The King of Loose Cultivators

Chapter 151 Chasing and Killing 2

It is also a right choice to ask the master to come out. Otherwise, such endless pursuit is very annoying. It will be really difficult for him to deal with a few more Nascent Soul stages. He thinks that the next time he encounters a crisis, he will definitely kill the teacher. Please come out and destroy this sect.

After several people had eaten, Wang Wei took one person and one beast into the space.

He said, "You still can't stay with me, so you should go into space."

Entering the space, Xuangui said angrily, "What did you two do? Did you go drinking with the master? The master was not interested enough and he didn't invite me."

Lao Hei said, "Old bastard, you are unwilling to move. The master has opened the door and asked us to get out. Who are you blaming if you don't move?"

In fact, he was not moving at all, but his movements were a little slow. When Leng Bing and Lao Hei left the space, before he could move, Wang Wei closed the space, knowing that he was a quiet person, so he used this to attract After hearing some complaints from the old turtle, Wang Wei seemed to feel something and turned around and entered the space.

He said to Lao Xuan Turtle, "Don't worry, you will have a share in it every time I ask them to come out. It's just whether you want it or not."

Wang Wei made some further inspections around him. He was mainly here for business. There was a shop in the southwest corner of the city that said foreign exchange. Wang Wei only used hundreds of thousands of spirit stones. Just take down that store. In fact, Wang Wei has no shortage of spiritual stones. He now has several million spiritual stones stored in the space. What he has earned from running a shop in these years, even the millions he got from that mine, is a huge sum. After spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on a temporary basis, he began to make some reforms to the store, put up some small advertisements, and put up discount signs. Then he bought two more places in the city center. He thought that since he wanted to do something, he had to go bigger. , for example, the store he bought in the city center was more expensive, costing him nearly half a million spirit stones, but yesterday he got five storage bags, and bought two stores that he couldn’t use. One of the stores, Wang Wei gave it to Lao Hei handed over the shops in the city center to Leng Bing and Xuan Turtle, because he had no one available now, so he had to capture them to fill the gap.

Wang Wei thought that he had to make friends with people from the sect, otherwise he would not have the patience to ask him to manage these shops personally. Two months later, he sent a teleportation talisman to the people in the small sect, and the people in the small sect received the teleportation talisman. After using the teleportation talisman, they also rushed to Baiye City in the west near the sea. This time, the small sect sent another twenty people. The small sect may have received a sweetener. These shops have brought a lot of trouble to the small sect every year. Philippine income.

The small sect is also upgrading to the second level sect, because the pockets are full of spiritual stones, which has accelerated the development of the small sect. It has now grown to more than 1000 disciples, but it is still far away from the big middle sect. With 1000 people, they are still a small sect. Wang Wei then handed over the shop to the people from the small sect to take care of it. The people from the small sect would take care of the shop directly for him. He was relieved because the people from the small sect were sincere enough and the leader of the small sect was also sincere. Wang Wei felt that the sect leader was a person worthy of friendship.

He said to the people of the small sect, "When you see the sect master in the future, express your gratitude to him. Although you have received income, it is your sect's efforts that are inseparable from the contributions of your sect's people. I am very I want to teach him this friend”.

The man looked at Wang Wei strangely and said, "Aren't you already friends?"

Wang Wei nodded and said, we are already friends, but friends may be far or near, and relatives may be strong or weak. From now on, I have decided that this friend of your sect will be the kind of confidant."

The people from the small sect nodded inexplicably, "Just say that I will tell you when I see the sect master."

Since the teleportation array saved a lot of unnecessary trouble, Wang Wei did not travel during this period, so he just wanted to go out and swim around. I have said it several times in the book, he is an active person, If you tell him to stay in one place, his life will be worse than death.

That day he came out of the city and headed to the west of the city. He looked at the map and found that there was a smaller city called Zheye City in the west of the city. He didn't know why it was named this. He came there in two days. Real estate city, I found that this real estate city is as big as a small town and has no development prospects. Although he wants to open shops in every corner of the city, or every corner of the land, some small cities cannot develop, but it I still bought a shop in that real estate city. The people from Zhongmen were summoned, and several people ran the shop for him. Facts have proved that after many years, the shops in this small town are doing well and have brought him very considerable income.

Because when he left the city, he discovered that someone was following him. He didn’t know why the group of people just followed him without taking action. When he left the property city and was traveling, the group of people surrounded him. There were three Nascent Souls who came. Expectedly, Wang Wei was actually standing opposite Wang Wei. At this time, Wang Wei had already held the communication talisman in his hand. He really wanted to crush the communication talisman this time. In an instant, he crushed the communication talisman into pieces, golden light Floating into the air, within a few breaths, the clouds in the sky tore apart, and a person fell from the sky. The old drunkard appeared in front of Wang Wei with a slovenly appearance and a wine gourd hanging on his waist. Wang Wei bowed. Master Earth's young apprentice was being polite, but the old drunkard knew that he would never call him out unless it was a last resort. This apprentice was quite qualified, and he was very satisfied.

The old drunkard said to the three Nascent Soul Stage monks, "Are you tired of living? Who is your sect leader? I will destroy your sect first today."

Wang Wei said, "He wanted to seize my textile market and kill me. During this period, he sent several groups of people and I killed them all. This time he sent three Nascent Souls to attack and kill me. They have refused to change despite repeated admonitions. First Not to mention destroying his sect, it would be better to give me a warning to his sect leader first. I am doing some business in another world, so it should be smooth."

The old drunkard knew what his disciple meant, so he said that he would wait until I took care of these bastards. The old drunkard just waved his hand and the three Nascent Soul monks fell to the ground without any mercy at all. To kill someone, slap him in the face with your hand.

said the old drunkard. "What sect is trying to occupy your textile market? Wang Wei said it was the Tianyuan Sect Leader of Tianyuan Continent who started it."

"Then let me accompany you to Tianyuan Sect."

It only took a few teleports to arrive at Tianyuan Sect. This distance was only one step away from a god. No teleportation array was needed. When he landed in front of Tianyunzhong Sect, a man's golden light flashed and he appeared on the second floor. In front of the person, the two of them saw that this was also a monk in the Nascent Soul stage.

The old drunkard said, "I want to see your sect master."

He just stretched out his hand and threw the Nascent Soul disciple to his chest, covered his head with his hand, and began to collect the soul. Within a few breaths, he threw the Yuanying disciple to the ground, and the Yuanying disciple was useless. , the old drunkard did not say anything, and took Wang Wei directly to the highest peak of the sect. At the highest peak, the old drunkard destroyed all the buildings on the highest peak with just one palm, and the disgraced old sect leader came out.

When he saw the old drunkard, he said, "Who are you and why do you want to destroy my sect?"

Lao Jiugui said, "Don't you know the reason for destroying your sect? You seized my disciple's textile market and sent people to hunt him down. Even after telling you, you still refuse to change your ways. Today I am here to avenge my disciple." !

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