Time flies by like water, and ten years pass in the blink of an eye.

The little baby who was babbling at that time has grown into a ten-year-old boy.

As the sun sets, gusts of mountain wind are blowing in this village called Bison Village. Once you see wild wormwood and miscellaneous trees swaying in the wind, fallen leaves all over the sky are fluttering in the wind, mixed with scattered smoke from cooking stoves. The weather is getting cooler. , is about to enter late autumn.

"Dad, walk faster, Mom must be impatient. Haha, the prey we hunt today will definitely surprise and delight Mom!"

I saw a little boy with a delicate face and a thin but relatively strong body. He was holding a pheasant in one hand and pulling the clothes of the man with speckled white hair with the other hand, talking happily.

Men are kings, and little boys are naughty and clever kings.

Today is the first time that Wang Hao takes his child into the mountains to hunt. Originally, he and Zhang Yan discussed waiting for two years before taking his son to learn how to hunt. However, this naughty Wang Lu often secretly follows other children in the village. Let's go to the mountains together, lay some small traps, climb trees to dig out bird eggs, and go hunting with weird bows and arrows...

Wang Hao thought that his son would have to learn hunting from him sooner or later, and in the past two years, his and Zhang Yan's health had been slowly declining. While he still had the last prime years left, he decided to hand over the hunting skills to him earlier. he.

Strangely enough, the first time I took the little guy into the mountains, the harvest was much more than before. Not only did I catch a pheasant, but I also caught a small wild pig weighing about thirty pounds. This made the family happy this winter. Lots of extra bacon.

Wang Hao happily shouted to Wang Lu: "Little bastard, don't be too impatient, you will be home soon..."

Before Wang Hao could finish his words, Wang Lu quickly ran along the mountain road towards his home, and passed the mountain col in the blink of an eye.

Wang was so afraid that he would fall that he quickened his pace while carrying the pig on his back. After a while, he saw Wang Lu's figure.

The setting sun has already set, and the faint red clouds in the west have not completely disappeared, dyeing the entire earth with a ray of light red.

The autumn wind blew the bead curtain under the thatched house, making a "ding-dong-dang" sound. Zhang Yan stood at the door, looking a little flustered. Her husband took her son out for hunting for the first time. She just wanted them to get home safely. Don't care about anything else.

"Mom, mother, mother, we are back."

A clear and joyful child's voice reached Zhang Yan's ears, and soon, Wang Lu's figure appeared at the corner of the mountain road.

Wang Lu ran to Zhang Yan's side and kept chattering.

Talking about the hunting scene with my father today, he was very formal and solemn. He said that he would be the pillar of the family and could help his parents...

After a while, Wang Hao also returned home.

It's late at night and everyone is quiet, except for the rustling autumn wind outside the house and the yellow leaves flying all over the sky.

Wang Hao said to Zhang Yan: "Winter is coming soon. There is not much food for winter this year. I plan to take Luer into the forest to try."

Early the next morning, the autumn sun began to rise, and the autumn light was shining brightly. Zhang Yan watched Wang Hao and his son disappear into the mist, and was in a daze.

On the mountain road of Yunwu Mountain, Wang Hao led Wang Lu all the way. As time passed slowly, the fog in the mountain gradually dispersed.

Wang Hao kept telling Wang Lu the characteristics and habits of some animals in the mountains and the names of some trees and flowers along the road.

It would be difficult for a ten-year-old child to remember all these things, but it was easier for Wang Lu.

"Lu'er, what kind of grass is this?"

Wang Hao asked, pointing to a three-inch-long grass on the side of the mountain with six leaves like Jue grass and a purple bud in the middle.

"My child knows that this is called Zifengxin. Use a stone pestle to grind it into a slurry in a stone bowl and apply it on the wound to stop bleeding."

When Wang Hao heard the child's answer, he felt that this boy seemed to be smarter than others of the same age in the village.

He couldn't help but said: "Lu'er, in life, one must not only make good use of one's brain, but also must be diligent in order to achieve something."

"Oh, the child knows it and has told me many times."

After Wang Lu finished speaking, he quickly ran to the front.

The sun slowly moved up the mountain. Looking at the endless Yunwu Mountain, I listened to the stories passed down from generation to generation by the elders: deep in the Yunwu Mountain, there are man-eating monsters that can spit out clouds and mist and fly into the sky to escape. careful.

The father and son continued talking and laughing, and came to the place where the trap was set yesterday. They saw that the tangled branches and leaves were gone. Inside the cave, which was about one foot deep and five feet square, there was a hound-like goat all over its body. It was full of bamboo thorns and struggled desperately, weighing almost a hundred pounds.

"What a big goat."

Wang Lu shouted in surprise.

When Wang Hao saw this, he called Wang Lu behind him. He took out the iron bamboo arrow from his quiver and shot it at the goat. After a few arrows flew down, the goat struggled for a while, but there was no movement.

