Mortal's journey to immortality

Chapter 4 Apprenticeship and Leaving Home

Wang Hao listened to Qiu Huaren's story. Although he didn't know what it meant, he knew that this was the only opportunity that could change Wang Lu's life.

He took a deep look at his son, picked up the cigarette rod and started smoking.

Zhang Yan ran out immediately when she heard Wang Hao's shout in the restaurant. She also heard Qiu Huaren's narration just now. She was so confused for a moment that she didn't know what to do.

"Is the food ready? Later I will make braised goat meat for Qiu Shenxian to try."

"Okay, daddy's braised lamb is the best!"

Wang Lu jumped up with excitement when he heard that his father was going into battle in person.

Zhang Yan was startled when he saw the goat appearing out of thin air in front of him, as if he didn't believe his eyes.

She didn't know whether she was happy or something else, but her own path would be completely different from theirs.

Wang Hao took his wife and children to the shack to collect the goats, while Qiu Huaren walked to the courtyard and meditated silently.

A question has always troubled him. According to common sense in the world of immortality, a couple without spiritual roots cannot have a child with such good spiritual roots. The best in history is just three spiritual roots.

He suddenly laughed hoarsely, wondering why he was thinking so much. God should have taken pity on his Six Talisman Sect and allowed the Six Talisman Sect to continue to pass on.

Besides, records are meant to be broken. If the way of heaven is lacking, then Wang Lu’s twin spiritual roots are not enough.

Thinking that he only has the Six Talisman Sect now, he still clearly remembers the scene more than a hundred years ago when his junior brother stole the Six Talisman Book and then led the demonic Chen Xue Sect to attack the sect, causing the sect to be destroyed and he was left alone.

His heart was as sharp as a knife, and he was bound to take revenge.

Over the years, he has been hiding in Tibet, looking for successors. Many talented people have been picked up by various major sects. The rest have either four spiritual roots, mixed spiritual roots, or people who accidentally learned that they have three spiritual roots when they are older. .

His qualifications are average, with just three spiritual roots. His path to immortality in this life has basically come to an end. He has accumulated the resources that his master left for him until he reached the late stage of foundation building. There is no way forward. He just wants to be a master. If I find an excellent successor, I can't ask for anything more.

When Wang Lu was chasing the mountain rabbit and encountered the colorful python, the spirit detecting talisman on his body suddenly moved. He understood that Wang Lu had spiritual roots. Then Wang Lu was stunned with fright. He thought that this child had poor adaptability, but Then Wang Lu stood resolutely behind Wang Hao and his determination to never give up moved him.

In the world of immortality, there are intrigues and deceptions, and there are too few sincere sons like Wang Lu, so he saved Wang Hao and the other two, and then he came up with the idea of ​​accepting a disciple.

When the spirit-testing talisman showed that Wang Lu had the dual spiritual roots of earth and wood, he was so happy that he was so ecstatic that he decided to hand over the mantle of the Six Talisman Sect to this ten-year-old boy.

Those with dual spiritual roots are the backbone of many large sects, and even more precious core disciples of small sects. As long as there are no accidents or deaths during the cultivation process, the lowest level starts at the Golden Core stage, and that person has a lifespan of 500 years. Master of cultivating immortals.

He wanted to take Wang Lu back to the Six Talisman Sect just like this, but when he thought about the scene of the thin Wang Lu Wangshu fighting with the colorful python, he decided to be honest with him, and that was how he had the previous conversation.

An hour passed, it was getting late, the night sky was falling, and the autumn wind blew a chill.

In the stone pot in the main room, the goat meat is steaming hot, and the mutton soup is thick and tender red. It is mixed with dozens of red sansho peppers and unique mountain fragrant leaves, exuding an intoxicating fragrance. There are several dishes placed on the wooden table. Side dishes unique to the mountains and a plate of fried beans.

Wang Hao opened a pot of rice wine from the cellar, poured it for Qiu Huaren, poured it for Zhang Yan, and filled it for himself.

