No kidding, I am really Locks’ big brother!

Chapter 28 Who is the black man?

At the same time, the entire Rocks Pirates were shocked by Luo Tian's identity.

On the other side, the IKUN pirates, who had once again sailed on the boundless blue sea, were also roaring and screaming.

"Does Juju actually have a full 20 ​​billion times power?!!! You are worthy of being a captain, it is really enviable!!!!"

Standing on top of the slightly dilapidated warship was a man over four meters tall.

The stupid man, who probably weighed close to 700 to 800 kilograms, could hardly suppress the pride and excitement in his heart when he looked at the newspaper and the reward in his hand.

This tall, muscular man was none other than the first crew member Luo Tian accepted, Mr. Kaido Kai, one of the future four emperors.

Compared to Kaido's excitement, Crocodile, who was sitting aside with a look of grievance, had a bruised face.

When he challenged Luo Tian in the Chambord Islands, he was directly beaten by Kaido, the number one younger brother, in less than 15 rounds, making him unable to recognize himself.

Relying only on the ability of the natural Shasha fruit, he has been invincible since he set out from the South China Sea. Unrivaled, he felt for the first time what it means to have people outside the world, and there is a sky outside the world.

At this time, Crocodile only felt that if he hadn't been very focused on practicing physical domineering while developing his Devil Fruit abilities.

He was really likely to die under Kaido's big stick a few days ago.

Fortunately, at the most critical moment, as the captain, Luo Tian directly stopped the fight between him and Kaido, a pervert.

For no other reason, he has now been forced to join the so-called IKUN pirate group and take over the position of helmsman of Kaido's ship.

Although he was reluctant to accept such a job due to his situation, Crocodile still lowered his noble head in the face of the threat to his life.

After all, nothing is more important than life. Besides, adding such a bounty of 20 Baileys to the captain’s men is not an insult to his face.

At this time, Luo Tian, ​​who was sitting in the warship conference room, was already squinting his eyes and enjoying the massage from Ulan's cold little hands.

Although Ulan, the princess of the Snake Tribe, was not that outstanding in terms of combat prowess, Luo Tian discovered that Ulan was no less sensitive to the weather than those excellent navigators.

Whenever a storm is likely to appear in the sea ahead, Ulan can always predict this in advance and inform his teammates to turn the helm in time.

As for why Ulan has such ability, according to her personal statement, the snake people are actually not much different from snake creatures.

It's just that the upper body retains the appearance of a human being.

As a cold-blooded animal like snakes, Wulan is extremely sensitive to changes in air pressure and temperature, so she can easily sense the possibility of storms and other extreme weather ahead.

After hearing about this awesome ability, Luo Tian immediately thought of Nami, the little cat thief who was the navigator of the Straw Hat Pirates.

Although the opponent's navigation talent is also very strong, compared to Ulan, this is somewhat out of line.

It can be said that Nami's abilities are acquired through talent and learning, but the talents of Ulan and other races are enough to defeat everyone in every aspect.

At that time, if there is a chance to match Ulan with a natural thunder fruit that is standard for navigators. Luo Tian estimated that this princess, who didn't look like a vase, would definitely be able to explode into extraordinary strength.

After all, no matter how you say it, the snake people are a very powerful race compared to ordinary people.

"Where is the black subsystem? Come out and speak!!!"

"Look at my bounty of more than 20 billion beli. Isn't it awesome? Such a high amount should be enough to complete the task with full marks, right?"

"Hurry up and give me a reward, or just change my ability to 4 or 6. It's too easy to expose my secrets to 5 or 5."

Several minutes passed after Luo Tian kept shouting and cursing. A familiar and friendly music melody finally sounded in his mind again.

[Ding~ It’s the first time I’m going to be like this... No matter how much I try to deny it, it’s just because you’re so beautiful...]

[Ding ~ Congratulations to the host for completing the phased mission. The completion of this mission is three stars. The mere 20 billion bounty of the Kuroko host is really too low~]

Luo Tian quietly listened to the entire Tai Mei song sung by the system. With a confused face, he looked at the scene where his mission completion was only three stars.

According to this era, 20 million beli is already considered a great pirate. No matter how much you say, his billion bounty is an unrivaled overlord level.

How come you have reached this black sub system and your mouth has become Cai Kun level?

However, before Luo Tian could open his mouth and complain angrily about the black subsystem's deprivation of rewards, a continuous but catchy nonsense literature directly surrounded him in place.

[Ding~ Host, I know you are anxious, but don’t be anxious yet. I also know you are angry, but don’t be angry yet. There is a reason for the three-star rating this time. As for how to find this reason? We can do this... let’s just say it... that’s what it means... everyone understands it, and there’s no need to continue talking about those who don’t understand~ That’s it~]

"Xiao Heizi, where are you on horseback?"

"Before I traveled through time, I had to listen to the farts of school leaders and bosses. Now that I have traveled through time, I still have to listen to your nonsense!!! Then didn't I travel through time in vain?"

[Ding~ Only the true Ai Kun can be recognized by this system. Even those little black guys who have traveled through time will not be able to obtain the protection of Emperor Kun! ! ! 】

Luo Tian, ​​who was full of resentment, started fiercely yelling and yelling at the Heizi system bound to him in his mind.

The discussion and scolding between the two always revolved around the ultimate problem of who is the true fan.

After all, Emperor Kun has fallen, and those who can still continue to support and follow her are the apostles who witness the dusk. Only such people can become true true fans.

And Luo Tian thinks that the hundreds of pictures of chickens in his photo album can definitely be regarded as the number one true fan follower.

With this first-hand evidence, Luo Tian rebuffed the Heizi System's words on the spot, and finally received his mission reward as he wished.

[Ding~Congratulations to the host for completing the system task, the task rewards are now distributed~]

[Ding~Congratulations to the host for getting a Dark Annihilation·One Hit Kill experience card~]

[Ding ~ Congratulations to the host for getting the strengthening potion, a bucket of fish-human constitution potion~]

[Ding ~ Congratulations to the host for obtaining the skill card and 100% ability to catch the white sword with bare hands~]

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