Mortal's journey to immortality

Chapter 681 Yang Kelin

Wang Lu looked at the female cultivator coldly and mercilessly. He would not tolerate the slightest pity for the opponent who wanted to kill him. Even if the opponent was a woman, he would still kill him.

Compassion for the enemy is cruelty to oneself, leaving only disaster.

He has always adhered to the principle of cutting the grass without uprooting it, and the spring breeze will revive it.

The golden light of the sky-supporting rod was bright, and it faintly exuded an astonishing heaviness. Just when he was about to send the female cultivator to the point of no return, her gentle words of begging for mercy came to his ears.

"Fellow Taoist, please stop for now and listen to me, can you?"

Wang Lu silently put down the sky-supporting stick, and immediately turned into a hair and flew into his hair.

When the female cultivator saw this, her pretty face relaxed. However, just as she relaxed slightly, she suddenly became shocked.

The man in his eyes disappeared!

When she was shocked and about to defend herself, Wang Lu's iron-like right hand had already pinched her delicate and tender neck, and it was easy to twist it off with just a move of his knuckles.

At a speed close to his own transcendent limit of 760 feet, Wang Lu took advantage of the female cultivator's slight daze to capture her in a flash.

Faster than thunder and lightning, as fast as lightning and stone fire.

Many great monks in the later stages of Nascent Soul do not have this speed, and are far inferior.


Yang Kelin had never encountered such a great fear that life and death depended on each other in just one thought. Tears fell from the corners of her eyes like beads, and she let out a low cry of extreme grievance and fear.

"Put away your tears and scream again, and I will tell you to die in peace."

Wang Lu shouted without any emotion.

Hearing the violent words at first, Yang Kelin was so frightened that her body suddenly became limp and she fell directly towards him like mud.

Wang Lu had quick eyes and quick hands. He pointed out and stepped aside, letting her collapse and choked silently.

After a while, as if she had dried up her tears and vented her sorrow, Yang Kelin wept intermittently.

Because Wang Lu blocked her magic power with a special method, at this moment, she was like a frail woman, sitting up with difficulty, looking at him with red and swollen eyes, and spoke unwillingly: "Your Excellency is brilliant in his methods and has extraordinary strength. I am convinced of my defeat, my life is in your hands, whatever you want, just take it."

"Hey, you and I both know what you want. If you don't reach the inner circle, you will definitely die when the thirty-year period is up. This is an iron law and cannot be broken. However, there is only one person who has entered the inner circle. A year and a half ago, he died I saw every move you made at that time, and I can’t blame you. It’s a matter of life and death. For your own sake, no one is spared, not even me. In this case, I can only kill you. Only then can we step into the inner circle.”

Wang Lu's words were like a sharp blade, hurting as if her flesh was being cut off with a knife.

Yang Kelin burst into tears silently.

Death is not terrible. What is terrible is knowing that you are going to die but being unable to do anything about it.

"Life and death are determined by destiny, go ahead and hit my fatal point so that I can walk less embarrassedly. After death, if fellow Taoist has the opportunity to go to Northern Xinjiang, please take my body back to Wangyou Valley in Northern Xinjiang. If my senior brother It's still there, just give it to him. This is my only wish. For this, I am willing to offer all my treasures as a reward."

"Take you back and let them avenge you. It's wishful thinking. However, you have recognized my daring nature. I agree to this matter."

Wang Lu didn't seem to take "Forgetting Worry Valley" seriously at all, and sneered.

He still knew something about Northern Xinjiang, but he had never heard of where the Wangyou Valley was.

Northern Xinjiang is so big and small, so it is normal not to know.

"I won't kill an unknown person. Let me tell you about your origin. I have also traveled in Northern Xinjiang and know a lot about myself. However, I know nothing about the Valley of Forgetfulness in your words. What you say next may be, It's not impossible to save your life." Wang Lu's calm words were like fireflies in the darkness, allowing her to see a glimmer of light.

Yes, after escaping from the northern Xinjiang to the South China Sea, the Chuhai Sect not only did not block the entrance to the sea, but the old man from the deep sea who had seen the dragon but never saw its head and tail even saved his life, so that he could encounter the fire sea pig and escape.

If this woman were a disciple of the Chuhai Sect and received great kindness from Heaven, I would let her go.

As for the established fact that only one person has stepped into the inner circle, although it cannot be changed, because Xue Tong is successful, he has vaguely seen some things hidden in the fog. It is extremely difficult to bring someone in, but there is still a slight possibility.

He is by no means a kind-hearted person. Anyone who wants his own life, no matter whether she is charming or beautiful, is a beautiful girl in his eyes.

However, except Sun Xue.

Yang Yunlin said faintly: "The Valley of Forgetting Worry is located in the endless swamp in the far west of Northern Xinjiang. There are only four people there: master, master's wife, senior brother and me. Master and master's wife withdrew from the world of immortality five hundred years ago for some reasons that I don't know. With the acquiescence of the Heavenly Toad Clan in the Endless Swamp, we found the Wangyou Valley with its extraordinary aura. In order to pass on the mantle, Master and Master thought for a long time and decided to accept one successor each and teach us their respective "Unsolved Formation Diagram". My senior brother and I were abandoned babies living in the world. My senior brother entered the world fifty years before me. After receiving the true biography, he left the world a hundred years before me. I left the Valley of Forgetting Worry more than a hundred years ago and officially entered the world of immortality."

She paused for a moment and continued: "One more thing, fellow Taoist, please rest assured. Master and Master have made it clear that if my senior brother and I fall outside, they will not seek revenge. They also said that everyone has his own way, and outsiders It is impossible to intervene, let alone interfere.”

Ruoyou glanced at Wang Lu with a vague look: "Since I was a child, Wangyou Valley has given me the greatest love and tolerance. Even if I die, I will bury my bones here. This is the whole origin of me, Yang Kelin."

Wang Lu frowned. In less than five hundred years, the two masters had trained her brother and sister into middle-stage Nascent Soul monks. Although it was not common, there were some. This was one of them.

Secondly, you must know that there are only four masters and disciples in Wangyou Valley, and the resources for cultivating immortals are very scarce. Even if the two masters and their wives have prepared a large amount of spiritual materials and pills for them, this will require a huge sum of spiritual stones. To describe it as huge is no exaggeration.

Furthermore, the Endless Swamp was once used as a retreat for "him to avenge his master's sect", and he knew it in detail. Where had he heard of the "Tian Toad Clan"?

If what Yang Yunlin said is true, then the Tian Toad clan must be extremely hidden and not trivial. From this, it can be seen that the strength of the two masters and masters has reached the pinnacle of this world.

In the end, Yang Yunlin actually entered Taoism through formations. The "Unexplainable Formation Diagram" sounded somewhat mysterious.

Hey, it was precisely because she majored in formations that Wang Lu firmly decided to "save her life."

That's the point.

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