West Coast American Iai

Chapter 2 Game of Thrones

Chapter 2 Game of Thrones

Just when Luo Su finished contacting the lawyer and walked back to the police station door, Sheriff Lori was approaching the search warrant, as if he was looking for something, "Is there no case serial number on it?"

"Here." The first-level officer of the Los Angeles Police Department pointed at the search warrant with his finger.

"Hmm." After another problem was solved by the other police officer, Sheriff Lori frowned, "This was issued by the city police station, why didn't it be issued by the county police station?"

"Well, this is a case in the Regional Court, but the search warrant was issued by the magistrate. The case has been filed in the Regional Court."

"You have to understand that the case was heard in the regional court and there is no signature from the regional judge." Sheriff Lori is still looking for loopholes in the other party's documents.

Lori's words made the officers of the Los Angeles Police Department unable to stand it. They took the search warrant and said in a low tone: "The case transfer agency has no authority to issue a search warrant, so the regional court you mentioned We no longer have the authority to issue search warrants, they can only be signed by the district court.”

The implication of this police officer was to ask Sheriff Lori not to resist pointlessly. No matter what, they must continue to handle this case.

Hearing this, Sheriff Lori turned to look at his Deputy Sheriff Williams and said, "Huh? Do you know? Why didn't I know about this?"

"It has been changed." The Los Angeles Police Department officer responded directly without waiting for Williams to speak.

At this time, Sheriff Lori could only nod and said: "Okay."

After speaking, he raised his hand again, pointed at Luo Su, and said: "Luo Su, come here."

"Has the lawyer's call been hung up? No? Very good. Come with me to the office." After Sheriff Lori said this, he took it back without waiting for the Los Angeles Police Department officers to speak. The search warrant went to his office.

Luo Su, who was stopped, could only squeeze in through the Los Angeles Police Department officers at the gate. These officers from the higher-level police department were a little depressed by Lori's words. His face didn't look good at this time.

Just after Luo Su followed Lori into Lori's office, Deputy Chief Williams of the Long Beach Police Department and two other police officers immediately guarded the door of the office, confronting the officers of the Los Angeles Police Department. .

The atmosphere at the scene seemed very subtle at this time. There was no verbal communication between the two parties, but the looks in their eyes made Cole's hair stand on end as he watched this scene outside the door.

‘It’s over. ’

When Luo Su was called in by Sheriff Lori just now, Cole originally wanted to follow him in. But he was a little timid, and in front of a group of burly men from the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department, Cole still gave up.

‘Maybe, are you okay? ’

At this time, Cole could only hope that no big problems would occur, otherwise it would be somewhat dangerous for him to stand outside alone.

While Cole was thinking wildly outside the police station, Luo Su, who had already walked into Sheriff Lori's office, also took out his cell phone again and asked, "Call the lawyer?"

"No, I'll do it myself."

Sheriff Lori, who had already sat back at his desk, picked up the landline phone on the table and pressed it, "Hals, what's the matter with you?"

"What's wrong? Your people have come to my police station with a search warrant!"

"You don't know? How could you not know as a deputy sheriff? Damn it! This is Long Beach! Not Los Angeles! Get your people out of here!"

Sheriff Lori yelled at the phone and then pressed the phone.The Long Beach police sergeant was clearly furious.

After the office was quiet for a moment, Sheriff Luo Li raised his head to look at Luo Su and said, "Open the curtains."

After hearing what Sheriff Luo Li said, Luo Su raised his hand and pulled up the curtain next to him.

At this time, in the lobby of the police station, the leading officer from the Los Angeles Police Department took out his cell phone and was talking to someone.

<divclass="contentadv">If Luo Su guessed correctly, the call Chief Luo Li made just now should have worked.

"Dudu, dudu."

Before the police officer outside could finish the call, the landline phone in front of Lori rang again, "Hello? What? Christian is here?"

"Damn it."

Sheriff Lori, who thought the problem could be solved directly, now had an even bigger headache. His call just now seemed to have no effect. Instead, Captain Christian of the Los Angeles Police Department rushed over in person.

Since the captains of the Los Angeles Police Department are coming, of course Lori doesn't need to contact anyone else. He stood up and was about to walk out of the office, "Let's go out."

After Luo Li said this to Luo Su, he took out a Glock 19 from the drawer on his left hand and put it in the holster on his waist.


Luo Su's eyes twitched when he saw this scene. Is it possible that there is really going to be a big one today?

Tomorrow's headline in Los Angeles will be the Long Beach Police Department versus the Los Angeles Police Department?


Sheriff Lori pushed open the door and walked out. Luo Su, who was behind him, was not idle either. He put his right hand on Colt's waist to prevent people from the Los Angeles Police Department from shooting.

Although shooting is only a last resort, for the sake of your own life safety, it is still necessary to strike first.

When Luo Su walked out of the Sheriff's Office, Cole, who was leaning next to the door and was considered a participant in this emergency, glanced at Luo Su and Lori's hands on their waists and was immediately startled, " What's wrong with you? Do you want to take action?"

Cole was actually very panicked inside. He would hide behind Luo Su when he usually fired. This kind of possible close-range fire really scared him a bit.

"Don't worry, it's okay."

Luo Su stretched out his left hand and patted Cole's shoulder. The boy was still trembling.

Deputy Sheriff Williams, who was on the other side at this time, also noticed Cole's change at this time, and his expression suddenly became unhappy.However, Cole was a good friend of his nephew Luo Su after all, so although he was dissatisfied in his heart, he still did not reprimand Cole in public.

"There is an alarm!"

"There were gunshots coming from the mission school, and the school police are asking for backup."

Just when officers from the Los Angeles Police Department and the Long Beach Police Department were at war with each other, a female police officer suddenly ran up from one side of the corridor of the police station and shouted to everyone.


The sudden police situation made the two sides in the confrontation relax a little. Sheriff Luo Li turned around, looked at Luo Su and Cole and said, "Luo Su, lead the team over."

"it is good."

Luo Su nodded slightly and slapped Cole with his left hand again, "Let's go."

After Luo Su finished speaking, a dozen police officers from the Long Beach Police Department acted quickly, pushing past the Los Angeles police officers blocking the gate and heading straight for the police car.

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