who was searching the kitchen on the first floor, yelled.

"Look at him." After seeing that Selena was fine, Luo Su pointed at the shot player on the ground and walked directly in the direction of Mobley.

When Luo Su walked around the body of the gunman just now, what he saw was an old bald white man. He was shot once in the chest and between the eyebrows, and he was lying on the refrigerator in the kitchen.

Two shots, two fatal positions, this kind of injury is absolutely incurable even if God comes.

‘So aggressive? ’

Luo Su frowned when he looked at Luo Li's body.

The guy hiding behind the scenes had just assassinated Lori and Williams at the police station, and now he chased Lori to his home and killed Lori directly.

What kind of hatred is this?

Or does Lowry have information that even Williams doesn't know?

Thinking about it in Luo Su, if it was just what Williams said, that Brian, the Blood Gang, and the Aryan Brotherhood were working together for smuggling, the other party would not have to be so eager to get rid of Lori.

If Lori must be killed, there must be something in this police sergeant that can make him fatal.

As for whether the other party knew what he wanted, Luo Su had no idea. After all, regardless of whether Lori handed over something or not, the probability of him being killed was very high.

"Contact the medical examiner and ask them to come over quickly."

Luo Li has been killed, and Luo Su standing here has no effect. What he needs to do most now is to contact Williams, who is still at the police station. This guy's life seems to be under considerable threat.

<divclass="contentadv"> "Luo Su? How was the search over there in Luoli?"

When Williams received the call, he thought Luo Su had found what he wanted, which would allow Lori to truly let go of his identity as Sheriff and allow him to successfully cancel the subtitle.

Hearing Williams' question, Luo Su looked back in the direction of Lori and said, "He is already dead, and we haven't had time to search him yet."


Williams was obviously very shocked by the news. After all, he didn't want to put the other party to death. "How did he die? Did you attack him?"

Williams' idea is normal. After all, the Long Beach Police Department often encounters this kind of situation. During the search, they encountered fierce resistance from the homeowner, so the police officers had to use force to conduct the search, which resulted in an 'accidental' The homeowner was shot dead.

Because this has happened before, it's certainly not surprising that Williams thought of this possibility.

"No, when we first arrived, Lori had already been shot dead by a gunman."

"It was a black man who looked like he was in his forties. He fought back when we entered the house and was shot dead by me."

"He shot Lori twice before we even got into the house."

When Luo Su was talking, he also glanced at the direction of the door. There were small holes on the wall here, which showed the traces of shotgun blasts. "Lori seemed to have fired back with a shotgun, but there was no Can hit the opponent.”

After General Luo Su finished introducing the situation at the scene, Williams, who had been silent, said to Luo Su: "Stay there, I will come right away."

Lowry's death is also a very big stimulus for Williams. After all, after Lowry's death, he is likely to become the next target.

While Williams certainly had as much information as Lori, he had served as Lori's deputy for many years, and who knows if Lori told the deputy what he knew?

If Luo Su could be suspicious, the mastermind behind Luo Li's murder would certainly be suspicious as well.

"No problem, we have sealed off the scene."

Since this matter involved the sergeant of the Long Beach Police Department, in order to prevent others from getting close, members of the Luosu Team had already cordoned off the area around Lori's residence just now.

"Luo, there's another one upstairs!"

Just when Luo Su just hung up the phone, a police officer's voice suddenly came from the second floor. They seemed to have made a new discovery upstairs.

Luo Su didn't dare to neglect when he heard the call. He stuffed his cell phone into his trouser pocket and quickly walked up the steps.

"Luo, here."

As soon as Luo Su walked up the aisle on the second floor, a police officer outside a bedroom door waved at him.

There were four or five police officers on the second floor at this time. They didn't seem too nervous. It seemed that the found officer was not very lethal.

"It's a black man, and we have disarmed him." The police officer guarding the door pointed to the bedroom and said to Luo Su.

Luo Su looked in the direction of the other person's finger and saw a black man lying on the carpet in the room. He didn't seem very old, only in his twenties. However, although he looks young, his head is bald, and he seems to be in danger of losing his hair.

At this time, the black man's neck was being held by another police officer, his hands were cuffed behind his back, and he had completely lost the ability to resist.

"He had a Glock, but he didn't fire a gun."

"He was hiding in the closet in the room just now. If he hadn't put his hands behind his head, he would have been shot."

When the police officer at the door followed Luo Su into the room, he introduced the situation just now.

After hearing this, Luo Sucai squatted in front of the black man, looked at the black man's frightened and shocked look, and said, "Who sent you here?"

"I have no idea."

Before the young black man could finish speaking, the knee on his neck suddenly exerted force, making it difficult for him to breathe.

"Ahem." The black man coughed lightly and tried to raise his head, trying to breathe some fresh air. "I, I really don't know who it is."

"He came to me this morning. The guy was wearing a mask. I couldn't see what he looked like at all. I just knew he was white."

"He gave me 2 U.S. dollars to come here and kill someone, and he would give me another 3 U.S. dollars after the incident was completed. But I really didn't shoot, another guy did it, and I didn't fire a single shot!"

When the black man said this, the police officer who controlled him relaxed a little, allowing him to breathe more freely.

At this time, Luo Su also spoke to him: "Do you know who the person you want to kill is?"

"Huh, I don't know." The black man took a deep breath, then shook his head slightly and replied to Luo Su.

"His name is Lori Henderson, he's a sergeant with the Long Beach Police Department."

"Now, do you know who he is?"

As Luo Su finished speaking, the black man's pupils gradually dilated, with an incredible expression on his face, "How, how is that possible?"

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