Chapter 47 Xunzi meets! Innate majestic energy!

"Zhang Liang's explanation is really effective?"

"It really cleared up their confusion!"

Jiang Lin was actually surprised in his heart.

What's going on here?

He asked Zhang Liang to explain, but in fact he just couldn't find the answer to Fu Nian and the others temporarily.

Although Zhang Liang is only the third leader of Confucianism, he should be regarded as a great Confucian.

Originally, according to his plan, Zhang Liang explained it first, and then he got off the slope and echoed a few words.


It should be possible for Fu Nian and the two of them to successfully cultivate the aura of awe-inspiring people and step into the realm of gentlemen.

"So now it's considered... to teach the Dharma on behalf of a teacher?"

Soon, Jiang Lin realized something.

He could feel that as the awe-inspiring aura of Fu Nian and the two gradually gathered, he also received feedback!

At this moment.

Zhang Liang took a deep breath and spoke in a deep voice as if he had made some kind of determination.

"So, I think the two senior brothers were wrong from the beginning!"

"The aura of awe-inspiring people actually allows us to maintain the heart of a gentleman. A gentleman does what he does and what he doesn't do."

"This actually has nothing to do with utilitarianism!"

Some time ago, when he told Fu Nian and Yan Lu about the Qi of Haoran, he had never been so straightforward.

In his opinion, the two senior brothers should have a deeper understanding of Confucianism.

Now, with Mr. Jiang's encouragement, he finally spoke out.

And as his words fell completely.

Fu Nian and Yan Lu were both shocked!

There seemed to be a breeze blowing between the sleeves of their robes, causing their clothes to flutter in the wind.

Invisibly, the same pure aura condensed around the two of them!

That is the aura of awe-inspiring!

At this moment, they all clearly understood!


Jiang Lin sensed the auras of Fu Nian and the two of them, but his eyes narrowed slightly.

"No, there's still a little missing!"

Fu Nian and the two are just one step away from truly condensing awe-inspiring aura and becoming a gentleman!

That seemed like some kind of opportunity...

"Could it be said that Fu Nian and Yan Lu have not yet reached the level of gentleman in Confucianism?"

As soon as this idea appeared in Jiang Lin's mind, he gave it up.

Fu Nian and Yan Luke are clearly the head and second-in-command of the Confucian Little Sage Village!

If we only talk about their attainments in Confucianism, these two men should be higher than Zhang Liang!

Thinking of this, Jiang Lin's eyes moved.

He smiled at Zhang Liang in a positive tone and said, "Zifang, you are right."

The words fall.


Two auras burst out in front of Jiang Lin at the same time!

The momentum is extremely powerful, yet it appears pure and peaceful.

The heaven and earth have righteousness and are endowed with manifolds!

That is the aura of awe-inspiring!

this moment.

Fu Nian and Yan Lu stepped into the realm of Confucian gentlemen at the same time!

They also opened their eyes at the same time, looking at their own changes in surprise.

But soon, they quickly restrained their breaths.

A gentleman should hide his weapon in his body and wait for the time to move.

No matter how curious they were, they would not show off at all.

Every move he made was truly a gentleman!

Jiang Lin couldn't help but smile in appreciation.

"The two of you have solid aura and are worthy of being the gentlemen of the world!"

When Fu Nian and Yan Lu condensed into Haoran Qi, the feedback he received was no less than that of Zhang Liang.

Fu Nian and Yan Lu looked at each other and bowed to Jiang Lin and Zhang Liang one after another.

"Thank you, sir, thank you, Junior Brother Zifang!"

Now that they have truly cultivated this awe-inspiring aura, they have deeply realized the magic within it!

It’s really a bit of awe-inspiring spirit, a thousand miles of joyful wind!

Jiang Lin smiled and said nothing more.

Instead, he seemed to feel something and cast his gaze towards the door.

<divclass="contentadv">The three heroes of Confucianism, Qi and Lu, are indeed beings with amazing talents and unparalleled understanding.

But today's Confucianists still have someone who will have a profound influence on future generations!

Especially after Confucianism truly spread all over the world.

This one is even revered as a saint!

"Hahaha, Mr. Jiang's visit has solved their doubts that have been bothering them for many days!"

At this moment.

A gentle laughter came from outside the door.

Fusu and Fu Nian followed the sound and saw a fresh and handsome old man walking towards them with a smile.

Fu Nian and the others immediately stepped forward to salute.

"Uncle Master."

Jiang Lin knew that the old man in front of him was none other than the famous empress sage Xunzi!

But after actually meeting Xunzi, Jiang Lin had a very strange feeling for the first time.

On the surface, Xunzi looks like an ordinary old man.

But Jiang Lin could feel the awe-inspiring aura surrounding Xunzi.

But that awe-inspiring aura was clearly different from that of Fu Nian and the others!

If the awe-inspiring Qi cultivated by Fu Nian and the others was made up by him and then condensed into substance, it would have magical power of its own.

The awe-inspiring aura around Xunzi seemed to be innate, and everything came naturally.

No need to practice at all!


Even Jiang Lin didn't see any extraordinary performance in Xunzi.

At most, it can be seen. If we only talk about internal strength...

So far, among all the people Jiang Lin has met, no one can compare with him!

Hidden but not revealed!

This is somewhat similar to Donghuang Taiyi's onmyoji skills.

"Mr. Jiang, I have heard of you for a long time, so this is very polite!"

At this time, Xunzi had already walked into the room and greeted Jiang Lin.

But he didn't have any contempt because of Jiang Lin's young appearance.

On the contrary, he looked like he was discussing friendship with Jiang Lin's peers.

Jiang Lin had already stood up and stepped forward to greet him.

"I visited Little Saint Xian Manor rashly without informing me before. I never thought that Master Xun would come in person."

In fact, he still had some doubts in his heart.

He could tell that Xunzi had definitely never cultivated the aura of awe-inspiringness he was talking about.

There is no such thing as a gentleman's state.

However, he could feel the aura of awe-inspiringness from Xunzi.

"It can't be that Xunzi himself has cultivated it long ago, right?"

His mood was a little weird.

I have never heard of Confucianism being related to any realm of cultivation in later generations!

After the two of them greeted each other, Xunzi did not interact with Jiang Lin at all, while beckoning Jiang Lin to sit down.

He walked to the left side of the main seat and sat down.

Da Qin respected the right, which was obviously giving up the higher-status seat to Jiang Lin!

Seeing this, Jiang Lin didn't show any politeness. He was already happy to be on good terms with Confucianism.

This will make it easier for him to teach Confucianism.

"I heard from Zifang earlier that Mr. Jiang's views on this awe-inspiring aura are really refreshing!"

Xunzi stroked his beard with a look of taste.

"The heaven and earth have righteousness, and are mixed and endowed with manifolds!"

"Even I have never thought that the aura of awe-inspiring energy can have such miraculous effects!"

Never thought about it?

Xunzi's body was even richer in the aura of awe-inspiring people than Fu Nian and the other three who had truly cultivated the aura of awe-inspiring people.

How did it come about? !

Jiang Lin felt even weirder.

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