Wang Hao took out a rope made of mountain vines and tied it to a nearby tree. After tying it, he slowly went down to the mountain goat along the edge of the cave. He hit the fat and strong mountain goat back and forth with his bow. When he saw it There was no response, so they tied the goat's body with the other end of the rope and returned to the ground. They asked Wang Lu to pull it together. The father and son finally pulled the goat up with great effort.

Looking at the fat goats, Wang Lu smiled from ear to ear: "Dad, if mother can laugh at our harvest, she will be very happy. We can finally eat cured mutton during the winter. Ah, dad Look, there’s a big mountain rabbit over there.”

As soon as Wang Lu finished speaking, he picked up his small bow and arrow and chased the mountain rabbit that sprang out from a bush.

The mountain rabbit was gray and white and very fast. With a "swish" sound, a bamboo and iron arrow chased the mountain rabbit. The mountain rabbit heard the sound of the wind and moved its belly. The bamboo and iron arrow hit the mountain with strong force. One of the rabbit's hind legs was nailed to the grass with a patch of leg hair and blood.

When Wang Lu saw this, he whistled excitedly and quickly chased in the direction where the mountain rabbit was injured and escaped.

Wang Hao smiled and shook his head, ignoring the goat and following closely behind his son.

Although the mountain rabbit was injured, it was very tenacious. Dragging an injured leg, it moved very fast. It jumped up and down, choosing to run through deep woods and bushes. In a short while, Wang Lu chased him for more than ten miles.

Wang Hao followed behind and frowned.

Slowly approaching the depths of Yunwu Mountain, he speeded up and wanted to call Wang Lu to stop him, but Wang Lu turned a deaf ear and became childish, so he had sex with the mountain rabbit.

Yunwu Mountain lives up to its name. The further you go, the thicker the gray clouds on the top of the mountain become, and there is also a layer of light mist floating in the mountain.

Panting, Wang Lu chased the mountain rabbit into a jungle with dense trees. He suddenly felt that the surroundings were extremely quiet. He looked carefully, turned around slowly, and was about to run back.

"Lu'er, don't move, don't look back."

At this time, Wang Lu saw his father looking intently, seriously and nervously above his head, with a bow and arrows in his hand.

Two feet above Wang Lu's head, a multi-colored bush that was as thick as a human leg and more than ten feet was wrapped around a horizontal branch. It had a scarlet snake letter in its mouth, and its two green eyes were ferocious and terrifying. It was spitting out a snake letter and was ready to pounce.

Wang Hao's palms were sweating, he was extremely nervous yet calm, and he yelled: "Run to the left."

Although Wang Lu didn't know what was going on, he saw his father's expression and attitude that he had never seen before. Without asking a question, he ran to the left with all his strength.

With a "swish" sound, the bamboo-iron arrow whizzed straight towards the snake's head. About three inches away from the snake's head, a colorful coiled snake's tail instantly appeared on the arrow body. With a swish of its tail, the iron-bamboo arrow flew away diagonally, grazing the snake's head.

Taking advantage of these two breaths, Wang Lu finally ran out of the attack range. When he turned around and saw Wucai Mang's fierce appearance, he was frightened out of his wits and stood frozen on the spot.

When Wang Hao saw that Wang Lu was scared out of his wits, he immediately ran to Wang Lu, threw his bow and arrow at the colorful mang that was crawling over, picked up Wang Lu and ran back to the road.

Wucai Mang easily dodged the bow and arrow, and its excited snake body swung rapidly from side to side, following him like a shadow, chasing after him, and he would catch up in less than ten breaths.

Looking back, Wang Hao suddenly put Wang Lu down and said to him: "Don't look back, run away."

Then, Wang Hao turned around, pulled out a foot-long hatchet from his waist and said to Wucai Mang: "Beast, come on."

Wang Lu recovered at this time, his tears kept flowing, but he did not leave quietly. He clenched his fist in one hand and held a stone picked up from the ground in the other. He stood behind his father, even Wang Hao They didn't even know that Wang Lu was still standing behind him.

The colorful python approached quickly, suddenly rose into the air, and the huge snake body came towards the face with a gust of fishy wind.

Wang Hao took a step forward and missed the snake's head. He slashed at seven inches with his knife. There was a "clang" sound. Sparks flew from the hatchet and the snake's body. Wucai Mang seemed to be enraged. The snake's tail made an incredible spin in the air and slapped it hard. On Wang Hao's body, he was thrown several feet away.


There was an earth-shattering roar. Taking advantage of Wucai Mang's unpreparedness, the stone in Wang Lu's hand hit the snake's eye. Wu Cai Mang was in pain. He dropped Wang Hao and opened his bloody mouth to bite Wang Lu.

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