Chapter 19 Shock and Deterrence



Arturo gasped heavily and nodded slightly, responding to Luo Su's question.

However, Luo Su was not satisfied with Arturo's simple answer, "Weren't you good at talking just now? Why, you can't now?"

"Officer Luo Su, are you going too far by doing this?" Ismael Santos couldn't stand it anymore. Luo Su broke into the bar and opened fire like this. Arturo was not the only one who was harmed. reputation.

If this matter spreads, the reputation of their entire Mexican gang in Long Beach City will be greatly damaged, and they may even withdraw from this area of ​​influence.

"Oh? Has it passed?"

"So do you think a gang member went too far by openly threatening a Long Beach police officer?"

Luo Su leaned on the sofa, raised his head, and looked at Ismael Santos.

When Ismail heard this, he fell silent.

Of course, Ismail knew the content of Arturo Santos' call just now.Because when Arturo and Luo Su talked on the phone before, he sat next to him and listened to the entire conversation between the two parties.

"It seems that you don't think something is right either."

Luo Su chuckled, stood up again, glanced at the situation in the private room, and then continued: "Now, do you understand what I said on the phone? Mr. Arturo?"

At this time, Arturo Santos still didn't reply. He was already frightened and nodded mechanically, which was a response to Luo Su's words.

"What happened?"

"Was it fired?"

Just when Arturo responded to Luo Su, noisy running sounds came from outside the private room. Obviously, it was the young men from the Mexican gang who followed the sound and rushed over.

Perhaps because they heard the gunshots, several members of the Mexican gang who came over had weapons in their hands. Arturo, who was covering his right arm with his hand at this time, finally regained his composure when he saw the gun barrel exposed at the door.

"Mr. Arturo, what's going on?"


Before the Mexican gang member who first stepped through the private room door could clearly see what was going on inside, his right wrist holding the shotgun sprayed out a stream of heat, which splashed directly onto Arturo Santos' face.


The shot in the wrist caused the Mexican gang member to scream immediately, and the shotgun in his hand fell to the ground with a loud bang.

"Long Beach PD, everyone put down your weapons."

"I say it again, everyone, put down your weapons."

Luo Su held a Colt in his left hand and put his right hand on his waist, shouting to the members of the Mexican gang outside the house.

"Fuck you."

Some people always don't like to listen to advice. For example, after Luo Su shouted, another member of the Mexican gang stepped out with his right foot and prepared to enter the private room just as Luo Su finished speaking.


A Colt was taken out by Luo Su again, and at a speed that Ismail next to him could not see clearly, it hit the calf of the person who was raising his leg.

"Ah! My feet!"

After the gunshot, there was another scream.Suddenly, in addition to the singing in the private room, Luo Su's ears were filled with the screams of the two people on the ground.

"Is there anyone else coming in?"

Luo Su inserted the two Colts back into his waist and asked the Mexican gang members outside the house.

The Mexican gang members outside the house were no longer as excited as before. Facing such a powerful Luo Su, they simply did not dare to get close to the door of the private room.

<divclass="contentadv">Arturo Santos inside the room looked dumbfounded, looking at the two wailing members at the door with dull eyes.

‘Can this still happen? ’

'You are so strong. You should have said it earlier. If you had said it earlier, wouldn't I have agreed on the phone? '

Of course, Arturo Santos had no regrets about taking the medicine at this time. Facing Luo Su, who still had his right hand on his waist, he could only wait for the opponent's next move.

"Aren't you going to let your people leave first?"

Luo Su stared in the direction of the door and said to Ismail without looking back.

After a brief contact, Luo Su also knew that Arturo was basically a idiot.If he hadn't had a younger brother, Ismael Santos, the fat guy might not have been able to sit in this position.

"Spread out, drag them both away, and take them to the hospital."

At this time, Ismail no longer had the initial calmness, and his livid face showed that the soul of the Mexican gang in Long Beach City already knew the seriousness of the matter.

Today, they seemed to have messed with someone they shouldn't have messed with.

Under Ismail's instructions, the Mexican gang members outside the house who no longer dared to approach the door came over timidly and dragged out the two people who had been shot at the door.

During this period, of course, the wailing sounds of the two wounded men were also indispensable.

"What about me?" Arturo Santos looked up at Ismail and whispered.

Arturo's meaning was very obvious. He himself was shot, and he was the first one to be shot. He should be sent to the hospital anyway, right?


Luo Su glanced at Arturo Santos and smiled: "You may need to wait a little longer."

"Don't worry, no one will die."

After speaking, Luo Sucai pointed to the two dancers in the corner and said, "You guys get out."

The two dancers, who had been frightened to death, saw that they could walk. They nodded hurriedly and ran towards the door without having time to put on their clothes.

"Remember to close the door."

After hearing Luo Su's words, the two dancers who had run away hurriedly stepped back on the bloodstains on the ground and closed the door to the private room.

Luo Su took a step forward, stepped on the glass table in front of Arturo Sanros with one foot, leaned forward, stared at the leader of the Mexican gang in Long Beach City and said: "Now, what I said can Remember?"

Facing Luo Su's question, Arturo could only nod mechanically, which was regarded as a response to Luo Su.

Obviously, the Mexican gang leader's brain has shut down and he is not able to think about these more complex issues.

"I didn't shoot today, right?"

Luo Su didn't say this to Arturo. He was looking at Ismail, who had been motionless next to him.

"Yes." Ismail nodded and responded.

"Our man accidentally misfired and injured his hands and feet."

Luo Su was very satisfied with Ismail's answer, "Very good, that's true."

After saying that, Luo Su didn't see anyone else. He directly picked up the red wine bottle on the glass bar table and took a sip. "It's not bad. Do you mind if I take it?"

"Officer Luo Su, it's up to you."

Ismail just wanted to send Luo Su away at this time, and as for the rest, it wasn't that important.

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