He picked up the bowl and said to Qiu Huaren: "Wang Hao and his family are grateful to the immortal for saving their lives. Your great kindness cannot be repaid. Please drink this bowl of wine."

When you're done, drink it up.

"Uncle Qiu, Mom said children can't drink. I'll drink tea and you drink. I'll drink with you when I grow up. Is that okay?"

At this time, Wang Lu, who was sweating after eating, said timidly to Qiu Huaren while holding some crude tea.

"Okay, uncle, drink, let's do it."

After Qiu Huaren finished speaking, he picked up the porcelain bowl with a smile and clinked the cups with Wang Lu.

"Good wine, good wine."

After drinking, he laughed.

Wang Hao kept toasting, while Zhang Yan kept putting mutton into Wang Lu's bowl with a smile. Looking at her son who was eating with gusto, she couldn't help but want to cry.

"Mom, that's enough, that's enough. You, Dad, and Uncle Qiu should also eat more. I'm so bloated that I collapsed."

Wang Lu wiped the bright red mutton fat from his mouth and put a large piece of mutton into Zhang Yan's bowl with a smile.

The guests and hosts enjoy themselves.

"Yan, keep your voice down and stop crying. Lu'er has his own way to go. We should be happy."

"Hmm, um... Wu, Wu, Wu..."

Early the next morning, Wang Hao and Wang Lu came outside Qiu Huaren's house. When they were about to knock on the door, the door opened and Qiu Huaren looked at the father and son in high spirits.

"Lu'er, kneel down and kowtow three times to your master."

Wang Lu followed his father's instructions at a loss. He dropped his knees to the ground, threw himself forward, and kowtowed to Qiu Huaren three times with his hands on the ground.

"Good disciple, get up quickly. From now on, you will be my only disciple, Qiu Huaren, and the only successor of my Six Talisman Sect."

The family sat together.

Qiu Huaren said: "I am already two hundred and sixty years old this year. It is my good fortune to meet a good disciple in this Yunwu Mountain. If you don't mind, please call me Brother Qiu."

"The place we are in now is under the jurisdiction of the Xiangxiang Kingdom. The Xiangxiang Kingdom has a radius of hundreds of thousands of miles. The sect above it is called the Blood Po Sect. It rules nine secular countries as big as the Xiang Xiang Kingdom. Like the Blood Po Sect, There are tens of thousands of sects like Zong in the Western Desert. In addition to the Western Desert, there are also the Nanhai, Donghuang, Northern Frontier and Zhongzhou. Each territory is so vast that it cannot be measured in miles."

"Today, I am going to take Luer to a place that is a month away from Yunwu Mountain. It is called Liubi Mountain. It is a gathering place for casual cultivators. It is millions of miles away. So disciple, if you have anything to say, Just tell your parents, otherwise, you will have to wait until you have achieved success in your studies before you can go home."

Qiu Huaren said gently to Wang Lu.

With red eyes, Wang Lu knelt in front of Wang Hao and Zhang Yan, hugged Zhang Yan's legs, and cried: "Father, mother, the baby will definitely come back to see you early, and you must be well."

"Old man, Lu'er will be left to you. Please keep an eye on him."

Wang Hao grabbed Qiu Huaren's hand and pleaded.

"Lu'er, bring these shoes."

Zhang Yan took out a pair of cowhide shoes from the back room to Wang Lu and spoke to Wang Lu with choked sobs.

The three of them couldn't leave each other, tears welled up in their eyes. Wang Lu burst into tears, and Qiu Huaren couldn't bear to look at them.

After a long time, Wang Lu said goodbye to his parents and followed his master in silence on the road in the mountains.

Walking to an open space, Qiu Huaren took off the blue gourd from his waist and said "quickly". The gourd became as big as a small house. He carried the shocked Wang Lu onto the gourd, sat on it and pinched it. According to the formula, the gourd rises in the air and flies away.

Wang Lu stared blankly in the direction of his home, tears streaming down his face for a moment.

Since then, he has embarked on a thorny but extraordinary path to immortality.

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